The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 104 Direct recruitment from Penglai Academy (please subscribe)

Breaking into the top ten in the three-model assessment attracted attention not only from the hundreds of people who were projecting starlight in the assessment hall at this time.

Many people in the entire Serpentis Star began to pay attention to Liang Ji, the ‘dark horse’ who suddenly came forward.

On the Tian Snake Star Network, some information about Liang Ji began to appear in some gambling games set up for the three-model assessment.

Many people logged into the official Star Alliance website to view basic information about Liang Ji and his family members.

Compared with other places, the reaction in Xiu She City, where Liang Ji was born, was undoubtedly more intense at this time.

In Xiu She City, it has been decades since anyone has broken into the top ten in the three-model assessment.

Peng Yue, who has the greatest hope this time, is currently only ranked 11th and has not broken into the top ten.

Unexpectedly, Liang Ji, a dark horse, suddenly appeared and broke into the top ten in one fell swoop, breaking the decades-old record of Snake Repair City.

This is undoubtedly a huge surprise.

The Municipal Council, City Hall, and Municipal Education Bureau immediately took action and sent personnel to contact Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School and went to Liang Ji's home to express condolences to his parents and family.

Even Liang Ji's mother, who is now serving as the 'Spiritual Planter Consultant', the Municipal Agriculture Bureau also sent officials to visit and express condolences, and even made a decision on the spot to convert Liang Ji's mother from a 'Spiritual Planter Consultant' to a municipal agricultural bureau. Regular employees of the Bureau of Agriculture.

Similarly, someone asked Liang Ji's father if he was interested and which department in the city he would go to for training?

However, before Liang Ji's father could speak, the Municipal Inspection Department also sent someone.

Although, since Liang Ji successfully refined his natal star and embarked on the path of star master cultivation, trial, first model, and second model, step by step, his parents have already felt more and more obvious changes and improvements. .

But it is undoubtedly not as impactful as the one at this moment.

They were also paying attention to Liang Ji's third model assessment, and also knew that he had broken into the top ten rankings of Serpentis.

But they obviously did not estimate the value of this top ten ranking.

However, Liang Ji's parents also received basic and spiritual education from the Star Alliance since childhood. After the initial shock and confusion, they gradually calmed down and responded normally.

As for Liang Ji, he still didn't know that his family's 'popular city' was full of people. After he broke through the aboriginal city and seized the 'root of spiritual veins', not even half a day later, the additional question assessment was over.

This time, the three-mode assessment of Serpentis Star has also officially ended.

Liang Ji's ranking was fixed at ninth place on the Serpent Star, while Peng Yue was ranked eleventh.

Thanks to the rankings of the two of them, plus Zhang Liangpu, Lan Yingying, and Yun Lai, they broke into the top thirty, and the other Xiu Snake City Star Master students, and a dozen people broke into the top hundred.

In this third model assessment, Xiu She City also achieved a breakthrough in its performance ranking, ranking twelfth among the seventy-two cities on the Serpent Star.

Compared with what Director Zhang said at the time, the best result in the past thirty years: 32nd place, it has improved by 20 places.

It is undoubtedly a huge improvement and leap, but unfortunately, it is still a little short of breaking into the top ten.

After all, except for Liang Ji and Peng Yue, among the hundreds of Star Master students in Xiu She City who took part in the third-model assessment, none of them even made it into the top twenty, which was really a drag on their results.

However, this achievement is undoubtedly enough to make Director Zhang very satisfied and happy.

After the third model assessment was over, in the hall of the third model assessment, among the many figures manifested by starlight, more than a dozen people immediately came to Director Zhang. Some of them congratulated him and Xiu Snake City, and some were in charge of the school and the school. The teacher of the palace admissions wanted to contact Liang Ji and Peng Yue through Director Zhang.

There are even admissions teachers from schools and palaces who provide direct recruitment quotas on the spot, and propose follow-up training plans, resource support, etc.

Director Zhang also responded with a smile and responded with ease.

Of course, Director Zhang was not the only one gathering in the three-model assessment hall at this time.

In this three-model assessment, there are still many Star Master students who performed well. At this time, the directors of the urban education bureaus who were born from these Star Master students also have more or less people gathered around them.

Many admissions teachers from schools and palaces who came to visit the three-model assessment were among the directors of these municipal education bureaus, issuing invitations for direct recruitment one after another and providing training plans funded by resources one after another.

Before the college entrance examination, I want to recruit as many outstanding and potential Star Master students as possible to my own school and academy.

The Model Three Assessment Hall almost turned into a talent trading market on the spot.

Liang Ji didn't know any of this for the time being.

After the three-model assessment was over, his half-dragon clan returned to his natal star victoriously with the corpses of the sacrificed clansmen and the trophies gained this time.

And Liang Ji's mental consciousness that had been investing in the three-model assessment was also withdrawn.

He is still in the Star Master class at Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School.

The head teacher, Mr. Du, and the principal of the No. 2 Middle School were all here at this time. They saw that the minds and consciousness of the students who participated in the third model assessment were returning one after another.

Their faces were all filled with joy. Teacher Du, the head teacher, stepped forward and said in a loud voice: "Welcome to all students who have returned from participating in the Model Three assessment."

"Here, the teacher wants to tell you some good news!"

"First of all, congratulations to Liang Ji from our class for achieving ninth place in the Serpentis Star in this three-model assessment!"

"Then, congratulations to Peng Yue, our classmate, for achieving the 11th place in the Serpentis Star in this three-model assessment!"

"Finally, because of the efforts of all students, our Xiushe City No. 2 Middle School achieved extremely excellent results in this three-model assessment."

"Among the nearly a thousand high schools on the Serpentis planet, our Xiushe City No. 2 Middle School made a historic breakthrough and obtained the 19th ranking."

Teacher Du, the head teacher, said with a happy face:

"In order to celebrate the excellent results achieved by all students in this three-model examination, the principal, the school, and I decided to double the rewards for this three-model examination. Liang Ji and Peng Yue will also receive generous rewards!"

Listening to the words of the head teacher, Teacher Du, the class suddenly became noisy. Most of them were amazed at the rankings and performance of Liang Ji and Peng Yue. Many students even immediately checked the rankings of the three-model assessment.

Especially for Liang Ji, the dark horse, he was even more amazed. I don't know how many eyes were cast on him.

At this time, the principal seemed to have received a summons, and then shot a starlight outside the classroom.

Immediately, another figure formed by starlight walked in from outside the classroom. It was Director Zhang of the Municipal Education Bureau.

He smiled and congratulated everyone, and promised that the rewards from the Municipal Education Bureau would also be increased for this three-model assessment.

Then, Director Zhang called Liang Ji and Peng Yue and handed them multiple direct recruitment invitations from colleges and universities.

Liang Ji also saw the Starlight Token of Penglai Academy among them.

He also received a direct invitation from Penglai Academy.

Wow, it’s been a long time since I manually selected a VIP chapter to publish, and I almost didn’t find it.

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