The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 105: Continuous solicitation (please subscribe)

"Dragon Calendar is 48,000 years old. In the 913th year of Xi's seventeenth generation, he was summoned by the Emperor of Heaven. Chi's seventeenth generation led 50,000 warriors on an expedition...and returned with 34,000 soldiers."

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, the 17th generation of Xi Xi was leading his tribe to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony for the soldiers who had returned from the war.

The soldiers who died in battle were buried, and their heroic souls were prayed for immortality in the underworld created by the Emperor of Heaven; for the soldiers who returned victoriously, they celebrated their victory and accepted the rewards from the Emperor of Heaven.

On the side, there was a historian from the Half-Dragon Familia, asking for details of the returning warriors, recording the major events of this expedition, and perfecting and continuing the Dragon Soul Tribe's epic.


At this time, a dragon roar sounded. It was emitted by the dragon soul entangled in the natal star when refining resources. It only sounded in Liang Ji's mind and could not be heard by the half-dragon family members.

However, they could see meteors falling from the sky.

The half-dragon family already knew that this falling meteor was a reward from the Emperor of Heaven.

Every time a meteor falls, the land where they live, their tribe, and their people will experience tremendous growth.

‘Xi Seventeenth Generation’ led a group of half-dragon family members to pay homage to the falling meteor, praising the Emperor’s reward.

At this time, Liang Ji's mind was connected with the 'Dragon Soul', observing the meteors falling into his natal stars, which were the 'roots of spiritual veins' that he had just refined and planted.

This kind of treasure can enhance the strength of his natal star's spiritual veins and greatly increase his natal star, as well as the foundation and strength of his family members. Naturally, Liang Ji seizes the time to refine it and plant it into his natal star.

Through the dragon soul, he has been able to sense that the natal stars digested the 'roots of spiritual veins' and gradually began to change.

"The digestion speed is indeed much faster than the demon pill, and the effect is also better."

Liang Ji made some calculations in his mind and found that it would take about three days for his natal star to refine a first-level demon elixir; but this 'root of spiritual veins' should be able to be digested in one day and completely integrated into his natal star. In the spiritual veins.

"The most important thing is that the digestion of this 'root of spiritual veins' does not conflict with the implantation and digestion of the demon pill!"

Liang Ji sighed in admiration, took out another first-order piebald demon snake demon pill, refined it, and planted it into his natal star.

Then, another meteor fell.

The demon pill is like the star lord's natal star and the staple food for the growth of his family, it is indispensable.

The 'root of spiritual veins' is a nutritional feast that can provide the natal stars and dependents with a large amount of energy needed for growth in a short period of time, but it cannot be consumed for a long time.

It's a pity that Liang Ji only has one 'Spiritual Vein Root'. If he can get more, he will definitely be able to catch up with She Yuanjie, Heidi and other top players in terms of the number of half-dragons and the quality of rune equipment before the college entrance examination. Star Master's student 'Tianjiao'.

When the time comes, not only in the Serpentine Star, but also in the entire Star Alliance, he will dare to reach the top.

After observing the changes in his natal stars and the situation of the half-dragons in his family, Liang Ji regained his mind and consciousness.

He has returned home from school and has dealt with the congratulations of many classmates and teachers at school, as well as many distinguished guests at home.

Liang Ji also took some time off from his busy schedule to refine this 'root of spiritual veins' and another demon pill.

After all, in terms of the strength of his natal star's spiritual veins and the number of his dependents, he was already lagging behind many of the star master students' 'geniuses', so naturally he couldn't waste a single second now.

"Xiaoji, your class teacher is here."

At this time, mother came to call again, but another distinguished guest came to the door.

But this distinguished guest is even more special. He is actually his head teacher Du, who just left the school not long ago.

Liang Ji didn't waste any time and hurriedly came out to welcome him.

"Teacher Du, why are you here?"

Liang Ji bowed to the teacher and saw someone following the class teacher, a woman with a gentle temperament.

"This is the vice-principal of Tian She Academy, Ms. Qiao." Teacher Du, the head teacher, introduced to Liang Ji.

"Principal Qiao."

Liang Ji immediately bowed to the other party, thinking deeply in his heart.

He had not paid attention to whether the head teacher, Mr. Du, graduated from the 'Sky Snake Academy', but Teacher Du obviously had a close connection with the 'Sky Snake Academy'.

Liang Ji still remembered that after the first mock examination, his class teacher, Teacher Du, expressed concern because he discovered the mutation of his half-dragon's "Hegemonic Body" and said that he wanted to help him contact the research laboratory of "Tian Serpent Academy" to check it out. .

Now, the vice-principal of the ‘Sky Serpent Academy’ came to visit directly through Teacher Du.

It is undoubtedly more proof of their connection.

As for the purpose of the vice principal's visit, Liang Ji also had a rough guess in his mind.

Sure enough, after the two parties entered the room and exchanged polite greetings, Vice-Principal Qiao of the Heavenly Serpent Academy bluntly stated his purpose: "Classmate Liang Ji, the reason I came here this time is to invite you to join our Heavenly Serpent Academy."

"I know that for an outstanding student like you, the goal of the college entrance examination must be at least a school, or even a star palace. He may not necessarily be able to set his sights on our Tian Serpent Academy."

"But what I want to say is that although the Academy and the Star Palace are good, the competition in them is also very fierce. If you enter them, the resources and training you can get may not be comparable to what our Tian She Academy provides you."

"To show our sincerity, there are still half a month before the college entrance examination. Our Tian Serpent Academy is willing to provide you with fifteen 'roots of spiritual veins' to help you fully improve your natal stars and family members before the college entrance examination, and obtain a Better ranking!”

Liang Ji couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard what the other party said. He was sighing just now that just one 'Spiritual Vein Root' was not enough. He didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, someone would be willing to directly send fifteen 'Spiritual Vein Roots'. Gen', let him refine one a day before the next college entrance examination.

Of course, the premise for this must be that he agrees to join Tian She Academy after the college entrance examination.

There is no need to think about cheating first and then regretting it later.

He was just a Star Master student who had just shown some talent. He was not qualified to fight against the Serpentis Academy, let alone the entire Star Alliance education system.

There is no doubt that such conditions made Liang Ji a little excited.

Vice Principal Qiao of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' also noticed it. A smile appeared on her face, and she took out another document and said: "Not only that, after you join our Tian She Academy, we will also give you the greatest resources. , inheritance support.”

She handed over the document in her hand and said, "You can take a look, it's all listed in detail."

Liang Ji couldn't help raising his hand to take the document.

"Cough." At this time, Teacher Du, the head teacher on the side, coughed lightly, looked at him and said, "Liang Ji, you don't have to make a decision in a hurry. You can think about it for a few days."

Hearing his words, Vice-Principal Qiao of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' couldn't help but glance at him, with a look of reproach in his eyes.

Teacher Du nodded with a smile on his face, as if to apologize.

Liang Ji also reacted, took the document with a smile, and said, "Thank you, teacher, thank you Principal Qiao. I'll take a look at the information first and think about it."

"Well, I'm waiting for your good news." Vice Principal Qiao said, and then added: "But classmate Liang Ji, you'd better make a decision as soon as possible. The sooner you make a decision, the sooner we can provide you with funding. Only then can you better help your natal stars and your dependent family improve."

Afterwards, Teacher Du and Vice Principal Qiao did not stay at Liang's house for long and left.

Less than five minutes after they left, as if there was a tacit understanding, Director Zhang from the Municipal Education Bureau also came to visit with one person.

"Classmate Liang Ji, this is Director Guo, the deputy director of the Admissions Office of Penglai Academy."

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