The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 106 Another choice (please subscribe)

Director Guo of the Admissions Office of Penglai Academy came for the same purpose as Vice-Principal Qiao of Tianshe Academy, which was to recruit Liang Ji to study and practice in Penglai Academy after the college entrance examination.

The conditions given were similar, and they were willing to provide him with fifteen ‘roots of spiritual veins’ before the college entrance examination, fully support Liang Ji in cultivating his natal stars and dependents, and strive for a better ranking in the Star Alliance college entrance examination.

Liang Ji even doubted whether the two families knew each other's conditions in private and had a tacit understanding.

On the contrary, in terms of the resources, inheritance and other benefits provided after enrollment, the documents of Tianshe Academy promise more; while Penglai Academy promises relatively few resources, inheritance and other benefits, but it states that it will provide a larger stage, With more opportunities, Star Master students can strive for more resources, inheritance and other benefits based on their own abilities.

It can be said that Tian Snake Academy and Penglai Academy each have their own advantages, it just depends on Liang Ji's own choice.

If he thinks he has the potential and strength to be a 'Fengtou', he can choose to join Penglai Academy and become a 'Fengtou'.

However, if he does not have the ability to be a 'phoenix head', he can only be a 'phoenix tail' after joining the Penglai Academy; then it is better to join the Tian She Academy and 'rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail'.

Just look at choice and ability.

After seeing off Director Zhang and Director Guo from Penglai Academy, Liang Ji waited again in the living room at home, but no third group of people came to visit.

He couldn't help but smile a little self-deprecatingly, a little distracted, thinking that he could wait for the people from Xinggong.

But in fact, Star Palace has never been short of geniuses and arrogant people. Based on his current achievements and performance, it is obvious that he cannot attract the attention of any Star Palace.

Shaking his head mockingly, Liang Ji lowered his head and looked at the two documents in his hands.

"Do you really have to choose between these two?"

"I'm a little unwilling!"

"But, without the 'root of spiritual veins' supported by the two families, with the number and combat power of my current family members, can I really be admitted to the Star Palace in the college entrance examination?"

Liang Ji was a little skeptical.

In the Star Alliance, there are only nine first-class star palaces, namely: Taishang Star Palace, Taiyi Star Palace, Taihao Star Palace, Kunlun Star Palace, Lingbao Star Palace, Bitter Sea Star Palace, Creation Star Palace, Wanxiang Star Palace, Return to Xingxing Palace.

There are thirty-three star fields under its jurisdiction, and each star field has dozens to hundreds of main stars.

Although Liang Ji was only in the Penglai Star Territory, above the main star of Tian Serpent, he was lucky enough to break into the top ten.

According to some calculations by the entire Star Alliance, there are at least tens of thousands of people in the top ten like him.

However, the total number of star master students recruited by the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance each year may not be a thousand.

The huge gap can be imagined!

Liang Ji's biggest advantage now is that he is a half-dragon from his family, and he has mastered some of the power of the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' in advance at the first level.

However, no matter in terms of the development of his natal stars, the strength of his spiritual veins, the growth and number of his dependents, or even the progress of his own physical training, etc., not only is he still far from the requirements of the star palace, but he is even inferior to many top stars. Main student.

He is now like a barrel. Only one plank is very prominent and long, but the rest of the planks are generally in short supply. These shortages of planks are the key to determining whether he can pass the Star Palace examination.

Liang Ji must find a way to make up for these shortages as much as possible before the college entrance examination in order to have any hope of hitting the star palace.

However, apart from the 'root of spiritual veins' funding provided by Tian She Academy and Penglai Academy, what other ways can he make up for these shortcomings?

Although, this time, in the three-model assessment, he reached the top ten on Serpentis Star. Whether it was the school, the city, or even the Serpentis Star Education Bureau, he would receive a large reward soon.

However, he could also predict that with such a large reward, it would definitely be difficult to buy the 'root of spiritual veins' which was priceless and unavailable on the market.

Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little troubled. He seemed to be facing a dilemma.

When Liang Ji was worried about making a choice, Director Zhang of the Municipal Education Bureau had just sent away Director Guo of the Admissions Office of Penglai Academy. He thought for a while and did not go back. Instead, he went to the city hall to see the mayor.

The mayor of Xiu She City has been held by a member of the Yun family, an established star-lord family in the city, for many consecutive terms. The current mayor also has the same surname of Yun.

"Mayor, have you watched Liang Ji's performance in this three-model assessment?"

Director Zhang asked when he saw the mayor.

"Of course I saw it." Mayor Yun smiled and nodded: "Classmate Liang Ji broke into the top ten on the Serpentis Planet this time, breaking the record that our Snake City has held for nearly seventy years."

"Director Zhang, this shows that your education system has done a very good job over the years!"

"Later, when I give a report to the City Council, I will focus on praising you and propose increasing investment in resources, benefits, and merits for your education system in the next fiscal year."

"Thank you, Mayor. This is what we should do." Director Zhang responded with a smile, and then changed the subject and said: "Mayor, I just sent Director Guo from the Penglai Academy Admissions Office to leave."

"He came to invite Liang Ji to join Penglai Academy after the college entrance examination."

"I also know that just before us, Teacher Du Chengze from No. 2 Middle School also took Vice Principal Qiao from Tian Serpent Academy to see Liang Ji, and he should have been invited to join Tian Serpent Academy."

"But, to be honest..." Director Zhang said this, shook his head and said: "I think it would be a pity for Liang Ji to enter the Tianshe Academy or the Penglai Academy."

"His advantages are very outstanding. What he lacks now is just a little time and a little resources." Director Zhang said solemnly: "If we can make up for what he lacks, classmate Liang Ji will definitely be able to reach the Nine Star Palaces."

Mayor Yun heard this, nodded slightly, looked at him and said: "Director Zhang means..."

"I mean, can we offer him another option?"

"Mayor." Director Zhang looked at the other party at this time and said: "I know that your Yun family has connections and connections in the Wanxiang Star Palace among the nine star palaces. I wonder if I can get one for classmate Liang Ji. Special recruitment quota?”

Upon hearing this, Mayor Yun shook his head and sighed: "Old Zhang, we have worked together for many years. Let me tell you the truth."

"This generation of our Yun family also has children taking the Star Master College Entrance Examination. The quota for the special recruitment of the Vientiane Star Palace has been reserved for Yunlai a long time ago."

"It's definitely not possible to get a second special recruit spot now."

"Alas... What a pity!" Director Zhang sighed when he heard this, but did not give up. He added, "How about our city provide him with resources to help Liang Ji improve these shortcomings before the college entrance examination? Help him to do his best to pass the college entrance examination and the nine star palaces?"

"If it doesn't work, it will be deducted from the resource allocation of our Education Bureau for the next fiscal year!"

"Anyway, these resources, benefits, and merits are all earned by Liang Ji for us."

"If we can really help him succeed in the college entrance examination and reach a higher ranking and a better star palace, our city and our Education Bureau will be truly famous for once!"

"The feedback effect will be higher and better!"

Listening to Director Zhang's words, Mayor Yun was thoughtful and said: "If you want to help, then you might as well help to the end."

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