The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 107 Funding from the city (please subscribe)

The next day, Liang Ji's parents were still immersed in the surprise of him breaking into the top ten of Serpentis in the three-model assessment.

Liang Ji was checking the rewards obtained from this third model assessment.

The No. 2 Middle School of Xiu She City rewarded him with 300,000 low-grade spiritual stones because he ranked among the top ten in the Serpentis Star in this three-model assessment.

Among them, the school will award 150,000 yuan, the principal will award 100,000 yuan, and the head teacher Du will award 50,000 yuan, totaling 300,000 yuan.

Then, the Education Bureau of Xiu She City also fulfilled Director Zhang’s original promise. This time, Xiu She City ranked 12th among the seventy-two cities on the Serpent Star in the third model assessment, and rewarded him with 300,000 low-grade souls. stone.

And then, because he broke into the top ten of the Serpentis Planet this time and broke the record of Xiushe City for decades, the city hall rewarded him with 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Finally, the Tian Serpentis Education Bureau, which organized the three-model assessment, also rewarded him with 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones because of his ninth-place result.

Added together, there are a total of 800,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

This amount of spiritual stones is undoubtedly a huge wealth for Liang Ji, who was panicking after spending more than 10,000 spiritual stones a few months ago.

But now, Liang Ji is holding 800,000 low-grade spiritual stones and searching for information on 'Spiritual Vein Roots' everywhere on the Star Network. He wants to buy a few more 'Spiritual Vein Roots', but he has been unable to find anything effective. information.

In formal trading platforms such as ‘Cornucopia’, you can’t find the sale of ‘Spiritual Vein Root’ at all, but there are some information about buying it.

Among some small websites that did not know whether they were true or false, Liang Ji found some information about the 'root of spiritual veins', but it was also all kinds of strange. Some of the prices were ridiculously low, and some were ridiculously high.

At first glance, Liang Ji felt that it was unreliable.

He is not afraid of buying a problematic 'root of spiritual veins'. With the 'filter' of dragon soul, Liang Ji is sure to refine even if there is a problematic 'root of spiritual veins'.

He was only worried that these were all scammers. Although he was suddenly rich, the fact was that 800,000 low-grade spiritual stones would be a drop in the bucket if used in the cultivation of the Star Lord.

If he is really deceived, it will not only be a blow to his cultivation path, but also a blow to his IQ.

"I heard from dad that there seems to be a new black market opened near Snake Repair City?"

"I wonder if you can buy the 'root of spiritual veins' on the black market?"

In the end, Liang Ji closed several small websites that posted random advertisements, gave up his plan to buy the 'Spiritual Vein Root' on Star Network, and instead started to think about the possibility of buying it offline.

These days, his father seemed to be getting closer and closer to the city inspection department, and he gradually learned some information from some people in the inspection department that was rarely known before.

For example, there is news that a new black market has opened near Snake Market.

Liang Ji thought, this black market is newly opened, there should be some treasures that are "under the box" to open up the situation, right?

Maybe there is a ‘root of spiritual veins’?

As for the goods in the black market, most of which had unknown origins and had problems, Liang Ji didn't care so much at this time.

"Where is this black market? How to get in?"

Fortunately, just when Liang Ji was thinking about how to find out about the black market and was planning to go to the black market, Director Zhang of the Municipal Education Bureau contacted him and asked him to go to the Municipal Education Bureau.

Seeing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but suppress his thoughts and thoughts about the black market for the time being, and prepared to go to the Municipal Education Bureau to check the situation.

When he arrived at the Municipal Education Bureau and met Director Zhang, Liang Ji found that he was not the only one who had been called.

In addition to him, five others, Peng Yue, Zhang Liangpu, Yun Lai, Lan Yingying, and Cao Chanyue, also arrived one after another.

Liang Ji looked back and found that including him, the six people should be the six best performers in Xiu She City in this three-model assessment.

He ranked ninth in the three-model assessment, Peng Yue ranked eleventh, Zhang Liangpu ranked twenty-third, Lan Yingying ranked twenty-seventh, Yun Lai ranked twenty-ninth, and Cao Chanyue ranked thirty-eighth. name.

"Several students." Seeing everyone gathered, Director Zhang smiled and said: "This time in the three-model assessment, thanks to the efforts of all students, our Snake City has achieved twelfth place among the seventy-two cities of Tian Serpent Star. score."

"It also made me quite popular among the education directors of various cities."

"In view of this, our Education Bureau discussed with the city hall and city council and decided that the city will provide some resources and merits to provide financial support and training for the six of you in the next half month until the college entrance examination. "

"I hope you can continue your efforts in the college entrance examination, achieve better results and rankings for our Snake City, and make our Snake City famous in the entire Penglai Star Territory, and even in the entire Star Alliance."

"Do you have any confidence?"

Hearing Director Zhang's words, Liang Ji and others' eyes lit up and they shouted: "Yes!"

"We will do our best to live up to the expectations of the city and the director!"

Director Zhang nodded slightly, looked at the few people, and said, "I believe you know your situation well."

"Peng Yue, Yun Lai, Zhang Liangpu, Lan Yingying, Cao Chanyue, you don't lack resources, what you lack is time to grow."

"Therefore, this time the city will not subsidize your resources. Instead, it will spend its merits to apply for the permission of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' for you, so as to upgrade the time movement on your natal stars to that of first-order stars. The limit is that one day lasts for a thousand years, lasting half a month!"

"I believe that this time span will be enough for you to refine the resources and treasures you need to improve your natal stars and your dependents as much as possible."

Hearing Director Zhang's words, Peng Yue and others showed joy on their faces, and thanked Director Zhang with a bow: "Thank you, Director Zhang, and thank you to the city!"

The Star Lord’s natal stars, the first-order natal stars shrouded in the Star Alliance’s innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array’, can have a maximum time flow rate of up to one thousand years per day.

However, in this case, additional energy from the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' will be consumed, so the Star Alliance generally does not operate at the maximum speed for the first-order natal stars of the first-order star master.

Usually it is maintained at a time flow rate of four to five hundred years a day.

If you want to consume additional energy from the innate spiritual treasure ‘Celestial Star Array’ and increase the time flow rate of your natal stars to the limit, you must apply for and exchange it with the Star Alliance with meritorious deeds.

Merits are rare. This time, Xiu She City City Hall and the Education Bureau are willing to use their merits to support the growth of a few people. It is undoubtedly a support that is far rarer and more precious than spiritual stones and resources.

"And classmate Liang Ji." Director Zhang looked at Liang Ji at this time and said, "Your natal star also has this benefit, and the time flow rate is increased to one thousand a day."

"In addition, in view of your special situation, the city has also decided to provide you with some resource support."

He motioned Liang Ji to step forward and handed him the funding resources, which were five 'roots of spiritual veins' and ten first-order piebald demon snake demon pills.

"Classmate Liang Ji, the city's capabilities are limited and we cannot provide you with fifteen 'spiritual roots' at a time like Tian She Academy and Penglai Academy do. We can only provide these."

Liang Ji looked at it but couldn't hide his excitement. He took the 'Root of Spiritual Vein' and the demon pill, bowed to Director Zhang, and said: "Thank you, Director Zhang! Thank you to the city!"

"The college entrance examination, I will never let you or the city down!"

Director Zhang reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Just do your best, don't put too much pressure on yourself, practice is long-lasting, and you don't have to compete for temporary success."

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