The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 108: Going all out to sprint for the college entrance examination (please subscribe)

With the city's funding, Liang Ji no longer has to choose between Tian Snake Academy and Penglai Academy, nor does he need to risk going to the black market to search for the 'root of spiritual veins'.

With the city's funding, he has the right and possibility to make another choice, which is to go all out in the college entrance examination and attack the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance.

Now there is still half a month before the college entrance examination. For himself and to live up to the expectations of the city, Liang Ji must try his best to improve himself, his natal stars, and his family members in the next half month, make up for his shortcomings, improve his strengths, and do his best. Sprinting for the college entrance examination.

At home, relatives from both sides of the family came to contact Liang Ji's parents and proposed to hold a celebration banquet to congratulate Liang Ji on his excellent score of ninth in the Serpentis Star in the three-model examination.

Liang Ji directly rejected him on the grounds that he was rushing to take the college entrance examination, so all the celebrations would have to wait until after the college entrance examination.

Naturally, his parents fully supported him. Not only did they refuse the celebration banquet, but they also helped him block all the relatives and friends who came to visit, so as to prevent these troublesome relationships and chores from disturbing his practice.

The school and the city also know that the next half month is a critical time for them to improve themselves and prepare for the college entrance examination, so they have also canceled or postponed some unnecessary activities until after the college entrance examination.

Families, schools, and the city all provide them with the best environment for improvement and sprinting. The next step is up to them.

Liang Ji observed his natal stars, and the speed of time in them had been increased to the limit, reaching a thousand years a day.

Under such conditions, the speed of digestion and integration of the planted 'roots of spiritual veins' and demon pills is doubled.

On the 'Starlight Treasure Mirror', Liang Ji's natal star spiritual vein strength has been increased from the first level (22%) before the third model to the first level (25%).

This is the natal star, which digests the 'root of spiritual veins' that he refined.

A 'spiritual vein root' increases the first-level spiritual vein strength of the natal star by 3%, and the effect is three times that of a demon pill.

Seeing this, Liang Ji immediately took out another 'root of spiritual veins' and sent it into his natal star.

With a dragon roar, the dragon soul refined it and then planted it into the stars.

The city funded him five 'roots of spiritual veins', which was more than enough to refine in half a month.

In addition, with the current flow of time in the natal stars, the time it takes him to refine a demon pill has been shortened by more than half, which is enough for him to refine 9 to 10 first-level demon pills in half a month.

After a little calculation, Liang Ji could conclude that before the college entrance examination, if nothing unexpected happened, his natal star spiritual veins should be able to increase to at least the first level (50%).

It is equivalent to the cultivation of first-order stars, half completed.

The first-level (50%) spiritual vein strength can give birth to up to 500,000 half-dragons of the family clan, and it is enough to greatly improve the basic physical fitness of half-dragons.

It can be said that this is already a quantitative basis that is enough to catch up with most of the top and proud star master students.

Next, what Liang Ji needs to do is to increase their combat power as much as possible based on the 500,000 half-dragon family members.

First of all, he needs to increase as much as possible the awakening bloodline, spiritual intelligence, and advancement rate of the half-dragons in the family clan to the first level.

Otherwise, if only 100,000 of the 500,000 half-dragon dependents advanced to the first level, 400,000 would be unawakened zero-level half-dragons.

Then when he takes the college entrance examination, the number of half-dragon warriors he can send is still less than 100,000. Compared with the top and most talented Star Master students, he is naturally far behind in the number of dependents, which is not conducive to his sprint for the college entrance examination. Nine star palaces.

If you want to increase the awakening and advancement rate of the half-dragons of the Familia, you need to improve it from three aspects: environment, food, and education.

In terms of environment, first of all, the strength of the spiritual veins of the natal stars continues to increase, the concentration of spiritual energy continues to increase, and the source of the stars also continues to improve, which in itself can gradually increase the probability of the Yunsheng's family members to awaken and advance.

Secondly, in addition to the environment of the stars themselves, it is necessary to improve the growth environment among the dependent tribes.

This requires the creation and improvement of various life-related inheritances.

Spirit builders, spiritual planters, spiritual pastors, spiritual cooks, earth masters, spiritual doctors, etc. These are the life inheritance that Liang Ji has refined into his natal stars and passed into his family members.

But it's not enough. Now he has a wealth of 800,000 low-grade spiritual stones. He can spend a lot of money to buy various life inheritances, integrate into the half-dragons of the family, improve the environment for the growth and growth of half-dragons, and thereby increase their growth. The rate of awakening and advancement.

Spiritual brewing, clothing making, fish herding, gardening, musicians, pottery, Feng Shui, spiritual burial, water control, military smelting, fortune telling, etc., the thirty-six lines of life inheritance that are widely circulated in the market, Liang Ji this time will Complete all.

The price of each type of life inheritance ranges from one thousand to five thousand low-grade spiritual stones, and it cost him nearly one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones in total.

With abundant and complete life inheritance, various professional talents are cultivated among the half-dragon family members, providing a better growth and living environment for the half-dragon family members, from birth to death.

These continuously improving and improving growth and living environments can gradually increase the rate of awakening and advancement of half-dragon family members.

Outside of the environment is food. The more abundant, energy-rich and highly nutritious food resources there are, the more they will undoubtedly promote the growth of the half-dragons and increase their chances of awakening and advancement.

In fact, in order to meet the requirements of the half-dragon bloodline magical power of the Familia clan, "big and small", Liang Ji had already deliberately added a large number of spiritual roots and spiritual beast bloodline spiritual seeds that were rich in energy and nutrients in the natal stars.

But it is obviously no longer enough.

On the one hand, as he continues to refine the 'roots of spiritual veins' and demon pills into his natal stars, the strength of the spiritual veins in the stars increases, and the size, volume, area, etc. of his natal stars are also constantly growing and getting larger.

The originally abundant food resources, spiritual roots, spiritual beast bloodline and spiritual seeds, etc., will appear more and more sparse and thin when distributed among the increasingly larger stars.

On the other hand, the increasing number of half-dragons in the Familia clan, the continuous improvement of their basic physical fitness, and the continuous strengthening of the bloodline magical power "Big and Small Ruyi" will greatly increase the food and resources consumed by the half-dragons.

Just to meet the food requirements of these half-dragons who are growing and becoming stronger, Liang Ji already needs to plant more and better spiritual roots and spiritual beast bloodline spiritual seeds.

What's more, what he wants is not the most basic satisfaction, but the consumption of rich food, high energy, and high nutrition that far exceeds basic consumption, so as to increase the blood and blood energy of the half-dragons in the family, and increase their awakening and advancement. probability.

The half-dragon family members who are rich in nutrients and full of blood will always be more likely to awaken their blood and spiritual intelligence and advance to the first level than the half-dragons who are under-nourished and physically underdeveloped.

Liang Ji spent nearly 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones on purchasing various spiritual roots and spiritual beast bloodline seeds that were rich in energy and nutrients.

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