The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 109: Education of the Familia (Additional update for the leader ‘Romantic Fish in the Rain’)

Liang Ji's natal star is the Dragon Soul Star.

In the city, he applied for the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhou Tianxing Array' and increased the time flow rate on it to the limit of the first level. After a day and a thousand years, as Liang Ji continued to invest in the 'root of spiritual veins', demon pills, and spiritual roots , spiritual seeds and other resources.

Today's natal star, the half-dragon family, can be said to be changing rapidly every day, entering a process of rapid development and growth.

In the ancestral land of the Half-Dragon Familia, to the north of Dragon Soul Village, against the mountains, a complex of buildings has been built.

The construction of this building complex includes the application of Feng Shui, geomancer, clay, gardening, spiritual architecture, fortune-telling and many other life-related inheritances.

Make this building complex into a place where aura, magnetic field, feng shui, aura and other effects converge, making it the most comfortable and best place to live and grow.

Such a deliberately created 'blessed land' is not a newly built 'Temple of Heavenly Emperor' or a religious building built by the Half-Dragon family members.

The 'Tiandi Temple' is still at the center of the village. What religion needs is not a 'blessed land', but a ruling and leadership position in the center of the dependent clan.

This building is a place of education and a public school intentionally designed and built by the Half-Dragon Tribe.

Previously, the education, inheritance of knowledge and skills among the half-dragon family members were all taught and taught by the religious priests in the family members.

The place for education and teaching is usually in some buildings around the 'Tiandi Temple'.

Although the prototype of teaching and private schools has been initially formed, there is no independent and complete education system among the half-dragon family members.

But now, with the rapid changes and growth of the natal stars, the number of half-dragons in the family clan is growing rapidly.

In particular, after the thirty-six elements of life inheritance purchased by Liang Ji were refined into the family members, the situation and demand for this kind of teaching and transmission increased greatly.

In addition, Liang Ji wanted to greatly increase the rate of awakening and advancement of half-dragons in the family clan to the first level. After meeting the requirements of the environment and food resources, he needed to start with education.

After all, the environment and food resources are only to satisfy and enhance the body, blood and energy needs and growth of the dependents as much as possible, and to provide sufficient material and energy foundation for the half-dragons of the dependents to awaken and advance.

Education is the baptism and satisfaction of the spirit and soul. It can make the spirit and soul of the half-dragons of the Familia more satisfied and grow, thereby greatly increasing the chance of the Familia's awakening and advancement.

Therefore, just maintaining the original simple and informal teaching and imparting around the 'Tiandi Temple' is undoubtedly unable to keep up with the development and needs of the dependents.

Therefore, after discussions between the sacrificial leader 'Xi Shishi' and the political leader 'Wang Shishi' and others, they decided to build a place dedicated to education, imparting knowledge, skills, and inheritance at the north side of Longhun Village. The place of college.

At this time, the sacrificial leader ‘Xi Shiba Shi’, with the assistance of the sacrificial leaders of Longfu Village and Longmu Village, led the half-dragon family members to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony in the land of the academy.

Thank God for the knowledge, skills and inheritance, and celebrate the establishment of the college.

In the center of the college, there is also the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor, and most of the teachers in the entire college are priests.

In the daily teaching and imparting process of the college, the belief in the Emperor of Heaven, religious sacrifices and other knowledge are also the first choice and must-learn content.

The teaching and daily life of the entire college must be conducted under the leadership of religion and priests.

After all, education, like religion, is a weapon that can baptize and shape the spirit and soul of the half-dragon family.

The Star Lord needs to maintain the power to rule and control the dependents, among which the rule and control of the spirit, mind and soul are crucial.

Therefore, the education of dependents must be carried out under the control and leadership of religion.

Let education complement religion, not challenge it.

At the end of the grand sacrificial ceremony, the sacrificial leader ‘Xi Shishi 18’ personally listed the name of the first academy of the half-dragon clan: Dragon Soul Academy.

After everything was over, Dragon Soul Academy officially started teaching, and the leader of the sacrifices, ‘Xi XVIII’, returned to Dragon Soul Village.

Here, there is still a ceremony waiting for him.

As the speed of time on the natal stars accelerated, and Liang Ji continued to invest in resources such as 'roots of spiritual veins' and demon pills, the number of half-dragons in the Familia clan was also growing rapidly.

Although Dragon Soul Village has continued to expand and grow over the years, it has gradually reached the limit of the number of half-dragon dependents it can accommodate.

Nowadays, a new ritual of 'cutting talismans and dividing villages' needs to be carried out in the tribe, and some of the half-dragon family members are separated to move out and build new villages.

And this time is a little different from the previous two ‘divide the talisman to separate the villages’.

The first two 'Fu Splitting Villages' were only the separation of part of the family members from the 'Dragon Soul Village', the ancestral land of the family half-dragon people, and moved out.

But this time, the half-dragons of the Familia clan who separated out to build a new village were not only from Dragon Soul Village.

Instead, Dragon Soul Village occupies the majority. The other two villages, Longfu Village and Longmu Village, also separated a small number of half-dragons from the family members and joined the migrating team to build a third village.

After all, with the growth of the stars and the development of the dependents, not only the number of half-dragon dependents in Dragon Soul Village is constantly growing, but the number of dependents in the other two villages is also growing rapidly.

Land, food, resources, etc. gradually began to appear in Longfu Village and Longmu Village. It was difficult to meet the life and development requirements of a large number of dependents, so some tribesmen had to be divided and moved to a third village.

The location for the construction of this third village has already been selected. It is a hilly and plain land with fertile land, abundant rainfall, and suitable temperature, which is extremely suitable for cultivating spiritual plants.

The Half-Dragon Familia who moved to the third village are also dominated by spiritual planters. This village will become the most important spiritual plant cultivation and production base among the Half-Dragon Familia, providing the Half-Dragon Familia with the best. There is an abundant supply of spiritual plants such as spiritual grains and spiritual wheat to meet the rapid development and growth needs of the half-dragon family members.

For this reason, this third village was named: Longzhi Village.

The sacrificial leaders, political leaders, economic leaders, warrior leaders, etc. of Longzhi Village have also been decided. At this time, they are also participating in the ceremony of 'cutting the talisman to divide the village'. , 'Nong 18th', 'Chi 18th' and others took over the 'dividers' representing power and responsibility.

Similarly, compared to the previous two "separating the villages", the competition for the leaders of the newly separated Longzhi Village this time is also more intense. It can be said that there are overt and covert fights and lots of schemes.

And those who can seize the positions of the leaders of Longzhi Village are also the strong and wealthy among the half-dragons of today's dependent tribe.

The emergence of private ownership, division of labor, and classes has led to the gradual increase in the gap between rich and poor, strong and weak among today's half-dragons, and conflicts and struggles have gradually emerged and intensified as a result.

In this regard, neither the religion nor the education in the family has the intention to prevent or suppress it, but only to provide some guidance and control.

Liang Ji knew very well that this was an inevitable process that the family members must go through in the process of social development and economic growth. Forcibly suppressing and blocking it would only be counterproductive.

What he needs to do is not to suppress or stop, but to guide and control, and then control this power of opposition, conflict, and struggle for his own use, so as to better control and guide the growth and development of the entire half-dragon family.

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