The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1056 The cost of accelerating practice

Sky Demon Star Territory, Chiyang Galaxy, on top of the ‘True Dragon’ starship.

Liang Ji sat cross-legged in the secret room, with starlight flowing around him, manifesting the image of his own star projection.

At this time, his natal star projection is more than twice as large as before, which is the result of accelerating the development and growth of his natal star over the years.

There are bright starlights flowing out from the projection of this natal star, integrating into his body and sea of ​​consciousness, constantly refining, nourishing, and strengthening his body, magic power, and soul.

Even in the starlight blooming from the projection of the natal star, you can faintly see the manifestations of many ghosts, gods, earth gods, and gods, chanting various oracles and divine incantations, integrating all kinds of divine light into the starlight, It merged into Liang Ji's body and sea of ​​consciousness, and also blessed, refined, and increased his body, magic power, and soul.

In addition, there are also the figures of the elemental spirits of the ‘Dragon Beast’, as well as the figures of various families offering sacrifices and praying, etc.

The figures inherited from the three star palaces of the ‘Bang of the Gods’, ‘The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’ and the ‘Bloodline Catalog’ are also faintly manifested.

The cultivation of the Star Lord's Taoism has always been two paths. One is the path of continuously developing and strengthening the natal stars and dependents, and the other is the cultivation path of the Star Lord himself.

Liang Ji's Jiazi retreat and accelerated cultivation naturally not only accelerated the growth and development of his natal stars.

The cultivation of the sixth-grade Yuan Shen realm also continues to grow and expand with the growth and expansion of the natal stars.

The ever-increasing source star power of the stars, and the power inherited from the three star palaces of gods, elements, and bloodlines, are all growing and strengthening in this process. As Liang Ji's practice continues to be integrated into his soul practice, Liang Ji himself is strengthened. The foundation and practice of the body, mana, and soul enhance the realm of practice.

Likewise, in Liang Ji’s natal stars.

The dependent clans of each lineage also continue to grow and become stronger with the growth and expansion of their natal stars.

The body shape, bloodline, magical powers, and the power of elements mastered all continue to grow stronger with the growth of the origin of the stars and the inheritance of the three star palaces.

At the same time, during these years of seclusion, Liang Ji continued to send various sixth-level inheritances suitable for the dependents into the natal stars, teaching and spreading them among the dependents.

As a result, the strength of the family members is constantly improving based on the inheritance of various skills such as runes, alchemy, weapon refining, formations, etc.

As more and better sixth-level spiritual minerals and spiritual plants are born in the natal stars, the family members mine and harvest these better sixth-level spiritual minerals and spiritual plants, and pass them on with continuously improving various skills. , to refine more and better spiritual treasures, elixirs, meals, arrays, talismans, star ships, etc., to continuously improve the strength of the family members.

Moreover, due to the improvement of various skills, the conditions for the survival and development of the dependents are constantly improving, and the birth rate, awakening rate, and advancement rate of the dependents are constantly increasing.

During his Jiazi retreat, more and more Familia on the natal stars were promoted to the sixth level, quickly recovering the number of sixth-level and even fifth-level Familia he had lost in the previous battles, and even surpassed many.

And as this family clan flourished and grew, the family dynasty also changed again. This time, under the leadership of the gods’ blessings and the reincarnation of heroic spirits, the Yaju family clan took away the power of the family clan and became the new emperor of the family clan!

However, no matter how the family dynasty changes, the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' has always occupied a firm ruling and guiding position in the family.

Even as his practice continued and he advanced more and more to the high-level star master level, Liang Ji began to intentionally guide and strengthen the dominance of the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' in the family members.

Nowadays, in Liang Ji's natal star, the family members of each lineage hold various large and small sacrifices under the auspices of the 'Tiandi Sect' almost every month, worshiping, enshrining and chanting the name of the 'Tiandi'.

Among the origins of the natal stars, the golden "divine edicts" of the third-level Heavenly Emperors on the "Fengshen List" are constantly gathering the power of faith and incense under these sacrifices and offerings. The golden divine light on them is getting stronger and stronger, almost from It is directly cultivated in the "Feng Shen Bang", enters the origin and avenue of the natal stars, and manifests the true form of the "Emperor of Heaven"!

Of course, this was also intentionally guided by Liang Ji.

He had conducted experiments and rehearsals on the fusion of the three-gate star palace inheritance on the 'Dragon Beast Star', so he knew very well that the power of the 'Emperor of Heaven' would definitely be used to integrate the three-gate star palace inheritance in the natal star.

Therefore, during this period of practice, it is necessary to guide the family members to worship, pray, and believe as much as possible in order to nourish the third-grade "Emperor of Heaven" golden edict in the "God List".

Originally, the cultivation and growth of the sixth-level star master stage would take at least hundreds of years to complete slowly. Such a long time can be used to slowly warm up and strengthen the power of the 'Emperor of Heaven' Jin Chi, so as to prepare for the advancement to the seventh-level Star Master later.

But now, Liang Ji uses the light of creation from the 'Dragon Pearl' to accelerate the cultivation of the sixth-level star master, shortening hundreds of years of cultivation to just a few decades.

Moreover, the function of the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' is to accelerate the digestion and growth of demon pills, spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc., but it does not really speed up the flow of time.

Therefore, if Liang Ji wants to allow the 'Emperor of Heaven' Golden Edict to accumulate enough power in this short period of time, which can be used in subsequent integration and promotion, he must strengthen the rule of the 'Emperor of Heaven' Sect' , and frequently held various sacrifices to gather the power of incense and faith.

These are all the prices that must be paid to speed up the practice, complete the sixth-level star master training faster, and advance to the seventh-level star master as soon as possible.

On this day, Liang Ji sensed that among the natal stars, the 'Dragon Ball' shining with the thirty-six colors of the light of creation had become dim again. The power of the thirty-six kinds of heavenly demons and creation stars fused in it had once again been consumed by most of it, and it needed to be re-done. Replenish.

At that moment, he once again suspended his retreat practice.

The dragon's roar rang out from the natal star, and the dim 'Dragon Pearl' flew up, and was swallowed again by the dragon soul entangled in the star.

At the same time, the natal star projections manifested around him gradually dissipated and returned to the normal 'star guardian' force field. The gods, 'dragon beast' elemental spirits, and the visions of the dependents also converged and dissipated.

Liang Ji only felt that the various prayers, worship, blessings and other sounds that were constantly ringing and surrounding his ears gradually dispersed, making his mind, consciousness, and soul feel relaxed.

This is also the price of accelerating practice.

Under the continuous and frequent sacrifices and prayers of the family members, the power of the 'Emperor of Heaven' contained in the 'Bang of Gods' has continued to increase, but Liang Ji's direction as the 'Emperor of Heaven' has been heard and heard in recent years. The voices of these family members' sacrifices, prayers, and beliefs gradually began to emerge in his consciousness, and even caused some images and interference to his mind, consciousness, and soul.

Originally, if it took hundreds of years to slowly complete the cultivation of the sixth-level star master, the 'Emperor of Heaven' golden edict in the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' would be able to intercept and absorb all these beliefs, prayers, etc., so that they would not have the slightest impact on the star master. .

But now, with Liang Ji's accelerated practice, the 'Emperor of Heaven' golden edict generated in a short period of time is obviously unable to completely intercept the influence of the family members' frequent sacrifices and prayers.

As a result, Liang Ji had to gradually slow down his practice speed in the following years of retreat.

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