The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1057 The process of opening up the war

Sky Demon Star Territory, Red Sun Galaxy, ‘True Dragon’ starship.

Liang Ji temporarily ended his retreat practice, walked out of the starship secret room, and came to the starship deck.


"team leader!"

The team members he met along the way saluted him one after another, and Liang Ji returned the favor one by one.

Most of these people are no longer the first batch of people on the original "True Dragon" starship. They have been practicing in seclusion for a period of time, accelerating the practice of the sixth-order star master stage. This long time is enough for many changes to occur.

The Star Alliance pioneering team's pioneering battlefield in the 'Tian Yao Star Territory' has long been extended to the depths. They even reached the center of the 'Tian Yao Star Territory' ten years ago and saw the black hole in the center of the star territory.

However, the Star Alliance development team did not rush to attack the central black hole of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. Instead, they chose to bypass the black hole and continue to attack and develop towards the other side of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

Therefore, the Chiyang Galaxy is no longer the front line for the Covenant to open up the battlefield.

At this time, Liang Ji stood on the deck of the "True Dragon" starship, activated the star technique of "Episode of the Star Spirit", looked into the void deep in the star field ahead, and could even see the figure of "Sky Demon City".

As the front line of the Covenant's battlefield development continues to move forward, even crossing the central black hole of the star field, the 'Celestial Demon City', which has always been at the rear of the battlefield, has also moved forward again a few years ago, surpassing the 'Red Sun Galaxy' and going deep into the 'Red Sun Galaxy'. Deep in the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Nowadays, this "Red Sun Galaxy" has long been a mature galaxy. All kinds of wild resources containing innate aura have been mined and sold, and it has become an ordinary living galaxy, cultivating various ordinary spiritual materials and resources.

Even because they have fallen to the rear of the battlefield, even the geographical location has become no longer important.

For these reasons, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others have already led the fleet to leave here and rush to the frontline battlefield, looking for opportunities to open up new life systems and obtain more resources and benefits.

Even Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others did not choose to stay at the rear of the battlefield. Instead, they drove the 'Dragon Snake' starship and 'Ice Soul' starship to act together with Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others. , chasing the frontline battlefield, looking for opportunities.

Only Liang Ji's 'True Dragon' starship, because he has been in seclusion for a long time, stays in the 'Red Sun Galaxy' behind the battlefield most of the time, sitting and guarding their assets, the 'Red Sun Galaxy'. '.

Sometimes, the 'True Dragon' starship will even sail to assets such as the 'Geyang Galaxy' and 'Green Wing Galaxy' to sit and inspect.

Because they have been at the rear of the battlefield for a long time, the immortals, monks, etc. who wanted to participate in the frontline battlefield and earn more merits and benefits in the teams of Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others basically applied to be transferred to the 'Dragon Snake' The two starships, the "Bing Po" and the "Bing Po", participated in the development and battle of the front line.

Most of these people in the 'True Dragon' starship were monks, immortals, star masters, etc. who were injured on the frontline battlefield or were too exhausted and needed to take turns to rest and train. They returned to the starship behind the battlefield for training.

Therefore, Liang Ji only responded to them and did not say any more greetings.

After resting on the deck of the 'True Dragon' starship, he returned to the main control cabin of the starship, woke up the 'ship spirit', and then checked many of the information recorded by the 'ship spirit' over the past few years.

There are various data on the starship's patrol of the "Red Sun Galaxy", as well as information on various battle situations and battle reports on the frontline battlefields, as well as various messages and communication information.

There were messages sent to him by the frontline headquarters, messages sent to him by teammates such as Peng Yue and Bian Yujiao, messages sent to him by Mentor Yuanmu's experimental team, messages sent to him by more familiar forces such as Kunlun Star Palace and Shande Tower, and messages from 'Long' There are some requests for instructions from the Snake Chamber of Commerce, and there are also some messages left by relatives and friends.

One of them, for example, was left by my cousin Wang Ziqiu a few years ago. It was the news that the other party had successfully completed the fourth-level star master training and advanced to the fifth-level star master.

Liang Ji spent some time processing these messages and messages, and sent a belated blessing to Wang Ziqiu.

Later, they contacted Peng Yue and others who were on the front line of the battlefield through the 'Star Network' to exchange information.

Although Liang Ji spent most of the past sixty years in seclusion in the rear, he would occasionally take on tasks from the frontline headquarters or some big companies and forces, or participate in the actions of teammates such as Peng Yue and Bian Yujiao. middle.

In addition, he regularly checks frontline information and exchanges information with Peng Yue and others, so he has always been quite familiar with the situation on the frontline battlefield.

As far as he knew, there were already some teams from the God Realm and the Spirit Realm each, breaking through the Star Alliance team's obstruction outside the 'Celestial Demon Star Realm' and entering the 'Celestial Demon Star Realm'.

In fact, because of the continuous victorious progress of the Star Alliance's pioneering team, the god team, the elemental spirit team, and the void demon team in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' have a tendency to unite against the enemy.

As a result, frontline wars are becoming more and more dangerous and difficult.

It is also because of these reasons that even though sixty years have passed, the teams of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, even if they have added many new starships and greatly increased their combat power, they are still looking for opportunities to develop and win again on the frontline battlefield. A galaxy of life.

Moreover, during that pioneering war, Liang Ji also temporarily interrupted his retreat and participated in the pioneering battle.

In addition to that one success, there were three more joint development wars in the past sixty years, but they all ended in failure. Even the most recent development battle was ten years ago, when Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others were exploring the galaxy. In the middle, they directly collided with the joint efforts of the seventh-order void demon clan, the seventh-order gods, and the seventh-order elemental spirits, causing heavy casualties on the spot.

If it hadn't been for the help of a seventh-level star master who finally relied on personal connections to come to the rescue, I am afraid that some of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others would have perished as a result.

It was also because of this defeat that Peng Yue and others did not engage in new pioneering battles in the past ten years. They only looked for opportunities to do some tasks on the front line to restore their vitality and combat power.

But during this contact with Peng Yue, Liang Ji got a piece of news.

Senior Chen Zhao's team seems to have found another 'life galaxy' that is very suitable for their team to develop on the frontline battlefield. Now they are contacting everyone, and they seem to be interested in starting a battle to open up the galaxy again.

This made Liang Ji frown and feel worried.

With the current situation in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', he knew very well even from behind that the pioneering war would become more and more dangerous as it progressed. He would have to face the power of the Void Demon Clan, the power of gods from the divine world, the power of the spiritual elements of the spiritual world, etc. They are getting stronger and stronger.

They had just suffered a major defeat more than ten years ago, and now they have just recovered from their casualties and vitality. Senior Chen Zhao actually wants to promote a new pioneering battle. It really makes him worry that Peng Yue and others will encounter an accident again, resulting in A massive defeat, even greater casualties, and even the death of the Star Master.

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