The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1058 The Growth of ‘Star Spirit Yuan Fei’ Sixth Level of Star Spirit Veins (100)

Chapter 1058 The Growth of ‘Star Spirit Yuan Fei’ Star Spirit Veins Level 6 (100%)

After Liang Ji learned from Peng Yue that Chen Zhao, Bian Yujiao and others might start a new pioneering battle, he had no intention of continuing to rest.

Peng Yue and others are still teaming up with Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others. If Chen Zhao's opinion is really passed and everyone launches a pioneering battle again, Peng Yue and others will naturally join in.

In view of the increasingly dangerous development situation in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', Liang Ji is unavoidably worried about whether their pioneering battle will be successful, whether it will cause huge casualties, or even the death of the star master.

"The Star Alliance's pioneering team has crossed the central black hole of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and this pioneering war is already halfway over!"

"But the situation in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' is getting more and more dangerous!"

"It is still necessary to advance to the seventh level Star Master as soon as possible in order to gain a foothold in this increasingly dangerous pioneering battlefield, and even seize the last opportunity to earn enough merit, resources and benefits."

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind, and he immediately stopped to rest and ordered the 'ship spirit' to open the starship's storage compartment.

He entered the storage cabin and took out a stack of more than thirty jade boxes. After opening each jade box, there were specially collected and condensed powers of various heavenly demons to create stars.

The experimental team led by Instructor Yuanmu will regularly send some of the thirty-six kinds of power of heavenly demons to create stars, and they are all stored in the storage compartment of this starship.

In addition, the power of the sky demon to create stars that he used his meritorious deeds to purchase and exchange from the frontline headquarters, as well as some star palaces and major forces were also placed in these jade boxes.

At this time, Liang Ji took the power of the stars created by the heavenly demons collected in the jade box, sacrificed the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and the 'Bloodline Catalog', and sent the powers of the stars created by the heavenly demons and the 'Dragon Ball' into the ' In the Forge of All Laws.

Infuse the 'Dragon Ball' with the power of thirty-six kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, and restore the consumption of the light of creation in it.

During these sixty years of seclusion, Liang Ji was already very familiar with this and quickly completed it successfully.

After having enough "Dragon Pearl" light of creation, Liang Ji returned to the retreat cabin.

After checking the various data of the natal stars recorded in the 'Star Book', Liang Ji did some calculations and knew in his heart: "In this retreat, I will cultivate and develop the natal stars to the sixth level of spiritual veins (100%) in one go! "


Among the natal stars, the dragon soul entwined in the stars raised its head and let out a dragon roar, swallowed and refined another sixth-level Void Thunder Tiger Demon Pill that fell from the starry sky, and then sent it into the natal stars and implanted it into the star spiritual veins.

Afterwards, several more meteors fell from the void, and the dragon souls still swallowed them all, refined them, and then planted them into their natal stars.

These are the sixth-order spiritual seeds and spiritual roots. While his natal star digests this sixth-order Void Thunder Tiger Demon Pill, it needs to grow and evolve in the stars to generate the sixth-order spiritual plants and spiritual roots needed in the sixth-order stars. Spiritual mines strengthen the resources, quality, and foundation of the natal stars.

Liang Ji had already performed this kind of operation many times in the past sixty years of retreat and was very familiar with it.

Next, there was no rush to sacrifice the ‘Dragon Ball’ to activate the light of creation.

Instead, the soul enters the natal star, and at the same time, the dragon soul rushes directly into the origin of the stars and merges with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei", turning into a "Dragon Star Spirit" and walking out of the origin of the stars.

It can be clearly seen that as his natal star continues to grow, the strength of the star spiritual veins continues to increase, and the origin continues to grow, this 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' is also constantly growing and strengthening.

Up to now, although it is still called 'Yuantai', its body size has grown to the size of a teenager.

When the Star Master advances to the seventh-level Star Master, when the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' is completely born and completed, its body shape will also grow from the appearance of a teenager to that of an adult.

At that time, the seventh-level star master will act as a "star spirit body" and can control and use the origin of the natal star and the power of the great law at will, and his combat power can easily defeat all kinds of third-level heretical immortals.

At the same time, acting with the 'Star Spirit Body' can easily tear apart the void, shuttle and teleport within the chaotic and broken void, without having to worry about dangers such as getting lost, being injured, or falling.

Originally, with Liang Ji's sixth-level star master's cultivation, the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' had not yet matured and been born, but with the help of the mystery of the 'Dragon Soul', he was able to merge with the dragon soul to form the 'Dragon Star' The spirit can be born in advance. Although it is not as good as the "star spirit true body" of the seventh-level star master, it still has some power of "star spirit".

When Liang Ji was in the stage of fifth-level star master and sixth-level star master, it was by virtue of the combination of dragon soul and "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" that his combat power increased and he was able to achieve cross-level combat.

Now, as the sixth-level natal stars are about to complete their cultivation, the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' in the origin of the stars is gradually growing, and the period of formal adulthood and birth is not far away.

At this time, Liang Ji's soul merged with the 'dragon soul' and turned into the 'dragon soul' star spirit, sitting cross-legged in the nine heavens.

Use the power of the "Dragon Soul" star spirit to regulate your own cultivation, as well as the origin and the operation of the laws of the natal stars.

During this process, Liang Ji's various problems caused by accelerating his cultivation, such as the unstable foundation of the soul, the incense generated by the family's large-scale sacrifices, too many beliefs, and other problems were all eliminated by the star of 'Dragon Man's Soul'. The spirit was successfully repaired and adjusted.

A few days later, when Liang Ji dispersed the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit, the dragon soul returned to the stars, and the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' returned to the origin of the stars, the Yuan Shen continued to sit cross-legged in the ninth level of the sky, feeling that the whole soul and soul were The gods have become more relaxed, stable, and transparent, and the operations of the origin and the laws of the great road in the natal stars have also become smoother, more stable, and more orderly.

All future troubles and flaws will be restored and smoothed away.

Liang Duanyu reached out and made a move towards the void, and the sun, moon and stars appeared, condensed into 'Three Lights of Sky Dew' and landed in the stars, quickly restoring the source of energy consumed in the stars.

Then, the dragon roar sounded again, and this time the dragon soul spit out the 'Dragon Pearl' and bloomed in the sky of the natal stars. The thirty-six-color light of creation once again shone on the stars, and began to accelerate the sixth-level Void Thunder Tiger Demon Pill, and various The digestion, evolution, and growth of sixth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots.

Liang Ji once again began to accelerate the practice of natal stars and cultivation.

Using the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit to eliminate various troubles, costs, unstable foundations and other problems caused by accelerating practice is also a method that Liang Ji has gradually mastered during the past sixty years of retreat.

This method of accelerating the growth of natal stars with the light of creation like the 'Dragon Ball' has never been seen before in the Star Alliance, and Liang Ji can be regarded as a pioneer.

Therefore, the various problems and solutions encountered during this retreat and accelerated practice can be regarded as very precious experiences. The frontline command, Kunlun Star Palace, and even senior members of the Star Alliance have all contacted him, hoping that he could record these experiences and hand them over to the Star Alliance later to assist the Star Alliance's research and development.

Of course, he can also gain a lot of merit and benefits from it.

The Star Alliance has been able to grow into a super-level civilization in the cosmic sea of ​​​​stars. The Star Master Taoism, the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", etc. are certainly important reasons, but generations of monks like Liang Ji have explored the way forward, summed up experience, and prospered. The way of cultivation in the Star Alliance is also an important reason.

The Star Alliance already has a mature reward program for this.

He has been practicing in seclusion for several more years. On this day, as the last sixth-level Void Thunder Tiger Demon Pill was digested, Liang Ji's heart moved slightly when he looked at the data of the natal stars in the 'Star Book'. As expected, the spiritual veins of the stars had changed. Became level six (100%).

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