The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1059: Star Alliance’s Support and Seventh Level Choice

Star Spirit Vein: Level 6 (100%).

Liang Ji couldn't help but smile as he looked at the information displayed in the 'Star Directory'.

I have been cultivating for more than sixty years, and I have used the power of countless heavenly demons and stars to create the 'Dragon Pearl' light of creation. His merits and resources finally allowed him to complete the sixth-level star master training that originally took hundreds of years to complete.

Liang Ji knew very well that the reason why he could achieve this step was not only his own luck, but also the support of the Star Alliance.

Otherwise, even the experimental team led by Instructor Yuanmu would definitely not have that much authority to provide him with so much power from the sky demon to create stars, as well as the almost unlimited 'three-light dew' to restore his accelerated cultivation. A large amount of consumed star source.

Of course, it is inseparable from the approval of the Star Alliance senior officials.

The reasons are also very obvious. One is to reward him, and the other is to let him experiment and explore the path to accelerate the growth and development of his natal stars.

Now that he has successfully navigated this path, it has at least been proven that the 'Light of Creation' formed by the fusion of the power of the heavenly demons to create stars has full hope of solving the problem of accelerating the growth of stars in the star lord's destiny, and even solving the problem of the 'Earthly Immortal Taoism'. And other issues.

And this hope is far greater than the various other attempts and research plans in the Star Alliance.

After all, there is already a successful example like Liang Ji here.

As for the next step, it will be much easier to promote Liang Ji's successful example and make it applicable to the entire Star Alliance Star Master monks and "Earth Immortal Taoist" monks.

After all, the problem of going from zero to one has been solved, and going from one to one hundred will be much simpler for the Covenant.

What's more, according to the inferences of Liang Ji and the Star Alliance, the solution should be in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

"But these promotion and generalization matters are things that the senior leaders of the Star Alliance need to worry about."

"Now that I have successfully completed the road opening, I can be considered worthy of the support of the Covenant Alliance for the light of creation of so many heavenly demons and the 'Three Lights of Heavenly Dew'."

"Next, what I need to consider is my advancement to the seventh-level Star Master!"

The thoughts in Liang Ji's heart were turning, and he gradually retracted his thoughts and turned to his own cultivation and breakthrough.

"The natal star has reached the sixth level (100%), and the integration of the three-gate star palace inheritance has also been successfully tried and previewed on the 'Dragon Beast Star'. The road to advance to the seventh-level star master can be said to have begun. get through!"

"Next, you only need to let your soul and body adapt to the growth and changes of the natal stars, and under the nourishment and cultivation of the star power of the natal stars, you can also reach the perfection of the fourth-level soul realm."

"What's more important is that by selecting the demon elixir of the Void Demon clan that needs to be refined in the next seventh-level star master stage, and leading the family members to hunt and capture it, you can try to advance to the seventh-level star master!"

Liang Ji mentally went over what needed to be done next, and after confirming that it was correct, he walked out of the secret room of seclusion.

This time, it was no longer the occasional break from seclusion to breathe or to perform tasks.

But to complete the task of retreat and practice and completely come out of seclusion.

The 'True Dragon' starship did not park in the 'Red Sun Galaxy' this time, but cruised to the 'Green Wing Galaxy'.

Nowadays, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others are leading the team to fight and perform tasks on the frontline battlefield. Naturally, these galaxy 'assets' at the rear do not have much energy to pay attention to and take care of. There are families, caravans and other forces helping to manage these galaxy 'assets', developing the galaxy and earning resources and benefits for Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others.

But because Liang Ji has been practicing in seclusion in the rear for decades, he has also had this task. He rides the "True Dragon" starship to patrol among the three galaxy "assets" he occupies, and occasionally goes out to pay attention. Situation in Galaxy 'Assets'.

It can also be regarded as a kind of supervision over the development and operation of galaxy 'assets' by their respective families, caravans, etc.

It is also a kind of protection.

After all, as the Star Alliance's battle to open up the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' gradually enters its second half, more and more gods and elemental spirits are invading the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. The Green Wing Galaxy' and other places located at the rear of the battlefield will inevitably begin to be attacked and destroyed by some infiltrating void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits.

During the past sixty years of retreat and patrolling, Liang Ji had dealt with several attacks and intrusions from void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. that had sneaked into the galaxy behind.

But this time, the "Green Wing Galaxy" was very quiet, and there were no enemies sneaking in to cause trouble or damage.

Similarly, the team from the ‘Sky Serpent Academy’ that originally gathered here, as well as Liang Ji’s classmates and old friends, have also left here.

Decades are enough for many changes to occur in such an open battlefield star field.

The prosperity and liveliness of the 'Green Wing Galaxy' has dissipated, and everyone who was gathered at the beginning has gone to their respective battlefields. Some have earned a lot of resources, profits, and even made great progress in cultivation, and found their own paths, while some have Already sacrificed and fallen on the battlefield.

Even the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' has already completed his experiments in the stars of the galaxy and left here to fight and fight on the front line.

Although the main mission of the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' is to help Liang Ji and Peng Yue manage various galaxies and star industries, and earn resources and profits for their cultivation and growth.

But it also helps them collect and pay attention to all aspects of information and intelligence.

Even in seclusion, Liang Ji could regularly receive various information gathered and reported by the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce', so he knew very well that many familiar and unknown monks and star masters who had gathered in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' , among the immortals, many have suffered heavy losses in this pioneering war and had to return to the Star Alliance to cultivate and end the pioneering war. There are also many who have even fallen directly on this battlefield and cannot go back even if they want to go back. .

Even these people, most of them did not choose to go to the frontline battlefields to fight. Instead, they chose to stay behind the battlefields and accept various tasks in the various star systems they occupied, and only drank some of the soup that opened up the war.

But as mentioned before, the Star Alliance's pioneering war has entered its later stages, and many void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits have sneaked into the rear of the battlefield to carry out sabotage and attacks.

These monks, forces, etc. who chose to drink soup at the rear of the battlefield are no longer safe, and the number of casualties and deaths has begun to increase significantly.

Liang Ji looked at the silent 'Qingyi Galaxy', and for a moment couldn't help but feel a little bit 'changed' in his heart.

Although he had only been in seclusion for several decades, it felt like hundreds of years had passed.

"Maybe it's the result of the many changes in the natal stars in the past few decades?"

Liang Ji shook his head, suppressed all these emotions and feelings, recovered his mind and consciousness, and returned to the main control cabin of the 'True Dragon' starship.

News came from the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' that they have found the target of the seventh-order Void Demon Clan that they want to hunt: the seventh-order Void Green Bull!

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