The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1078: The lack of combat power. The difference between the seventh level and the seventh lev

"Sure enough, relying only on the 'Star Picker' astrology and natal star projection protection, fighting against gods of the same level is still far behind!"

"I still need to learn more offensive and lethal astrology methods in the future!"

Liang Ji looked at the enveloping divine world of 'Genesis', raised his hand and made a move, and the 'God List' flew over immediately, and the bright golden divine light burst out from it and shot into the devoured divine world.

Immediately, the "Genesis" that swallowed everything and assimilated everything was resisted and stopped.

The Kunlun Star Palace's "God List" still has a considerable restraining effect on the methods of gods in the divine world.

However, after all, Liang Ji had just advanced to the seventh-level star master, and the ‘God List’ was only at the sixth level, and had not yet advanced to the seventh level. At this time, he could barely resist the ‘Genesis’ divine world, but it was difficult to destroy it.

Even the seventh-level gods sacrificed their divine crowns and divine staffs and sent them into the divine world of 'Genesis'. They also pushed the power of the divine world of 'Genesis' to the extreme, and actually stood up to the 'God List'. The suppression of the golden divine light once again engulfed the 'Star Spirit Giant' step by step.

Liang Ji frowned slightly when he saw this, and the 'Star Spirit Giant' stretched out his hand again. The 'Bloodline Catalog' and 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' flew over, and their respective powers merged into the 'Feng Shen Bang', and immediately the 'Feng Shen Bang' was The power pushes beyond the limit.

The golden divine light emitted from it suddenly added a touch of original mysterious light, increasing its power by more than dozens of times.

Click! Click...boom!

As a newly promoted first-order star master, Liang Ji relied on the power of the original mysterious light before the inheritance and fusion of the eight star palaces to cultivate more than a dozen first-order dependents in a short period of time.

Only when the natives of the stars of life reach the first level of cultivation can they break away from the shackles of the stars, retreat into the sea of ​​stars in the universe, and become practitioners who travel across the universe. Only the stars and civilizations they originate from can be regarded as civilizations at the level of the sea of ​​stars in the universe, and can they develop into super-level civilizations. The hope of civilization.

Seeing this, Liang Ji frowned more and more, and he felt more and more that the low-level star masters had too many methods at their disposal. Even the natal spiritual treasure "Eighty-Eighth Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower" had not yet been promoted to a natal immortal weapon.

After all, the battle to open up the galaxy was Liang Ji's battle alone.

But those immortals are still enough to deal with the first-order divine servant angels under the command of the first-order gods.

Therefore, whether it is a first-order star master or a first-order god, there is no limit to the number of first-order dependents or first-order divine servants that we can cultivate and master.

"God's Domain, open!"

Even in battle, the first-order void monsters can turn into stars and spread across the starry sky, retreating to fight and kill.

But now, there is no first-level star master like Jia Zhao in the alliance team. Although I have only stepped down to the first-level star master for a long time, and my mastery of star arts and low-level combat methods are unlimited, I have not been able to withstand and delay the battle. Withstand the attack from the first-level god on the opposite side.

The same is true for the various eighth-level immortals in the Star Alliance, so as we are all at the first level, our combat power is often comparable to that of the Star Lord, gods, and even the Void Demon Clan.

When the high-level gods and gods saw the starships, dependents, and immortals coming to attack, they directly opened their own divine domain. Many divine servants and slaves also drove out various artifacts, divine ships, etc. to fight out and greet them. Everyone.

At this time, more than a dozen of the first-order family members under Liang Ji's command let out dragon roars and roared, leading the team of family members to also fight to support the battle of the 'Star Spirit Giant'.

The first-order god behind him was obviously not the old first-order god of the retired boy, but he had countless first-order servant angels under his command, more than dozens.

Even, the bright golden divine light shot directly at the first-order god in front, fell under him, suppressed and immobilized his divine body.

At the first level, in the sea of ​​stars in the universe, theory is a critical stage of transformation in any practice.

Even within the Star Alliance, the human immortals, ghost immortals, gods, Qi refiners and other lineages can at least practice to the eighth level.

Suddenly, the sound of shattering was heard, and the world of the divine domain transformed by the high-level god's magic "Genesis" could no longer withstand the impact of the golden divine light with increased power. It was broken and bombarded to pieces on the spot.

If there are no first-level star masters in the alliance team, no matter how small the number of starships, star masters, and immortals are, they will basically never lose or win when facing the gods and elemental spirits.

Groan! hold head high……

And that was the main reason why I kept the teams of Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, split them around me, and formed an alliance team.

Because no matter whether they are starships, mid-level star masters, or eighth-level immortals, they all have the ability to block the attacks of gods and elemental spirits on their own. Basically, they will suffer heavy damage with the next blow, so it is naturally difficult to win.

Even among those divine servants and divine slaves, the leaders are dozens of first-order angel divine slaves!

The divine crown and divine staff suppressed in the divine world were blown away on the spot.

This allows the opponent to inflict heavy damage and defeat the alliance team's siege, so that they can seek opportunities to defeat the opponent with the help of numbers and the strength of the alliance team.

Moreover, although those first-order dependents, first-order servants of gods, angels, etc. are also first-order, in terms of combat power, they are far inferior to star lords, gods, etc., because we control the void, the universe, the sea of ​​stars, and chaos. The origin and power of laws are the origins and stars of their respective origins, or the origin and power of laws of the divine world.

The purpose is not to be able to gather the strength of the alliance team and defeat the enemy at such a time.

At the same time, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others also drove first-order starships, led a group of eighth-grade immortals, and a small number of dependents to support them and joined the battle against the high-level gods.

But now, with only the "Seventh Level" and "Star Picker" star techniques and other unlimited means, I can barely resist the first-level god. If I want to take it, I have captured the opponent's first-level god. The 'divine crystal' has obviously not been touched yet, so it is very difficult.

One of these things shows how precious and rare the first level is.

The high-level god instantly realized that it was bad, and exclaimed. The bright divine light suddenly erupted from the center of his eyebrows. A first-order 'divine crystal' appeared in the center of his eyebrows. The seven-week void, chaos, and the origin of the universe were suddenly torn and twisted. A divine world instantly descended and manifested, protecting it within it.

A low-level star master has no natal star projection.

Otherwise, even without the natal immortal weapon in hand, I can slightly increase the combat power of my 'Star Spirit Giant' body. Coupled with the suppression and restraint of 'Jia Zhaoliang' based on the inheritance and blessing of eight star palaces, it is said that it is possible. There is no hope of severely damaging that first-level god.

The 'seventh level' golden divine light that Jia Zhao activated was immediately suppressed and shattered by the descending 'divine world'.

The gods, who are both super-level civilizations, also come to the divine world, which is a weak way to protect themselves.

"It's bad!"

Only when the Void Demon Clan has not retreated one level can they retreat into the source of stars, devour the source of stars, distort the source of stars, and even lay eggs in the source of stars, using the source of stars as nests and nutrients to nourish and hatch all kinds of things. A kind of void demon clan.

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