The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1079 The Star Lord who chases the gods cleans up the battlefield

Outside the Huangyang Galaxy, soldiers are fighting against generals, and the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' controlled by Liang Ji is facing off against the seventh-level gods.

Although the astrology and methods he mastered were limited, with the help of the star-catching hand, the projection of the natal stars, and the original mysterious light inherited from the three star palaces, these three axes were enough to resist the seventh-level gods. This makes it difficult for the opponent to launch attacks on Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others, as well as starships, dependents, third-grade immortals, etc.

Then, with the help of fifteen starships and the third-level immortals in each team, Liang Ji's family gradually overwhelmed the team of servants and slaves of the opposite god, and the balance of victory in the war began to slip towards Liang Ji.

At the same time, the Huangyang Galaxy is, after all, on the front line of the Star Alliance's battlefield expansion. In this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', especially the rear areas that the Star Alliance has occupied and the front lines that are currently developing battles, they are basically still Star Alliance. One side of the alliance has the advantage and the number of wins.

Therefore, as long as Liang Ji and others delay the battle with this seventh-level god for a while, they will most likely attract reinforcements from the Star Alliance Command.

After all, these gods, elemental spirits, etc. who sneak into the battlefield are often more destructive than the Void Demon Clan, and they have always been the key target of the star gate development team and frontline headquarters to attack and suppress.

And the seventh-level god who was fighting and killing Liang Ji obviously knew this very well.

Therefore, seeing that the battle has been delayed for a long time, and the divine servants and divine slaves he sent have also fallen into a disadvantage, the opponent has no intention to continue fighting and fighting.

Instead, he began to use his methods continuously to break away from Liang Ji's entanglement and retreat with his divine servants and slaves.

Liang Ji could naturally see the opponent's thoughts. Although his methods and strength were not as good as the opponent's, he still tried his best to block and hold the opponent back. If he could get support from the frontline headquarters, he could capture the infiltrated seventh-level god.

Even if he doesn't get all the merit, he can at least get half of it.

Especially the seventh-level ‘divine crystal’ of this seventh-level god is exactly what he needs to continue to upgrade the ‘God List’.

Liang Ji naturally didn't want the opportunities and achievements he had obtained to slip away.

Seeing starlight coming through the void in the distance, it was obvious that other high-level star masters were coming to support them.

Among the servants of God who were fighting with the Liang Ji Family, Starships, etc., several seventh-level angel servants suddenly burned with blazing divine fire, shouting: "For the Lord!"

Then the ‘Star Spirit Giants’ that rushed towards Liang Ji exploded themselves.

The roaring explosion, the out-of-control origin, and the power of law directly distorted and disrupted the surrounding void, chaos, universe, and star sea origin, and also separated the battlefield between Liang Ji's "Star Spirit Giant" and the seventh-level gods.

Then, the seventh-level god directly opened the divine realm, took the remaining divine servants and slaves back into the divine realm, and himself directly transformed into a ray of divine light and escaped into the divine realm and disappeared.

Liang Ji controlled the 'Star Spirit Giant' and reached out with the 'Star Picking Hand' to grab it. The starlight giant hand directly bombarded the opened portal of the divine realm, bombarding and shattering the 'divine gate'.

But in the end, they failed to break through the divine realm and failed to keep the seventh-level gods behind.

At this time, in the distant void, there is a starlight that is forced out of the distorted and oscillating void and the origin of the universe, showing a 'Star Spirit Giant' looking here.

Liang Ji immediately controlled the 'Star Spirit Giant' and saluted the other party, saying thanks: "Liang Ji, thank you fellow Taoist for your support."

Although the seventh-level star master who came to help was a star spirit, it could be seen that she was a bright and elegant woman. She also cupped her fists and saluted: "Xue Zhaoyue has met Taoist friend."

"It is our duty to suppress the high-level gods who have sneaked in. There is no need to be polite, fellow Taoist."

"Since my fellow Taoist has nothing to do here, I will continue to hunt down the god."

With that said, Xue Zhaoyue formed a seal on her 'Star Spirit Body' hand, and a starlight rose like the moon and shone into the void where the God's Realm disappeared.

The next moment, Liang Ji actually saw a path illuminated by the moonlight in the void, which seemed to guide the escape direction and route of the seventh-level god.

Then, Xue Zhaoyue's 'Star Spirit Giant' body turned into a starlight, escaped directly into the void, and quickly chased away along the moonlit road.

Liang Ji couldn't help but marvel in his heart as he watched the seventh-level star master coming and going in a hurry.

Although this seventh-level star master is a woman, she is able to hunt down and kill the seventh-level gods who have sneaked into the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. Presumably, the other party is also from the Kunlun Star Palace and has inherited the inheritance of the 'God List'.

Moreover, he has enough fighting power and confidence.

This type of specializing in hunting down high-level star masters such as lurking gods and elemental spirits is obviously also the frontline headquarters of the Star Alliance's development team. In view of the increasing number of gods, elemental spirits, etc. infiltrating the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', Prepared responses.

A group of high-level star masters who are good at hunting gods and elemental spirits are specially organized to track and hunt the infiltrated gods and void demons in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', in order to reduce the number of infiltrated gods, elemental spirits, etc. as much as possible. It caused too much damage and interference to this open battlefield.

The thoughts in Liang Ji's mind were spinning, and he saw that the stars and the moonlight path he was following had gradually disappeared. He just shook his head and returned to his mind.

Taking control of the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', he once again activated the star technique of the 'Star Spirit Eye', and in a blink of an eye he looked inside the Huangyang Galaxy and the surrounding void, looking through the void inside and outside to make sure that there were no other enemies or accidental lurks.

Liang Ji then said hello and led Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and other starships and dependents back to the 'Huangyang Galaxy'.

At this time, the void monsters entrenched in the Huangyang Galaxy were either suppressed or driven away, and the gods who lurked in were also driven away.

The entire Huangyang Galaxy has completely fallen into the hands of Liang Ji and the alliance team.

The only enemies that can still resist are the star monsters created and derived from the high-level void monsters in the three life systems in the galaxy.

However, even if these star monsters have developed transformed civilizations, they have not yet grown to the point where they can escape the shackles of the stars and enter the void, and there are no existences of seventh level and above.

Liang Ji doesn't even need to take action. He only needs to send his family members, plus the family members of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others into these life galaxies. He can either kill or capture those star monsters, and kill three life forms. Take all the stars.

Therefore, Liang Ji directly used these to consume Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others, and then sent some family members and starship teams to clean up the battlefield in the galaxy and collect the flesh, blood, debris and other demonic materials of the Void Monster floating everywhere in the galaxy. These can be These are all considerable resources and benefits.

And his mind turned to the stars and stars in the Yellow Sun Galaxy.

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