The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1092: One ring within another, the target is the ninth-level demon

After acquiring a seventh-level 'divine crystal', Liang Ji did not delay at all, and immediately led his seventh-level family members to kill the nearest seventh-level god.

The Star Alliance set up a trap this time. Although it attracted most of the high-level void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. that sneaked into the star field behind the battle line, this was after all a place developed and occupied by the Star Alliance, and the number of enemies that could infiltrate was also limited. .

There are many high-level star masters in the Star Alliance, so if he doesn't act faster, these infiltrated gods, elemental spirits, etc. will not be enough to divide among the high-level star masters.

Especially now, when high-level gods, elemental spirits, etc. are trapped and suppressed, and most of their strength is weakened, the opportunity to easily kill and hunt for divine crystals, spiritual crystals and other materials is even more rare!

Normally, it would be extremely dangerous for high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance to hunt these seventh-level gods and elemental spirits, whether in the outer star sea, the battlefield of the Void Sea, or the battlefield of Chaos Sea. .

How could it be as easy and safe as it is now?

So at this time, not only Liang Ji, but also all the high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance who participated in this operation were basically acting in a hurry, hunting down the void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. as quickly as possible.

It doesn't look like a life-and-death battle with the enemy, but rather like a scramble to harvest resources and trophies.

However, the void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. who fell into the trap and were suppressed and weakened by the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array', whether they are high-level or middle-level and low-level, are now in the eyes of these Star Alliance star masters. It is indeed no different from the resources and trophies harvested casually.

However, the gods of the divine world and the elemental spirits of the spiritual world are also enemies of the same super-level civilization as the Star Alliance.

Among the Void Demon Clan, there are even eighth-level Void Demon Clan, ninth-level Celestial Demon Clan, and the Star Alliance to compete with them.

Even if these enemies who belong to the same super-level civilization fall into a trap, are weakened and suppressed by the formation, are temporarily at a disadvantage, and are constantly harvested and strangled by the Star Alliance star masters, they are not completely without resistance and means of resistance.

Soon there were several violent roaring explosions, erupting in several galaxies that formed the 'imitation star array'.

Among those explosions, some were bright and blazing divine light, and some were majestic and majestic light of elements. The explosions impacted everywhere and even directly destroyed most of several galaxies. The stars in them were broken and fell one after another, and even the stars in the center of the galaxies were destroyed by these. The explosion bombarded the shaky ground.

And as several galaxies were mostly destroyed by explosions, the power of the entire 'imitation star array' was suddenly weakened by nearly half.

The void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. trapped in this 'imitation star array' were weakened and suppressed, and their combat power and strength increased greatly.

Although they were still at a disadvantage in the battle with the Star Alliance Star Lords and the Familia, at least they were no longer the result of being completely suppressed and harvested at will.

Liang Ji couldn't help but cast his gaze towards those damaged and destroyed galaxies. He could clearly see the explosion of divine light, the power of the elements, and the terrifying existence that caused the explosion, all of which were beyond the seventh level. The existence of gods and elemental spirits.

"Eighth-level gods! Eighth-level elemental spirits!"

Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant' body couldn't help but change his expression slightly.

Sure enough, the enemies who sneaked into the Sky Demon Star Territory, behind the front lines and battlefields, and in the Star Alliance's pioneering star territory were not only eighth-level void monsters, but also eighth-level gods and eighth-level elemental spirits!

And as soon as these eighth-level gods and eighth-level elemental spirits took action, they hit the vital point directly, destroying almost half of the power of the 'imitation Zhoutian star formation' arranged by the Star Alliance, in order to fall into a trap and be harvested. The void demon clan, gods, elemental spirits, etc. seek a glimmer of hope.

At this time, the gods, elemental spirits, etc. who had fallen into the trap had no intention of continuing to fight and fight in this 'imitation Zhoutian star array', and turned into divine light, elemental escape light, etc., riding on the The surrounding galaxies were trembling, and when flaws and cracks appeared in the 'imitation star array', he fled away from the battlefield.

Only those Void Demon Clan, whether they are mid- to low-level Void Demon Clan or high-level Void Demon Clan, under the summons of the ninth-level Celestial Demon, they still continue to attack and attack towards the central black hole, seemingly to death. Fang rest.

"How brave!"

"Stop them!"

"Run the array to suppress the killing!"

Seeing the "Imitation Zhoutian Star Formation" wavering, the enemy attacking forcefully and escaping, the frontline headquarters of the Star Alliance development team was naturally unwilling to let them go, and immediately issued orders one after another.

In the surrounding remaining galaxies, the Star Alliance's pioneering teams, Star Lord monks, etc. also took action.

The four galaxies in the middle, surrounding and suppressing the central black hole, as the core of the 'imitation star array', have not been greatly damaged. At this time, they are in operation. The formation, star port, Starships, high-level star masters, and others took full action to stop those void monsters who continued to attack and attack until they died.

The Covenant teams and Star Lords in the seven outer galaxies intercepted and pursued the fleeing high-level gods, elemental spirits, etc.

Similarly, there are also eighth-level star masters who are killing the eighth-level gods and elemental spirits who are destroying galaxies and destroying the 'imitation star array'.

Surrounding the central black hole, the entire battlefield suddenly divided into three parts.

Liang Ji was naturally on the battlefield chasing and intercepting high-level gods and elemental spirits, and took the opportunity to harvest more seventh-level divine crystals and elemental spirit crystals.


Seeing that on this battlefield, whether it was the void monster clan attacking the central black hole, or the high-level gods, elemental spirits, etc. that sneaked in and attacked, they were all at a disadvantage and were severely damaged by the Star Alliance's pioneering team.

Located in the center of the battlefield, the central black hole that had always been suppressed and blocked finally heard another terrifying demonic roar.

The roaring sound came from the central black hole, and the sound waves impacted the galaxies in all directions, even directly causing large galaxies to tremble, destroy stars, and fall. The eleven galaxies that make up the 'Fake Star Array' were already in motion and turned into a Like a millstone in the starry sky, it constantly suppresses and crushes the high-level void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. among them.

At this time, under this roar, nearly half of the galaxy was directly destroyed on the spot, and most of the 'imitation star array' was destroyed on the spot, and its power was almost at its lowest point.

The power of this roar alone is stronger than the actions and destruction of the previous eighth-level gods and elemental spirits. The power of the ninth-level heavenly demon is evident.

But despite this, the Star Alliance development team and frontline headquarters did not feel disappointed at all.

The ninth-level star master Tianhe Xianjun who had been standing in the void above the central black hole and stared closely at the black hole even shouted: "Finally I caught you!"

As he spoke, Immortal Lord Tian He reached into the black hole in the center of his hand.

At the same time, the almost half-destroyed 'Fake Zhoutian Star Formation' was also spun with all its strength, and the bright stars rose into the sky, breaking through the void and connecting to the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Formation', directly It came by activating the power of the 'Zhoutian Star Array'.

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