The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1093 The Purpose of the Sky Demon Zhou Tianyao Star Formation Diagram

The Star Alliance’s innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Formation’ is of great help to even ninth-level star masters and first-level immortals.

After the broken 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array' was mobilized without any expense, it attracted the power of the Star Alliance's 'Zhoutian Star Array' and blessed it on Tianhe Immortal Lord, causing him to penetrate into the central black hole. The power of the starlight giant hand in it has increased again.

The next moment, a huge roar came from the central black hole. Liang Ji used his "Star Spirit Eye" with all his strength to see that Tianhe Immortal Lord's "Starlight Giant Hand" grabbed a huge black shadow from the central black hole. .

The huge black shadow is like a giant python, but it has nine heads and is all black. Although it is caught by the 'starlight giant hand', it is still stirring the central black hole, the surrounding void, galaxies, chaos, etc. endlessly.

The black hole exploded and stood above the black hole. The re-ignited huge star exploded and fell again. The surrounding galaxies suppressed by the Covenant also began to appear in large numbers broken and collapsed under the explosion of power of the nine-headed python.

Whether it is the first four galaxies that suppressed the black hole, or the galaxies that were added later to form the "imitation star array", they are constantly disintegrating and destroyed in the explosion and collision of power.

Only by relying on the suppression of the "Sky Star Array" brought in, the surrounding void, galaxy, and chaos were not completely shattered.

"Is this the ninth-level Sky Demon who created this Sky Demon Star Territory?"

Liang Ji looked at the huge black shadow that vaguely looked like a nine-headed python, and made some unbelievable assumptions in his heart.

"And now that Immortal Lord Tian He has captured this ninth-level Sky Demon, does it mean that the Star Alliance's pioneering war to open up the Sky Demon Star Territory will end with a complete victory?"


Just when Liang Ji was speculating that the development war was about to end with a complete victory, the nine-headed python-like black shadow caught by Immortal Tianhe in the central black hole raised its nine heads to each other and let out a roar.

The next moment, under the observation of Liang Ji's "Eye of the Star Spirit", he suddenly felt a secret and mysterious power of creation, centering on the central black hole, spreading in all directions of the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Suddenly, he saw the stars in various galaxies in the Sky Demon Star Domain, including the creation of the Sky Demon, twisted stars, life stars, etc., all of which suddenly exploded into the sky.

The bright starlight burst out from the living stars and stars everywhere, intertwined and gathered in the void above the 'Sky Demon Star Domain', forming a faint star map.

In this star map, every star looks like a demon clan in the void.

Void Winged Dragon, Void Fire Lion, Void Snow Wolf, Void Green Bull, Void Shadow ermine, Void Golden Eagle, Void Colored Sparrow...etc.

And in the center of these stars, in the center of the countless phantoms of the void monsters that align with the stars and worship, is the shadow of the nine-headed python in the image of the sky monster!

As the shadows of these demon spirits and stars emerged and formed an array, they immediately enveloped, suppressed, and even isolated the entire "Celestial Demon Star Territory" from the power of the "Celestial Star Array" brought in.

In the entire Sky Demon Star Territory, under the suppression of the 'Zhou Tian Demon Star Formation', the Void Demon Clan and even the demon beasts derived from the stars have been blessed one after another and their combat power has been greatly increased.

The pioneering teams of the Star Alliance, whether they are Star Lords, Familia, Immortals, etc., have been suppressed one after another, and their combat power has declined.

In the Sky Demon Star Territory, among the life stars and life galaxies that have been developed and occupied by various star alliances, the star monsters that have been suppressed and tamed seem to be summoned and strengthened one after another, and among the life stars everywhere To rebel and attack, we must resist and break away from the Covenant's development and occupation.

In the central black hole, the Void Demon Clan, including the ninth-level Celestial Demon, have greatly increased their combat power with the blessing of the 'Zhou Celestial Demon Star Array', and the stars such as Liang Ji, the Familia, and even Tian He Immortal Lord have greatly increased their combat power. Their combat power has been suppressed and weakened.

The Void Demon Tribe, which was originally suppressed, even launched a wave of counterattacks and charges, forcing the Star Alliance development team, Star Lords, Familia, and Starships to retreat steadily.

What's more, the nine-headed python-like sky demon, with the blessing of the 'Zhou Tian Yao Star Array', directly broke through the 'starlight giant hand' stretched out by Tianhe Immortal Lord and broke free.

Then, the nine giants raised together again, roaring and roaring.

The 'Celestial Demonic Star Formation' shrouded in the void of the 'Celestial Demonic Star Region' suddenly spun, and large swaths of strange starlight fell from the star map, falling towards various galaxies and stars in the 'Celestial Demonic Star Region' , battlefield, shoot the Covenant Star Lords, Familia, monks, pioneering teams, etc. in various galaxies, stars, and battlefields.

The battlefield here in the central black hole is the key target for the "Zhoutian Demonic Star Formation" to suppress and kill.

Liang Ji saw that where those strange starlights fell were the seventh-level family members under his command. Chaofeng, Chiki, Prisoner Niu, Baxia, etc. were also difficult to resist. Basically, they would die if they were shot, and if they were rubbed, they would be killed. hurt.

Starships, starports, artificial galaxies, etc. everywhere fell and were destroyed one after another under the constant bombardment of these strange starlights.

Even the 'Star Spirit Giant' bodies of high-level star masters do not dare to face the falling and attacks of these strange star lights at this time.

Liang Ji pushed the astrology of 'natal star projection' to the extreme. The blazing starlight turned into a star force field and enveloped him around him, as if his natal star had really arrived, protecting him from the virtual to the real.

As if this were not enough, he wanted to bless and protect him with the 'original mysterious light' formed by the inheritance of the three star palaces, so as to resist the attacks and damage of the strange starlight falling in the void.

Although he successfully resisted it, he could still feel that the source of his natal star was rapidly being consumed, and even the recovery of the 'Three Lights of Heaven' could not keep up.

Liang Ji couldn't help but look up at the battlefield in all directions. He could see that all the high-level star masters in the battlefield were using their own means to protect themselves and resist the attacks of the "Zhoutian Demonic Star Formation" in the void, as well as a large number of family members, starships, etc. Destroyed by the power of this 'demon star array'.

But there was no intention of retreating or leaving.

"The Star Alliance Development Command also has trump cards and means!"

When Liang Ji saw this, he suddenly understood and couldn't help but look towards the central black hole, Tianhe Immortal Lord.

At this time, Immortal Lord Tianhe was also looking up at the 'Zhou Tianyao Star Formation' covering the Sky Demon Star Domain in the void, and murmured: "Sure enough, Xuanqi Sky Demon, you still have a trump card! However, this is What is your purpose in creating this 'Celestial Demonic Star Territory'?"

"It's actually possible to imitate our 'Celestial Star Array' and create a star field to build this 'Celestial Demonic Star Array'!"

"It seems that you may have intentionally exposed this 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and our Star Alliance's pioneering war is also part of your plan!"

"The purpose is for those 'star map formations' we have deployed in the star field!"

"The last time the power of the Sky Demon erupted, you created and distorted the stars in various galaxies and distorted the 'Star Map Array' arranged in various galaxies. You were already trying to arrange this 'Celestial Demon Star Array' Picture it!"

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