The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1094 Victory with Huge Loss Eighteen Color Star Cores

In the vast void and the boundless sea of ​​stars, various civilizations will always communicate and learn from each other after collisions and confrontations.

The Star Alliance absorbs and learns the strengths of various civilizations, thereby gradually achieving the status of today's super-level civilization.

As for the Void Demon Clan, existences at the intermediate level and above have awakened spiritual intelligence and possess wisdom. Even the higher the level, the higher the wisdom.

The wisdom of the ninth-level heavenly demon is probably not much different from that of the ninth-level star masters and first-level immortals of the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance can learn and absorb the essence of other civilizations, and these civilizations and enemies can naturally absorb and learn the civilization and essence of the Star Alliance.

When Liang Ji saw the transformed civilization of the star monsters in the life stars of the Sky Demon Star Territory, he had already seen some signs that the Void Monster Clan had learned from and absorbed the civilization and essence of the Star Alliance.

But after all, those civilizations are only preliminary evolutions, and they are still far away from truly becoming human beings, or even developing to the level of Star Alliance cultivators.

But now, seeing the 'Zhou Tian Yao Star Formation' that the ninth-level Sky Demon had launched from the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', he was truly horrified. He was shocked by the Sky Demon's influence on the Star Alliance civilization and even the 'Zhou Tian Xing Chen'. The depth of research and exploration of the array diagram!

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a ninth-level celestial demon. His wisdom and methods are no less than that of a ninth-level star master or a first-level celestial being. His abilities even exceed those of many star masters in the Star Alliance who have studied the 'Celestial Star Array' for many years.

At this time, the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord was observing the 'Zhou Tianyao Star Array' in the void, while continuing: "From the last 'Tide of Tianyao Power', Xuanqi Tianyao, you are twisted everywhere. When looking at the 'Star Map Array' of the galaxy, we faintly discovered that something was wrong."

"So this time, before you erupt the third 'tide of the power of the sky demon', we will block and suppress you and the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' in this central black hole."

"Sure enough, now the 'Zhoutian Demonic Star Formation Diagram' has been forced out!"

"And it can be seen that without the impact and baptism of the third 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power', plus the fact that we quickly restored the distorted 'Star Map Array', this 'Celestial Demonic Star Array' is 'After all, it's still far from perfect and complete!"

"If that's the case, don't blame us for suppressing and seizing it!"

Almost as soon as Immortal Tian He finished speaking, orders came out from the frontline headquarters and were transmitted to the galaxies developed and occupied by the Star Alliance in the 'Tian Yao Star Territory'.

The next moment, the "Star Map Arrays" in various galaxies were activated one after another, and bright starlight burst out from various galaxies developed and occupied by the Covenant Alliance, rushing into the surrounding space shrouded in the void above. In the Heavenly Demon Star Array.

The streaks of starlight bombarded and shattered the shadows of the void monsters that made up the stars in the 'Demon Star Array', and replaced them with the lights and shadows of various star masters' families.

Liang Ji even saw the light and shadow of his Dragon Vein Familia clan in it, which was undoubtedly the starlight erupting from the 'Green Wing Galaxy', 'Rose Sun Galaxy', 'Red Sun Galaxy' and other places.

These starlights destroyed the 'Demon Star Array' one by one, and then re-condensed into the 'Star Array' belonging to the Star Alliance. In the blink of an eye, they had captured more than half of the 'Celestial Demon Star Array' in the void.

The entire star map is divided into two parts. Under the movement of the star map, the stars transformed by the light and shadow of the Void Demon Clan and the stars transformed by the light and shadow of the Familia clan are constantly competing and competing in the star map, fighting for control of the entire "Zhoutian Demon Star Formation".

The starlight hanging down from the void suddenly became half monster and half normal. The battle between the Star Alliance monks and the void demon tribe on the battlefield fell into chaos and tension again.

But it can be seen that because the Star Alliance has developed and occupied most of the star systems in the 'Celestial Demon Star Field', there are more and more stars rising into the sky to seize the 'Celestial Demon Star Formation Map'. powerful.

In the areas captured and occupied by the Star Alliance in the 'Zhou Tian Yao Star Array', the star power they control is getting more and more powerful. Throughout the battle and competition, the Star Alliance is gradually gaining the upper hand and winning. tilted in the direction.


Finally, the ninth-level demon roared out again from the central black hole.

The next moment, the 'Zhoutian Demonic Star Formation' shrouded in the void, which was being captured and competed for, suddenly collapsed and tore apart.

The part of the 'Demon Star Array' that had been occupied and captured by the Star Alliance was directly shattered, turning into countless chaotic and exploding starlights, which scattered throughout the Sky Demon Star Territory, causing chaos and causing chaos in various galaxies that the Star Alliance had developed and occupied. Less casualties.

In particular, the central black hole is the focus of the impact of the shattered 'demon star array'. The scene will be shrouded and suppressed around the central black hole, and all the galaxies arranged by the Covenant, whether they are artificial galaxies or real galaxies, will Whether complete or broken, they were all destroyed by the impact.

The void monsters trapped in these galaxies either took the opportunity to rush into the central black hole, or escaped.

Similarly, in these sudden changes and battles, the gods, elemental spirits, etc. who struggled to survive also seized this opportunity to escape.

Liang Ji and other high-ranking Star Lords of the Star Alliance were avoiding the impact of the collapsing star map at this time, protecting themselves, their dependents, and the development team. They could only watch as these void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. escaped.

The other small half of the 'Zhou Tian Yao Star Array' area that had not been captured and occupied by the Star Alliance did not break or collapse under the control of the ninth-level demon. Instead, it fell directly into the central black hole. He will be swallowed by the black hole and taken away by the ninth-level demon.

Above the central black hole, the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord seized the opportunity and directly took the small half of the 'Zhoutian Demonic Star Array', but only torn off nearly half of it, and the remaining half was still swallowed by the black hole and fell into it. The hand of the ninth-level demon.

Even so, there was no trace of disappointment on Immortal Lord Tian He's face. He checked the small half of the 'Zhou Tian Yao Star Array' that he grabbed in his hand, put it away with satisfaction, then looked at the central black hole below and sneered. : "The third tide of Sky Demon power has been suppressed and consumed, and the 'Zhou Tian Demon Star Formation' has also been forced out in advance. I want to see what other methods you have to suppress the situation!"

"This time I asked you to hide in the central black hole. When our Star Alliance development team captures the entire Sky Demon Star Territory and arranges it into a 'Star Territory Formation', we will see how you hide and escape!"

Saying in a deep voice, Immortal Lord Tianhe withdrew his eyes from the central black hole and looked around.

The four galaxies arranged by the Star Alliance development team headquarters to suppress the central black hole, as well as the 'imitation star array' composed of eleven galaxies, have now been destroyed, and the surrounding void, chaos, and the universe have been torn apart. , most of it is broken, and it will take a lot of time to recover.

It can be said that although the Star Alliance achieved its goal in this battle, the losses and casualties were very different.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a star core in the void above the black hole. It was the huge star core that was distorted and created. At this time, he saw that the star core had bloomed with the light of thirty-six colors of stars and fused. It became eighteen colors!

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