The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1100 ‘Dongxu’ Star Technique Deep Void (Happy Lantern Festival!)

It has been hundreds of years since the Star Alliance developed the Sky Demon Star Territory, and now most of the entire Sky Demon Star Territory has been developed and captured by the Star Alliance.

The scope of the Sky Demon Star Territory still occupied and controlled by the Void Demon Clan is even less than one-fifth of the entire area.

It can be said that the Star Alliance's pioneering war has reached its final moment.

After handing over the information and tasks to Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, Liang Ji left the Huangyang Galaxy, passed through the frontline battlefield, and penetrated into the remaining areas of the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Running the 'Dongxu' star technique that he had just learned and practiced all the way, he was sneaking into the void of the star field. He could clearly see the number, density and level of the void monsters entrenched in the remaining 'Celestial Demon Star Field' areas. etc., have reached a very high level.

The infiltrated gods, elemental spirits, etc. even appeared openly in these areas, with no intention of hiding or lurking. They even directly cooperated with the Void Demon Clan to make various arrangements among the stars and galaxies. , war preparation.

Obviously, as the Star Alliance's pioneering war continues, the Void Demon Clan in the Sky Demon Star Territory not only failed but also fell.

As the original owner of the Sky Demon Star Territory, the Void Demon Clan has no intention of rejecting or being hostile towards the infiltrating gods and elemental spirits. Instead, it has begun to cooperate directly with the infiltrating gods, elemental spirits, etc. To deal with the attack of the Star Alliance pioneering team.

This undoubtedly means that in the next less than one-fifth of the remaining areas, the Star Alliance development team's offense and development battles will become more difficult and cruel.

"It seems that this new development goal must be carefully observed and chosen carefully!"

Liang Ji had thoughts in his mind:

"Although I gained a lot in the 'Central Black Hole' area this time and my combat power has improved a lot, I can't get too carried away."

"If you are not careful, you may suffer heavy losses in the next development war. Whether it is myself or the seniors in the alliance, it will undoubtedly not be a good outcome!"

It takes half a mile to travel a hundred miles, and Liang Ji didn't want to see the pioneering war coming to a victorious end, only to fall before the final victory.

Liang Ji had thoughts in his mind and carefully sneaked into the void.

The newly learned 'Dongxu' star technique is indeed a high-level star technique dedicated to escape and escape. His 'Star Spirit Body' can escape in the void, whether it is speed, stealth, or in Escape and advancement in various complex imaginary realms of the void are much better than directly tearing the void apart with his 'star spirit body' and escaping within the void.

Those high-level void monsters, high-level gods, high-level elemental spirits, etc. who are entrenched in the void and galaxies are unable to discover Liang Ji's 'star spirit body' that uses the 'dongxu' star technique to sneak and escape in the void. .

Even during this escape process, Liang Ji sometimes found some void areas that were suppressed and blocked by some terrifying divine light, elemental light, or bloodline power. They were obviously high-level void monsters, gods, The elemental spirits also possess some means of suppressing and sealing off the void similar to those used by senior members of the Star Alliance.

However, Liang Ji's star technique of "Dongxu" was able to discover these forces that suppressed and blocked the void in advance, and even discovered the loopholes in them, so that he could penetrate and sneak through them without alerting the enemy.

As he became more and more proficient in the use of the 'Dongxu' magic, Liang Ji fully felt the benefits and couldn't help but admire in his heart:

"As expected of the star technique specially suggested by Senior Sister Xue, it is really powerful to sneak into the void and escape without any hindrance!"

The four high-level star arts that Liang Ji chose came from the three major star palaces. Needless to say, they were specially developed by star palaces. They can exert the strongest power in conjunction with the star palace inheritance. He is also a high-level monk born in star palaces. High-level astrology is almost a must-select and compulsory course.

But the final 'Dongxu' star technique was recommended to him after he consulted with senior Xue Zhaoyue.

It can only be said that people like Xue Zhaoyue can be sent by the frontline headquarters to specifically hunt down high-level gods, elemental spirits and other enemies that have sneaked in. Leaving aside other methods, at least the tracking and escape methods are definitely far superior. Same level.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up with the target that needs to be hunted, or to escape for one's life.

After all, this kind of mission of chasing high-level gods and elemental spirits is definitely more dangerous than exploring the galaxy, and naturally requires more powerful escape methods.

The 'Dongxu' star technique recommended by Xue Zhaoyue has also been verified. When used for sneaking and escaping, it is definitely the strongest star technique that Liang Ji has ever known.

After carefully escaping and advancing all the way, more than a month later, Liang Ji finally arrived at the place where senior Xue Zhaoyue asked him to meet.

This is a galaxy that is close to the edge of the Sky Demon Star Domain. The entire galaxy is suppressed and blocked by various powerful divine lights, elemental lights, and bloodline powers.

Its intensity was many times stronger than what he had encountered and seen along the way!

Liang Ji just saw the arrangement around this galaxy in the void and already knew that this galaxy was definitely not simple.

No wonder, Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue is sure that there must be a big secret hidden in this galaxy, and she must break through this galaxy at any cost to check the situation inside.

Liang Ji was thinking in his mind, and did not approach this galaxy rashly. Instead, he was running the "Dongxu" star technique in a void far away from the galaxy, and changed the "Dongxu" method according to the method taught by Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue before. 'The secret of star magic.

Suddenly, surrounded by the obscure starlight of the 'Dongxu' star technique, he actually opened a deeper void in the void, as if he had opened a deeper cave in the void.

He used the 'Dongxu' star technique to enter the deeper void. He could clearly feel that the deeper void was more open and vast, but also more dangerous. The chaotic space inside was turbulent and fragmented. The power of the void, the chaotic power of chaos, etc. sweep across all directions from time to time.

Based on Liang Ji's observation and induction, if there is no 'Dongxu' star technique to protect him, even the 'Star Spirit Body' of a high-level star master can walk and escape at will in the void, but if he enters this deeper and next level Within the void of the first layer, it will also be swallowed up by the chaotic power of chaos, the power of void, etc., making it difficult to escape.

"There is not one layer in the void, but multiple layers!"

While Liang Ji was running the 'Dongxu' star technique to carefully protect himself, he was also careful about his surroundings, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Sure enough, without being a high-level star master, there are many secrets in the void of the universe that he has no way of knowing.

At the same time, as he entered the deep void, Liang Ji suddenly sensed a seemingly invisible force that was connected with his 'Dongxu' star technique, and began to pull him in one direction. And go.

Liang Ji fled directly in the direction of the pulling, and soon saw Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue in the deep void.

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