The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1101 Artificial Black Hole Eighth-Level Star Master Yun Family Ancestor

"This is... a black hole?"

Liang Ji followed the latent image and arrived at the place where Xue Zhaoyue was. She was not alone here, but there were several high-level star masters gathered together, all of whom were tasked with receiving frontline headquarters tasks, otherwise they would hunt down the high-level stars who had infiltrated the gods and elemental spirits. host.

He was not surprised by this. When they were deep in enemy territory and faced with a large number of enemies, it was normal for Xue Zhaoyue and others to join forces.

What really surprised him was that there was something strange about the place where Xue Zhaoyue and others were, looking like a black hole in the starry sky.

"This is indeed a 'black hole', a man-made black hole created by the Covenant."

Xue Zhaoyue seemed to see his doubts and explained for him:

"You only need to practice the 'Dongxu' star technique to perfection, and you can enter the deep void, find and even cast black holes in multi-layered voids!"

"This black hole is originally formed by penetrating multiple layers of void."

"High-level star masters often need to enter black holes to find and hunt high-level void monsters, and find high-level resources, treasures, etc. The 'Dongxu' star technique is the best way to enter black holes."

Liang Ji heard the pressure, but he didn't expect that the 'Dongxu' star technique he chose according to the other party's suggestion could actually have so many important functions.

An said so, this 'Dongxu' magic is simply one of the star arts that high-level star masters must practice.

"Okay." At this time, Xue Zhaoyue turned back to the conversation and said: "These things will become clear to you when you practice among high-level star masters for a long time."

"Let me introduce you to some Taoist friends first."

With that said, he led Liang Ji to introduce and get to know each other and other high-level star owners who were stalkers in the 'artificial black hole'.

"This is the eighth-level star master Yunyin Star Master!"

Xue Zhaoyue led Liang Ji and first introduced him to a man in the center of the crowd.

This is a man who looks very ordinary, but it is always easy for people to ignore his existence. They have even seen his appearance, but then they always feel that they cannot remember the appearance of the other person in their mind.

However, for Liang Ji, listening to Xue Zhaoyue's introduction, his attention was instantly focused on two places: the eighth-level star master and the surname Yun!

"Senior Yunyin!" Liang Ji greeted the other party, but he couldn't help but make a guess in his heart.

He is also an eighth-level star master with the same surname of Yun. Could this senior Yunyin be the ancestor of the Yun family of Tian Serpent Star Cultivating Snake City and his old classmate Yun Lai?

According to the information he learned from various aspects, the ancestor of the Yun family was the eighth-level star master, and he was a senior official or even the person in charge of the Star Alliance's intelligence department.

Back in the Green Wing Galaxy, when Liang Ji got together with a group of old classmates, he heard Yun Lai say that he was now working in the Star Alliance intelligence department.

The work of the Covenant Intelligence Department is nothing more than internal inspection and external intelligence exploration.

As it is now, sneaking behind the enemy's rear, hunting down the enemy, and detecting intelligence is not the job of the Covenant Intelligence Department!

Yun Yin nodded slightly to him, as if he could see the guess in his heart, and did not hide it. He smiled and said: "You are welcome, fellow Taoist Liang, you are still a fellow countryman when it comes to treating me!"

"I am also from the Serpent City of the Serpentis Star!"

Hearing what he said, Liang Ji's speculation was immediately confirmed.

At that moment, he said with some surprise: "It turns out that the senior is also from Xiu She City. Could it be that he is from the Yun family in Xiu She City?"

The other party nodded slightly to acknowledge.

Liang Ji said more and more enthusiastically: "That's great. It's really lucky for me to be able to see a fellow countryman like my senior here."

"When I was studying and practicing in Snake City, I was also taken care of by the Domengyun family!"

"Even now, the younger generation's family, relatives and friends are also being taken care of by the Yun family in Xiu She City..."

Lord Yunyin also smiled and nodded, saying: "I also learned about you from my family, and now you are also the pride of our Heavenly Snake Star and Xiu She City!"

As he spoke, he changed the subject and said, "This is not the place for long conversations. When this mission is over, we will find a place to chat more."

"Okay!" Liang Ji responded immediately: "I'm just going to ask my senior for more advice on spiritual practice."

Yunyin nodded slightly and said, "Everyone learns from each other."

Later, Xue Zhaoyue introduced the other people in the action team to Liang Ji. There were only four people except Star Master Yunyin and Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue.

They are Senior Rongxiao, a seventh-level star master from the Wanxiang Star Palace, senior Han Qianniu, a seventh-level star master from the Taiyi Star Palace, Zhao Li, a seventh-level star master from the Lingbao Star Palace, and senior senior Han Qianniu, a seventh-level star master from the Guixu Star Palace. Senior Star Master Yang Yanni.

These four people, like Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue, have been practicing among the seventh-level star masters for a long time, and have advanced cultivation and strength. They are far beyond the comparison of newly promoted seventh-level star masters like Liang Ji.

If not, they would not be able to accept the mission of the frontline headquarters to track and hunt the high-level gods and elemental spirits that have sneaked into the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Even because he saw Yunyin Star Master here, Liang Ji speculated that several senior seventh-level Star Master seniors and seniors present, including Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue, were probably in the Star Alliance intelligence department. Staff, star owners.

It is precisely because they work in the Covenant intelligence department that they are assigned such tasks by the Covenant Pioneer Corps frontline headquarters to hunt down, detect and infiltrate the enemy.

Although Liang Ji had speculations and thoughts in his mind, he didn't say much. Whether it was the Covenant intelligence department, the security department, or any other high-level Covenant department, he had no intention of joining for the time being.

Therefore, he only needs to regard this action as a transaction with Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue.

Similarly, after senior Xue Zhaoyue recommended and introduced Liang Ji, she didn't say much and directly turned the topic to the tasks he needed to do.

"Junior Liang Ji, before you came here, you should have seen the galaxies beyond the deep void!"

Xue Zhaoyue looked at Liang Ji and asked.

Liang Ji nodded slightly and said: "The entire galaxy is completely suppressed and blocked by divine light, elemental light, and bloodline power, and is surrounded by a very secretive system!"

"Not bad!" Xue Zhaoyue nodded: "We have explored all the galaxies in the remaining areas of the Sky Demon Star Region that the Void Demon Clan still controls."

"Only this galaxy is the most special. It is completely suppressed and blocked by the three forces of the Void Demon Race, Gods, and Elemental Spirits. Other galaxies are suppressed and blocked by the power of two parties at most."

"Either the Void Demon Clan and the gods jointly block and suppress it, or the Void Demon Clan cooperates with the elemental spirits to suppress and blockade it. More often than not, the Void Demon Clan controls it alone!"

"Only this place is so special, so we have reason to suspect that there is a big secret hidden in it!"

Liang Ji nodded slightly. These problems could only be seen from the surface.

"This galaxy, deep behind the enemy, is surrounded by the power of void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits."

"It will be more difficult for us to find out the secrets without alerting the enemy. We have tried more than a dozen methods, so we can only ask you to try."

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