The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1102 The fourth blocking power: the power of the sky demon

"Senior, what exactly do you need me to do?"

Liang Ji asked directly after listening to Senior Xue Zhaoyue's introduction.


Xue Zhaoyue said, looking at Star Master Yang Yanni who was standing aside in Guixu Star Palace, and said: "Yanni, let's get closer."


Yang Yanni nodded in agreement, and then she saw her hand pinching the star. The small man-made black hole they were in began to move in the deep void, gradually rising from the deep void, passing through the layers of void, and entering the uppermost void. .

The divine light, elemental light, blood power and other forces that suppressed and blocked the galaxy appeared in front again, suppressing, blocking, and imprisoning the void in front.

"It turns out that this black hole of humanity is controlled by Senior Sister Yang Yanni!"

A thought flashed through Liang Ji's mind, and he remembered that the Guixu Star Palace where Senior Yang Yanni was born was famous for studying the power of black holes, and it was the power of the 'Guixu Black Hole' that was inherited.

In this way, it is not strange for her to control this small 'artificial black hole'.

Under the control of Yang Yanni, the 'artificial black hole' slowly approached the galaxy. It was blocked by the divine light, the light of elements, and the power of blood, and suppressed the void right in front of them.

"Junior Liang Ji." Xue Zhaoyue looked at him at this time and said: "You try to use your power of integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces to contact these forces that block and suppress the void, and see if you can do it without alerting the enemy. Analyze and break through these blockades and suppressions.”

When Liang Ji heard this, he did not act immediately. Instead, he looked at the other party in confusion and asked: "If I contact and try rashly like this and fail, will it alarm the enemies in the galaxy?"

"It's okay." Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue shook her head and said, "Senior Yunyin will take action to stabilize and hide all movements."

"Our previous failed attempts were all hidden and not discovered until Senior Yunyin took action."

"However, Senior Yunyin's method can only maintain a small area, and it cannot last for too long."

"Otherwise, we would have sneaked into this galaxy with the help of Senior Yunyin."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this and said: "I understand, then I will take action."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand with his 'Star Spirit Body'. The shadows of the 'God List', 'Bloodline Catalog', and 'Millennium Furnace' flashed past in his hand, and suddenly a large piece of original mysterious light appeared in his hand. Starlight hands.

At this time, Senior Yunyin, the eighth-level star master on the side, also waved his hand, and a cloud-like starlight suddenly disappeared into the suppressed and sealed void in front of him.

Liang Ji suddenly saw that the void that was suppressed and sealed by divine light, elemental light, and bloodline power seemed to be distorted and transformed, becoming a place covered and obscured by clouds and mist, and even revealed a bit of illusion.

Obviously, the ancestor of the Yun family, Senior Yunyin, the eighth-level star master, is able to serve as a high-ranking official in the intelligence department of the Star Alliance. He also has unique means, which is most suitable for hiding and escaping inside and outside the Star Alliance to search for various intelligence, information, and materials. of.

Liang Ji marveled in his heart, but without any delay, he immediately took control of the 'original mysterious light' formed by the inheritance of the three star palaces, and leaned towards the divine light, elemental light, and bloodline power that suppressed and sealed the void.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Liang Ji immediately sensed the 'original mysterious light' suppressing the divine light, elemental light, and bloodline power. Small entrances suddenly emerged in the void of this suppressed and sealed galaxy. .

"You know it if you know it, it really works!"

Seeing this, Xue Zhaoyue immediately showed joy and shouted.

At this time, Liang Ji suddenly frowned, and hurriedly stopped his hand, withdrawing the hand of starlight and the original mysterious light, away from the divine light, elemental light, and bloodline power that suppressed and blocked the void.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, Xue Zhaoyue couldn't help asking:

"Senior Brother Liang Ji, why did you stop and withdraw? Is it because the cultivation level inherited from the Three Gate Star Palace is not enough?"

"It doesn't matter, you just need to break a crack, and we will help you expand the passage later..."

Liang Ji shook his head slightly at this time and said: "No! The power to suppress and seal the void of this galaxy is not just the divine light, the light of the elements, and the power of blood!"


Xue Zhaoyue looked at him in confusion and asked, "More than these three powers?"

They had explored this galaxy many times before, and although they had tried more than a dozen times to break the blockade, suppress it, and sneak into it, they had failed.

But she was confident that she had a very clear understanding of the power to suppress and block the void in the galaxy, and had not discovered the fourth power at all. She even wondered if Liang Ji had sensed it wrong.

"Yes!" Liang Ji nodded directly and said: "It is the power of the sky demon. The fourth kind of power that suppresses and seals the void of this galaxy is the power of the sky demon's creation!"

"Impossible..." Xue Zhaoyue objected instinctively: "The ninth-level heavenly demon is still blocked and suppressed in the 'central black hole' by Immortal Lord Tianhe. The power of creation of the heavenly demon cannot break out of the central black hole at all, let alone It’s impossible to pass it to this marginal galaxy!”

"Senior Brother Liang Ji, you also personally participated in the third 'Tide of Demonic Power' battle surrounding the central black hole."

"It should be very clear that the power of the sky demon has long been blocked and suppressed in the central black hole, and cannot be transmitted at all..."

Liang Ji nodded slightly after listening to the other party's words, but still insisted: "Despite this, based on my years of research on the power of the sky demon to create stars, I will definitely not be wrong!"

At this time, Senior Yunyin, the eighth-level star master on the side, suddenly interjected: "If there is really the power of the sky demon in this galaxy, it would make sense!"

"With our research and mastery of divine light, elemental light, and bloodline power, we have tried more than a dozen methods before but failed to break through the blockade, suppress it, and sneak in!"

"I'm afraid it's because I failed to discover the existence of the power of the heavenly demon in this suppression and blockade!"

Hearing what he said, Xue Zhaoyue and others also looked thoughtful. This was indeed a possibility.

"However, the ninth-level celestial demon has obviously been suppressed in the central black hole. How could the power of this celestial demon be transmitted to this galaxy?"

Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue still couldn't help but be suspicious.

"This may be the reason why this galaxy is so suppressed, sealed, and closely protected!"

The stars in Yunyin Star Master's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice:

"Perhaps, it is because there are some treasures, ways, and methods in this galaxy that can contact the ninth-level sky demon that was suppressed and sealed in the central black hole, so that the power of the sky demon can be transferred to it, and even help the ninth-level sky demon in the central black hole. Heavenly Demon!"

"That's why this galaxy was suppressed and sealed in this way. The Void Demon Clan, gods, and elemental spirits worked together to suppress, blockade, and protect it."

"As for the specific situation, we still have to sneak in and check it out!"

Star Master Yunyin said, looked at Liang Ji and said: "Liang Ji, do you have any way to deal with the power of creation that suppresses and blocks the galaxy?"

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