The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1111: Quick hands, slow hands, no way to connect to the galaxy

After Liang Ji mastered the high-level star technique of 'moment element', he achieved great victory in his first try.

Although this was a seventh-level god that had already been severely damaged due to the excessive use of the 'God List', the ability to kill two of them in succession was enough to prove its terrifying power and lethality.

The remaining seventh-level gods were immediately frightened by his successive attacks, and they all exploded with all their strength, turning into divine light and flying away.

After all, Liang Ji was only a seventh-level star master who had just entered the seventh level. He was similar to or even worse than these escaped seventh-level gods. Naturally, it was impossible to keep them all and kill them.

At this time, I could only watch the remaining seventh-level gods escape.

Then, he turned his attack target to the remaining Void Demon Clan. The high-level star technique 'Instant Element' was blasted with the 'Elemental Hammer', and the Void Demon Clan who also belonged to the seventh level could not bear it.

Soon, Liang Ji led the team to clean up the 'Golden Sun' galaxy and successfully captured it.

There are four life stars in the galaxy, but Liang Ji has decided to put down these life stars first. He is not in a hurry to attack and capture the stars, nor is he in a hurry to exploit the resources and treasures in the life stars.

Instead, they directly arranged the 'Star Map Array' to protect the entire galaxy, suppress the life stars in the galaxy, and then continue to lead the team to attack and develop the next life galaxy.

After all, the Star Alliance's development of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' has entered the final stage of charge, and there are only a few living star systems left in the star territory.

At this time, it's time to be quick and slow. Naturally, Liang Ji is not willing to waste time on the stars of life in this galaxy.

He only needs to capture the life stars first, and when the pioneering war is over and the entire 'Sky Demon Star Territory' is captured, he and his team will naturally have plenty of time to slowly clean up these life stars and mine the resources and treasures in the stars.

Regarding Liang Ji's decision, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others also actively agreed and had no objection.

They had already received news from Liang Ji and knew that the Star Alliance's war to open up the star field was coming to an end. Naturally, they wanted to use this last moment to open up as many star systems as possible and seize merit and resources.

In addition, in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy, he saw Liang Ji's latest strength, dozens of seventh-order dependents, dozens of seventh-order gods, elemental spirits 'dragon beasts', etc., as well as the terrifying high-level star magic, which was enough. Let them have more confidence to explore and capture more galaxies and strive for more merits and benefits.

Therefore, Master Chu Yue quickly completed the arrangement of the 'Star Map Array' in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy, and Liang Ji also participated in it, helping to move the stars and arrange the array, which greatly accelerated their speed.

Half a month later, the team set off again, heading towards the next life galaxy.

The life galaxy he developed this time was the 'Orange Sun' galaxy that he had previously observed. The reason why he chose the 'Golden Sun' galaxy instead of the 'Orange Sun' galaxy among the three life galaxies he had previously observed was just because of the 'Orange Sun' galaxy. The people occupying the Yang Galaxy are the void monsters and elemental spirits.

In the team of Liang Ji and others, there were more Star Lords from the Kunlun Star Palace, and they were better at dealing with the gods of the God Realm, so they chose the 'Golden Sun' galaxy.

But now, the 'Golden Sun' galaxy has been captured, and Liang Ji has verified his combat prowess and the power of high-level astrology. Naturally, he doesn't care so much about the difference between high-level gods and high-level elemental spirits.

Whether it is a seventh-level god or a seventh-level elemental spirit, Liang Ji also cultivates the three-door star palace inheritance, and believes that he can kill them all under the high-level star magic of the 'momentary element'.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji led the team to the outside of the 'Chengyang' galaxy.

He controlled the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', activated the 'Star Spirit Eyes' and looked into the 'Orange Sun' galaxy again, but his expression changed slightly.

However, in just one month, there have been new changes in the 'Orange Sun' galaxy compared to his previous explorations.

Not only are there more high-level void monsters gathered inside, but in addition to the original high-level elemental spirits, there are several more high-level gods in the galaxy at this time!

Liang Ji even recognized that these extra high-level gods were the enemies he had driven away and scared away in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy. As a result, after escaping from the 'Jinyang' galaxy, these high-level gods Instead of fleeing for their lives, they gathered in the 'Orange Sun' galaxy, obviously wanting to continue fighting with him.

"Seventh level void demon clan, seventh level elemental spirit, seventh level god!"

"Sure enough, as the war to open up the star field reaches the end, it will become more difficult, and the enemies will become more powerful. It is impossible to find any more difficult and easy-to-win life star systems!"

Liang Ji sighed in his heart and passed the new information detected back to the starships of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others, so that everyone could renegotiate the plan of development and attack.

Although the enemies in the 'Chengyang' galaxy have become more numerous and stronger, the team of Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others have no intention of retreating or giving up.

In fact, Liang Ji's powerful combat power in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy gave them a lot of confidence.

Soon, everyone determined the tactics: it was still similar to that in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy. Liang Ji's family members, gods, and elemental spirits, 'Dragon Beasts', charged forward to kill the high-level people in the 'Orange Sun' galaxy. The enemy resists and delays.

Then, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others drove starships, and a group of third-level immortals assisted from the side to launch an attack, first destroying high-level enemies, and then taking over the entire galaxy.

After Liang Ji saw the tactics formulated by everyone, he made some changes: In the 'Chengyang' galaxy, there are three powerful enemies: high-level void monsters, high-level elemental spirits, and high-level gods.

Although he also has seventh-level dependents, seventh-level gods, and seventh-level elemental spirits 'dragon beasts' under his command, basically in addition to seventh-level dependents, they may also be able to fight and fight with high-level void monsters.

But the other two, whether they are the seventh-level gods or the seventh-level elemental spirits 'dragon beasts', it is estimated that they will be difficult to win against high-level gods and high-level elemental spirits.

Therefore, if you want to quickly conquer and win the 'Orange Sun' galaxy, you need to make some adjustments to your tactics.

"Concentrate your strength first, eliminate one enemy, and then take down the remaining enemies!"

Liang Ji scanned the small galaxy inside and outside, and quickly selected the first choice target: "First focus on the seventh-level gods in the galaxy to attack and clean them up, clear them out first, and then capture the high-level void monsters and elemental spirits. !”


"no problem!"

Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others just changed their minds for a moment and already understood what Liang Ji meant. The high-level gods in the 'Chengyang' galaxy all escaped from the 'Golden Sun' galaxy, and they were basically frightened birds. .

As long as they continue to attack them and kill one or two high-level gods, they can basically completely defeat them and quickly form an advantage, which will be of great benefit to taking over the entire 'Chengyang' galaxy.

Therefore, the three people directly agreed to Liang Ji's suggestion.

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