The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1112 The eight-level battle breaks out between the scared gods and elemental spirits


Outside the 'Orange Sun' galaxy, the star gate in the void opened. The seventh-level Yaju Emperor in Liang Ji's natal star transformed into a Yajudramon, leading dozens of seventh-level family members to transform into dragon beasts and directly enter the galaxy.

Liang Ji also sacrificed the 'Bang of the Gods', 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and the 'Picture of the Bloodline' again, and integrated the power and origin of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and the 'Picture of the Bloodline' into the 'Bang of the Gods', pushing their power to the next level. He rose to the seventh-level trans-limit level and suppressed several seventh-level gods who were fleeing from the galaxy.


Starships such as the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the 'True Dragon' starship, and the 'Yujing Tower' starship entered the 'Chengyang Galaxy' under the order to attack.

A group of third-level immortals fought out from each starship and threw themselves into the battlefield.

But this time, these starships and third-level immortals did not follow Liang Ji to kill the seventh-level gods. Instead, they cooperated with the seventh-level family members and the seventh-level elemental spirits 'Dragon Beast' sent by Liang Ji to block them. The seventh-order void monsters and seventh-order elemental spirits in the galaxy.

Since we have decided to defeat them one by one and defeat the escaping seventh-level gods first, we naturally have to keep the void monsters, elemental spirits, etc. out of the way first, preventing them from having the chance to rescue the seventh-level gods.

Therefore, according to Liang Ji's order, his seventh-level family members, seventh-level elemental spirits 'dragon beasts', as well as starships, third-level immortals, etc., do not need to defeat or kill the seventh-level void monsters or seventh-level elements. Spirits, you only need to drag and resist them first.

Taking this opportunity, Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant' body had already led the seventh-level gods under his command to kill the seventh-level gods who were fleeing for their lives.

The seventh-level super-limited ‘God List’ suppressed them, and the seven-level gods who fled for their lives suddenly felt as if they had returned to their previous nightmare in the ‘Golden Sun’ galaxy, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Then, the seventh-level gods under Liang Ji's command arrived and entangled and surrounded each of the seventh-level gods.

Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant' body entered the battlefield, raised his hand to condense the 'Elemental Giant Hammer' and raised it. Before it could be struck down, the seventh-level gods were already like frightened birds. They had no intention of fighting at all. They started shouting in surprise. He turned into divine light and escaped, trying to escape for his life.

Liang Ji seized the opportunity and fired another high-level star technique, 'Instant Element', and once again killed a seventh-level god who could not escape. Under the instant element, the opponent was directly hit hard.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Ji successfully killed him with his second hammer blow, and successfully harvested a seventh-level wind attribute crystal.

The reason why two strikes were used this time to successfully kill the seventh-level gods was because after recent months of recovery, these seventh-level gods who had fled had already recovered from the heavy injuries and injuries they had suffered previously, and were in a comprehensive state. Attack on Liang Ji.

But even so, with the existing seventh-level super-limited "God List" suppressing him, and the astonishingly lethal "momentary element" high-level star technique attacking him, the seventh-level god who had returned to his full state was still unable to withstand two of his attacks.

Liang Ji also gradually discovered that the power of his "moment element" high-level astrology seemed to be a little different from what he knew. Compared with the power of the "moment element" astrology of the same level star master in the Vientiane Star Palace, it seemed to be more powerful. Much higher!

However, Liang Ji just changed his mind for a moment and already understood the reason.

It must be the change caused by him concurrently cultivating the three-door star palace inheritance and integrating the power of the three-door star palace inheritance to advance to the high-level star master.

Although, when he used the high-level star technique of the 'Instant Element', he only mobilized the power of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and did not mobilize the power of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Atlas' to integrate into it.

However, the power and origin of the three-door star palace inheritance are inherently integrated. The 'original mysterious light' formed by the fusion of the three-door star palace inheritance itself has a blessing and improvement to the power of the three-door star palace inheritance, making his practice more successful. The power of the three-door star palace inheritance is already greater than that of other star masters of the same level who are cultivating one-door inheritance.

Therefore, with the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' as the core, the power of the 'momentary element' star technique he operates is far beyond that of others of the same level.

Moreover, Liang Ji could imagine that when he was operating this star technique, he would integrate the power and origin of the 'God List' and 'Bloodline Catalog' into the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and use this as the core to explode. The power of the elements must also be at a super-limit level, and will be even more terrifying and huge.

However, in today's battlefield, just the enhanced version of the 'moment element' is enough, but there is no need to use the ultra-limited version of the Star Technique.

And as Liang Ji killed another seventh-level god with two strikes, the remaining high-level gods no longer wanted to fight or fight, and they turned into divine lights and fled away.

In fact, because of the escape of these seventh-level gods, it directly set off a wave of collapse in the 'Chengyang' galaxy.

Those high-level elemental spirits who were entangled and fighting with Liang Ji's seventh-level family, the seventh-level elemental spirit 'Dragon Beast', as well as starships, immortals, etc., saw the seventh-level gods who were traveling with them fleeing, and then saw The power of the 'moment element' star technique blasted out by Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant' body had no intention of continuing to fight. The elements also transformed into light and flew away for their lives.

After all, the 'moment element' high-level star technique from the Vientiane Star Palace is not only powerful in itself, but also has a special restraint and killing effect on elemental spirits.

At that moment, the creation and destruction of the elemental world were particularly restrained and destructive to the power of the elements and the elemental spirits generated by the power of the elements.

In the past, these elemental spirits had fought and fought with the high-level star masters from the Vientiane Star Palace in the Star Alliance. They had all seen the star magic of this 'momentary element' and were well aware of its power.

Even several experienced high-level elemental spirits could see that the power of the 'moment element' star magic blasted by Liang Ji far exceeded the power of the star magic they had seen before.

Therefore, after just a brief exchange, these seventh-level elemental spirits did not hesitate and fled directly following the fleeing seventh-level gods.

In the entire 'Chengyang' information, there were only some Void Monsters left in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Liang Ji had no intention of pursuing those seventh-order elemental spirits. Instead, he led everyone to quickly kill and clean up the void monsters in the galaxy.

In today's open battlefield, killing the enemy is no longer the top priority, but developing and capturing the life galaxy is the most important.

Without the help of high-level gods and elemental spirits, the remaining void monsters are even more difficult to match against Liang Ji, his family members, deities, and teammates.

In just ten days, everyone cleared out the 'Chengyang' galaxy and successfully captured it!

It's still the same as the previous 'Golden Sun' galaxy, where the life stars are ignored for the time being, and the 'Star Map Array' is laid out first, occupying this galaxy, and then pounces on the next galaxy.

boom! boom! Rumble…

On this day, Liang Ji and others had just finished setting up nearly half of the "Star Map Array" in the "Chengyang" galaxy. Before it was completed, violent roars, explosions and battle sounds suddenly came from the distance in the void.

Liang Ji turned his 'Star Spirit Eyes' to take a look, and his expression suddenly changed: it was the eighth-level star master who was fighting against the eighth-level void demon clan, the eighth-level gods, and the eighth-level elemental spirits!

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