The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1114: One against three, a complete victory

In the void outside the 'Chengyang' galaxy, Liang Ji dispersed the star technique of 'Guardian of the Gods'. The figures of the gods disappeared one by one, and the phantoms of 'Divine Edict' were taken back into the 'List of Gods'.

Afterwards, the power and origin of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and 'Bloodline Catalog' were also withdrawn from the 'Fengshen List', and the seventh-level beyond-limit 'Fengshen List' fell back to its original level.

In fact, due to the backlash and destruction caused by the aftermath of the eighth-level battle, the divine light above the original level of the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’ was dimmed and scattered, and there were obvious signs of loss and destruction.

Liang Ji quickly checked it and confirmed that the "Feng Shen Bang" only had dim light and had not been damaged or damaged by its origin or essence. He breathed a sigh of relief at the moment.

Afterwards, he sent the 'Gods List' back to the origin of the stars, nourished and restored the consumption of the 'Gods List' with the power of the stars, and restored the damaged 'gods' in it. It was the gods who were implicated and fell. Reborn from the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

After everything was taken care of, he looked up into the void in the distance.

Although, the eighth-level void monsters, eighth-level gods, and eighth-level elemental spirits have been led away by the eighth-level star master of the Star Alliance.

However, a large number of void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits, including seventh-level beings, did not follow those eighth-level void monsters, gods, etc., but continued to form a wave of monsters and attack the galaxies on the frontline battlefield. Come.

It seems that the void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. in the Sky Demon Star Domain also know that they are on the verge of failure in this pioneering war and are about to launch a final counterattack.

The 'Chengyang' galaxy where Liang Ji and others are located is also one of the targets of these enemies' counterattacks.

"All formation masters, speed up the arrangement of the 'Star Map Formation'!"

"The rest of the people, starships, families, immortals, etc., are in formation and ready to fight!"

Liang Ji quickly issued an order, and Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others all piloted the starship, opened the star gate to summon the family members, fought out from the 'Chengyang' galaxy, and set up battle formations in the void outside the galaxy, preparing to welcome Enemy charge.

Everyone already knows that this pioneering war has reached the final stage, and the more final it is, the more they cannot retreat!

Otherwise, all achievements, achievements, and benefits will undoubtedly be in vain.

Liang Ji controlled the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' and stood at the front of the battle formation formed by his teammates, the first to face the oncoming enemy.

At this time, the 'Feng Shen Bang' is cultivating and recovering in the natal stars, and is not suitable to continue fighting.

Liang Ji simply integrated the 'Bloodline Catalog' into the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', and activated the star magic of the 'Bloodline Origin Body', integrating the defense, solidity, strength, and original power of the 'Star Spirit Giant' body. Improved several times.

At the same time, the star magic of the 'moment element' was activated, and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' was integrated into the 'Elemental Hammer', raising its power to its peak.

Although the Ultra-limited Star Technique was no longer activated, two high-level Star Techniques were activated at the same time, which also increased the combat power of his 'Star Spirit Giant' body by more than ten times.

Faced with the wave of void demons attacking from the void, as well as the seventh-level void demon clan, seventh-level gods, seventh-level elemental spirits, etc. mixed in, Liang Ji controlled the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' and ran two gates. High-level Xingshu took the lead to greet him.

The giant hammer of the 'momentary element' directly smashed the void demon tide into pieces, and the seventh-level void demon clan, seventh-level gods, seventh-level elemental spirits, etc. hiding in it bombarded out.

Then, a seventh-level void monster, a seventh-level god, and a seventh-level elemental spirit directly surrounded his 'Star Spirit Giant' body and attacked him in a three-on-one attack.

The treatment that Liang Ji enjoyed at this time was almost the same as that of the eighth-level star masters he had seen before. They were all attacked by void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits of the same level at the same time.

However, his combat power and combat performance during this siege were much better than that of the eighth-level star master.

Although he was surrounded by the three, he was not at a disadvantage.

The body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' was blessed with the 'bloodline origin body' star magic, and it withstood the attacks of seventh-level gods and elemental spirits. Then the 'Elemental Giant Hammer' was gathered together, and the 'momentary element' star magic was activated, directly blasting towards The weakest seventh-level void demon clan among the three.

It was a seventh-level void ice salamander. The laws it mastered were capable of freezing the void and chaos wherever a natural disaster passes, causing a living star to fall into an era of ice, thereby destroying the entire star.

But at this time, with the 'Elemental Hammer' wielded by Liang Ji, the star technique 'Bloodline Origin Body' combined with the star technique 'Instant Element', it was severely damaged with one blow, and killed with two hammers.

Even after the seventh-order Void Ice Salamander fell under the crushing and consumption of the 'moment element', not even the Taoist vision was left behind.

After killing a besieging enemy with two hammers, Liang Ji turned the 'Elemental Hammer' again to face the remaining seventh-level gods and seventh-level elemental spirits.

Two seventh-level enemies of super-level civilization, while he was killing the seventh-level void ice salamander, they also launched two powerful attacks at him one after another.

The bright divine light and the disintegrating elements directly blasted away the guardian of the 'natal star projection' around him, and then two attacks directly bombarded his 'celestial spirit giant'.

However, the "Bloodline Catalog" inherited from the Star Palace was integrated into the "Star Spirit Giant", increasing its defense, strength, and origin power several times. Even if the powerful attacks of gods and elemental spirits of the same level bombarded him, It couldn't be hit directly.

After Liang Ji glanced at the two enemies, he directly blasted the 'Elemental Hammer' towards the seventh-order elemental spirit, a seventh-order gold elemental spirit. Its body shape seemed to be condensed from the strongest metal elements. It was solid. Beyond the hills, beyond the earth.

However, under the bombardment of the 'Star Spirit Giant' body blessed by Liang Ji with the 'Bloodline Origin Body' and the powerfully operating 'Instant Element' star technique, this seventh-level gold element spirit that can surpass the hills and the earth is also He was severely injured by one hammer, nearly dead by two hammers, and killed by three hammers!

The seventh-level golden elemental spirit can hold on one strike longer than the seventh-level void ice salamander, which shows that this seventh-level elemental spirit has stronger combat power than the seventh-level void demon clan.

Liang Ji successfully harvested a seventh-level gold element ‘Spiritual Crystal’.

At this time, among the three seventh-level enemies who besieged him, there was only one seventh-level earth-moving god left, but there was no sign of him continuing to fight or kill with Liang Ji.

Directly leaving behind some seventh-level divine slaves and divine servants to block Liang Ji's attack, he himself opened the divine realm, transformed into a divine light, escaped into it, and fled for his life.

Seeing this, Liang Ji had no intention of pursuing him, and quickly swept away the seventh-level divine slaves and divine servants left to entangle him. Then he resumed the protection of the 'natal star projection', continued to operate the two high-level star masters, and rushed towards the surrounding battlefield. middle.

There were too many enemies to counterattack this time, even though Liang Ji tried his best to kill the enemies besieging him as soon as possible.

But in this short period of time, casualties inevitably began to occur among the allies he led, and even starships were bombed and fell.

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