The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1115 A large number of casualties among the immortals. The alliance team ended the pioneerin

Just a few years after Liang Ji advanced to the seventh-level Star Master, he relied on his own power to sweep through the siege of three void demon clans, gods, and elemental spirits of the same level.

The main reason for this is undoubtedly the powerful fusion of the inheritance of the three seventh-level star palaces, which makes his strength and combat power far beyond ordinary people of the same level. Even those of the same level who are from the same star palace generally do not have such combat power as him.

Although he was one against three and swept across the same level, he was very happy and felt that all these years of hard work had not been in vain.

But at this time, the situation outside the 'Chengyang' galaxy was not good. Although Liang Ji was powerful, he could only deal with three beings of the same level at a time.

At this time, there are more than thirty seventh-order void monsters, seventh-order gods, seventh-order elemental spirits, etc. who are launching a counterattack and impact on the 'Chengyang' galaxy!

Although, Liang Ji has already summoned all the seventh-level family members, third-level golden gods, seventh-level elemental spirits 'dragon beasts', etc. in his natal stars, and cooperated with the starships of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others. , there are also a group of third-level immortals who are intercepting and fighting with all their strength.

But in this short period of time, many dependents and immortals still suffered heavy losses or even died.

Even seventh-tier starships were severely damaged and destroyed in the enemy's counterattacks and impacts, causing considerable casualties among the starships.

Therefore, Liang Ji didn't have time to rest or get excited, so he immediately raised the 'Elemental Hammer', activated the 'Blood Origin Body' and the 'Instant Element' star technique, and pounced on the most dangerous place on the battlefield.

Kill the seventh-level void monsters, drive away the seventh-level gods and seventh-level elemental spirits, rescue allies and teammates in trouble on the battlefield as much as possible, and at the same time protect the 'Orange Sun' galaxy from intrusion.

With Liang Ji's timely rescue, the casualties among allies and teammates began to decrease rapidly.

However, his chances of killing the seventh-level void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits were also greatly reduced, and his loot was greatly reduced for a while.

After ten days of persistence, Chu Yue and other array masters in the 'Chengyang' galaxy finally completed the arrangement of the 'Star Map Array'.

Liang Ji immediately ordered: "Enter the formation!"

A group of surviving starships, star masters, immortals, dependents, etc. returned to the 'Orange Sun' galaxy one after another. Relying on the 'Star Map Array', they finally successfully resisted the enemies of the void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. Counterattack and impact.

And Liang Ji finally took out his hand and used the 'Three Lights of Heaven' to restore the origin of the stars in his natal stars. Then he controlled the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' and used high-level star magic to rush into the enemies outside the galaxy. .

The 'bloodline body' protects the body and increases combat power, and the 'momentary element' giant hammer continues to smash the defenses of enemies of the same level one after another.

After Liang Ji let go, he immediately caused a large number of casualties among the enemy. Seventh-level void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. continued to fall under his 'Elemental Hammer'.

With the continuous casualties and the lack of hope of breaking through the 'Star Map Formation', the counterattacking enemies were gradually unable to hold on.

The gods and elemental spirits were the first to evacuate. In the end, only the Void Demon Clan was left, unwilling to give up and continue to attack outside the 'Orange Sun' galaxy.

The combat power of these void monsters was even worse than that of Liang Ji. He quickly killed most of the seventh-level void monsters, and the rest could no longer hold on and fled away.

As the high-level void monsters died and fled, the remaining middle and low-level void monsters naturally found it difficult to hold on, and were directly driven by Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others in starships to fight with the family members and immortals. Join forces to inflict heavy damage and drive them away.

After successfully preserving the 'Chengyang' galaxy, Liang Ji looked at the void monsters that had scattered and fled, but he had no intention of leading a team in pursuit.

Although Liang Ji and others won this time against the enemy's counterattack, they also suffered a lot of impact and damage. Five more starships were lost alone, and as many as thirteen immortals fell. , as for the family members who were killed and injured, it is even more difficult to count.

Such casualties have even exceeded the previous failed galaxy development battles by Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, there are too many and too powerful enemies in the counterattack. Not only are high-level void monsters, but also high-level gods, elemental spirits and other powerful enemies among them, the damage caused is huge.

On the other hand, the Star Alliance's pioneering war is coming to an end, and the news about the way forward for the 'Earth Immortal Taoism' has been basically confirmed in the Star Alliance. For the sake of their own future path and the path forward for the Earth Immortals, these third-level immortals, He is also working harder and harder.

They all want to perform as many meritorious deeds and earn as many benefits as possible in the final stage of the pioneering war, so that after the pioneering war is over, they can exchange their merits, benefits, etc. for life stars that suit them, and then become an earthly immortal. Blessed land, embark on the 'Earth Immortal Tradition' that opens the way forward.

Therefore, more immortals were killed and injured.

In fact, it was not only Liang Ji and others' team, but when everyone entered the 'Chengyang' galaxy to recuperate and recover, Liang Ji contacted the frontline headquarters, as well as several high-level star masters with connections, and the pioneering team.

According to the information we have learned, in the current sprint phase, the enthusiasm and desperation of the third-level immortals in each development team to participate in the battle have obviously increased greatly. As a result, the number of casualties among the third-level immortals in each development team has increased rapidly. Increase.

All we can say is that profit is indeed the biggest driver!

Liang Ji shook his head slightly, suppressing all these thoughts for the time being.

Through contact with the frontline headquarters and familiar pioneering teams, Liang Ji also knew that the battlefields on the frontline were now basically falling into counterattacks and attacks from enemies such as the Void Demon Clan, gods, and elemental spirits.

Some pioneering teams have, like Liang Ji and others, repelled the enemy's backlash and attacks, and even launched a final push to exploit and compete for the last remaining galaxies in the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Some of the pioneering teams continued to be entangled and blocked by the counterattacking and attacking enemies, and were still engaged in difficult and brutal fighting.

Through Vice Principal Huntian, Liang Ji obtained a piece of information on the remaining star systems from the frontline headquarters. The total number was even less than ten, which was not enough for the nine star palaces, senior Star Alliance officials, and the military.

It can be seen from the information of the frontline headquarters that these star systems have been targeted by the development team.

Liang Ji looked back at the casualties and losses in his alliance team. It was obvious that it was impossible to restore enough combat power in a short period of time to compete with those large pioneering teams for the last few remaining star systems.

If there are no accidents, the alliance team he led, including Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, should have ended this war to open up the star field.

Liang Ji briefly reviewed the pioneering war he participated in, plus the life galaxies captured by the alliance team: Green Wing Galaxy, Rose Sun Galaxy, Red Sun Galaxy, Gray Sun Galaxy, Yellow Sun Galaxy, Golden Sun Galaxy, Orange Sun Galaxy , a total of seven life galaxies.

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