The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1116 Regret and Reluctance: Hope of Repairing the ‘Green Sun’ Galaxy

As a fifth-level star master, Liang Ji took Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan, Peng Xuanding, and Peng Yue's grandma to participate in the mighty development war of the Star Alliance. From the beginning, their team could only It is considered a small to medium-sized team.

At that time, there was only one sixth-order star master in the entire team, Grandma Peng Yue, and she was still an ordinary sixth-order star master. There are only three high-level immortals, Chu Yue, Wu Shan, and Peng Xuanding. The entire team only has one Tier 7 starship.

Such a team can be said to be completely out of line among the teams participating in the development of the Star Alliance.

In the beginning, they could only rely on working for some familiar large companies and powerful forces and doing some tasks in order to obtain some resources and benefits in the development war.

Then, during the more than a hundred years of pioneering wars, their small pioneering team continued to grow and develop. Now Liang Ji has advanced to the seventh-order star master, and Peng Yue has also advanced to the sixth-order star master. Two starships, a group of immortal teammates, etc.

He even successfully developed and captured seven life systems. Liang Ji himself cooperated with the frontline command many times and made several special achievements.

Such achievements are definitely quite conspicuous even among the pioneering teams of some large companies and powerful forces in the Star Alliance.

Perhaps, for Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others, there are no regrets in this pioneering war. Ending this pioneering war is an excellent choice.

After all, Peng Yue has found his own way to become a high-level star master, and has the methods, resources, and achievements to accelerate the growth of his natal star. After ending the development war, he can enter seclusion, accelerate the cultivation of sixth-level star masters, and hit the seventh-level star master. Star Lord.

For Chu Yue, Wu Shan, Peng Xuanding and others, there are one to four life stars in each of the seven life galaxies. In total, there are at least a dozen life stars. Based on their merits and status, they should also They can all get one for them to sacrifice and refine into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', and embark on the path of cultivation of the Earth Immortal Taoism.

The only person whose harvest was somewhat lacking was probably Peng Yue's grandmother. During this pioneering war, she tried several times to find her own way to become a high-level star master, but she never succeeded.

Now, seeing that the alliance team's pioneering war is coming to an end, she still has not been able to find her way to a high-level star master. Even though she has earned a lot of merit and resources, and has a way to accelerate the growth of her natal star, But he can only be trapped among the sixth-level star masters, so he is naturally unwilling to do so.

Besides her, even Liang Ji himself was somewhat unwilling to give in.

Although he has gained a lot in this pioneering war, the merits and benefits earned by many high-level star masters may not be as high as his.

However, the seven life galaxies he captured were basically taken by him and outsiders. None of the life galaxies was captured by himself. This was somewhat of a regret for him.

Therefore, while Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others were leading the team to recuperate and recover in the 'Chengyang' star system, Liang Ji was still in constant contact with the frontline headquarters, paying attention to the last remaining survivors in the Sky Demon Star Territory. I want to see if I can find any opportunities from the development of several galaxies.

It's just that the pioneering teams that opened up the last few galaxies are all truly top teams in the Star Alliance. They are either from the Star Palace or from the Star Alliance's pioneering army. Moreover, the enemy's protection of these last few galaxies is also extremely crazy and strict.

According to the information he received from the frontline headquarters, eight levels of battles generally broke out in the pioneering wars in these last few galaxies.

If the development team does not have the combat power of the eighth level, it will be impossible to participate in the development war of the last few galaxies.

This undoubtedly made Liang Ji completely lose hope of intervening, and made him sigh in his heart.

And at this moment, when his eyes were scanning somewhere in the star map of the Sky Demon Star Territory, his heart suddenly moved, and his eyes fell on a void or galaxy in the Star Territory.

It was the last of the three galaxies he had explored before, the 'Green Sun' galaxy, which was not far from the 'Orange Sun' galaxy where he was now.

This 'Green Sun' galaxy was directly destroyed by the eighth-level war between the eighth-level Star Lord of the Covenant Alliance and the eighth-level Void Demon Clan, the eighth-level gods, and the eighth-level elemental spirits during the previous enemy's counterattack and impact. Most of it.

As of now, there is still a broken galaxy and a torn void. There is no Void Monster Clan entrenched, and there is no Covenant team to develop or occupy it.

At this time, Liang Ji was staring at the 'Green Sun' galaxy, which had been mostly destroyed and had lost the value of development and occupation, with deep thoughts in his heart.

He remembered that when he formed an exploration team with Peng Yue and others to explore in the outer star sea, he encountered a cosmic Jedi in the "Starlight Forest". After informing the Star Alliance, the Star Alliance sent high-level star masters to solve the problem. During the 'Starlight Forest', the aftermath of the battle almost destroyed a nearby star system that their expedition team had just captured.

Afterwards, the high-level star master who solved the 'Starlight Forest' took action directly and restored most of the galaxy that was destroyed in the aftermath.

That was also the first time Liang Ji witnessed with his own eyes the methods of high-level star masters to refine the void and repair the galaxy!

At this time, Liang Ji looked at the Green Sun galaxy in front of him, which was mostly destroyed by the battle of high-level star masters. He couldn't help but have an idea in his mind: Maybe, I can try to repair it. A complete galaxy of life!

Once this thought came together, I could no longer suppress it.

For Liang Ji, if he succeeds in repairing the "Green Sun" galaxy, he will be equivalent to winning a living galaxy alone in this pioneering war; and even if the repair fails, he can still accumulate a lot of "Void Refining" experience, which can be said to be It’s one thing that kills multiple birds with one stone!

The more Liang Ji thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea. At that moment, he recruited Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, and Chen Zhao, and arranged for them to lead a team to clean up several life stars in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy and the 'Chengyang' galaxy.

After all, in order to capture the two galaxies as quickly as possible, they did not clean up the life stars in them. Now the alliance team has suffered heavy losses, and their pioneering war has ended early, which can be used to clean up and capture the life stars in the two galaxies.

Anyway, there are no high-level beings on these life stars. With the strength of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, they can clean up and capture them just by sending some family members.

There is no need for Liang Ji to intervene.

After arranging everything, he directly left the 'Orange Sun' galaxy as a 'Star Spirit Giant', escaped in the void, and came to the 'Green Sun' galaxy where most of it was destroyed.

He checked the situation of the 'Green Sun' galaxy and found that the situation was worse than he expected. Even the 'Green Sun' in the center of the galaxy had been destroyed by the eighth-level battle, and there were only some dead bodies left in the galaxy. Stars and life stars have been destroyed in the eighth-level battle.

It’s no wonder that no other pioneering team came to occupy and repair this place. In fact, other star masters, even eighth-level star masters, may not have the means to regain the ‘Green Sun’ in the middle and the life systems in the galaxy.

But Liang Ji saw some hope in it.

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