The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1119 The Nine-Colored Stars of Creation Verification of the Effect of the Light of Creation

Liang Ji came to the 'Central Black Hole' in the center of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' again and saw that strict protection had been rearranged here.

Eleven cosmic galaxies or artificial galaxies, the 'imitation sky star array' has already been rearranged and suppressed in the surrounding void, surrounding and suppressing the central black hole.

The 'Sky Demon City' responsible for suppressing the central black hole has also moved here at this time, and is surrounded and protected by the 'Familiar Zhoutian Star Array'.

Even above the void shrouded by the 'imitation Zhoutian Star Array', there is a large area of ​​starlight, in which you can see the real innate spiritual treasures of the Star Alliance, the 'Zhoutian Star Array', laid out in it.

Obviously, this is the "Celestial Star Array" that has been brought in, the power of this innate spiritual treasure is brought here, and it is suppressed in the void above the black hole in the center of the Sky Demon Star Domain.

From top to bottom, preparations were made layer by layer, and all kinds of powerful forces could be said to have completely surrounded and suppressed the central black hole.

Unlike the last time at this central black hole, the Star Alliance development team also set up many traps, plots, etc. to deal with the remaining void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. in the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Therefore, at the beginning, only four galaxies were arranged to form an array to block and suppress the central black hole. The purpose is to give hope to the void demon clan, gods, elemental spirits, etc., so that they can come to rescue the central black hole and rescue the ninth-level sky demon.

With such an arrangement now, it can be said that the Star Alliance's development team is almost at full strength, and even the power of the Star Alliance's trump card, the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation", has been drawn in.

When Liang Ji saw this, he knew that this time the Star Alliance development team was really going to launch a general attack on the 'central black hole', and they were not planning to set any more traps to attract enemies.

"I've met Immortal Tianhe!"

After Liang Ji rushed to the central black hole area to report, he was quickly taken to the middle of the 'imitation Zhoutian star array', where the central black hole was, and once again met the ninth-level star master and first-level immortal who presided over this pioneering war. , Tianhe Immortal Lord.

At this time, Immortal Lord Tianhe ignited the huge star that bloomed with the light of eighteen colors and placed it above the central black hole.

Seeing Liang Ji's arrival, Immortal Lord Tianhe nodded and said, "You came just in time."

"I heard that you took the fusion of the demon's power to create stars a step further, transforming from eighteen colors to nine colors?"

"Yes." Liang Ji was not surprised when he heard this, and immediately offered the 'Dragon Pearl', activating the nine-color light of creation.

He knew very well that although he had just achieved the achievement of defeating three people of the same level with one against three not long ago, after all, he was only a seventh-level star master who had only advanced for a few years.

In a battle where the Star Alliance's pioneering team stormed the central black hole and captured the ninth-level Sky Demon, his cultivation and strength were simply not enough.

In this case, the frontline headquarters will recruit him to participate in this final general attack. The only thing that values ​​​​them is his ability to integrate the power of the sky demon to create stars.

Therefore, when he was summoned here and Immortal Lord Tianhe asked him about the 'Light of Creation', Liang Ji was not surprised at all, and he immediately offered up the 'Dragon Pearl' to show his worth.

He knew very well that in such a battle to attack the central black hole and take down the ninth-level sky demon, the achievements he could make would definitely be far greater than those he had made every time he opened up the galaxy. Naturally, Liang Ji was not willing to let go of the opportunity to participate in such a battle. .

What's more, he also wants to continue to improve and advance the nine-color light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl', and completely merge it into one color of light of creation.

And this hope only lies in the central black hole and in the ninth-level celestial demon.

In this way, he is naturally less likely to miss this last opportunity, and naturally has to actively show his value.

"Very good!" Tianhe Immortal Lord looked at the nine-color light of creation that Liang Ji had triggered, nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to the huge eighteen-color star blooming above the central black hole, and said: "Liang Ji, I must be You also know the purpose of my coming to find you."

"As long as you twist and transform these eighteen-color stars into nine-color stars, I will record a great achievement for you in this battle!"

"Furthermore, after I take down the ninth-level celestial demon and upgrade and fuse the light of creation blooming from this huge star into one color, I can also allow you to use this as a basis and reference research to complete the final fusion of the nine colors. !”

After all, Immortal Lord Tian He has been practicing for many years, and has gradually reached the level of a first-class heavenly immortal. Naturally, he could see what Liang Ji wanted most at a glance, so he promised directly.

For Tianhe Immortal, a first-grade immortal, these are just trivial matters that can be accomplished with just a promise.

But for Liang Ji, getting Xianjun's promise completely solved his worries and made him feel relieved.

At that moment, he bowed and said: "Thank you, Immortal Lord! I will take action now!"

As he spoke, he activated the nine-color light of creation in the 'Dragon Ball' to shine into the huge eighteen-color star above the central black hole.

Having experienced the repair of the 'New Green Sun' galaxy and the practice and experience of creating a 'New Green Sun', Liang Ji now has richer experience and stronger power in twisting and creating stars.

Therefore, even though the huge star in front of him was far beyond ordinary stars, Liang Ji was twisting and creating it with the light of the 'Dragon Pearl'. Although it was a bit difficult and hard, he still pushed it forward smoothly.

On the side, Immortal Lord Tianhe looked at the huge star. The eighteen-color light began to merge and merge again, transforming and evolving towards the nine-color light. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Being able to push the distortion and change of this star by yourself shows that you are quite accomplished in this star's void refining and have put in a lot of effort on it."

"This is very good, it will be very helpful for you to refine your own star system later!"

"After this offensive operation is over and the ninth-level demon is captured, I can give you a personal reward."

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

While Liang Ji thanked the other party, he tried harder to activate the nine-color light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' to distort and create the huge star.

Around him, there were also many high-level Star Lords from the Star Alliance watching Liang Ji's actions, including Instructor Yuan Mu who presided over the experiment of merging the power of the stars created by the sky demon.

The light of creation formed by the fusion of the power of the sky demon to create stars has now been tested and tested many times by the Star Alliance development team.

The fused eighteen-color light of creation has been proven to be able to be used by low-level star masters to accelerate the growth of their natal stars. However, it cannot be used for the accelerated cultivation of intermediate star masters and high-level star masters.

However, according to the Star Alliance's experiments and research inferences, if this light of creation continues to be integrated and upgraded to nine colors of creation light, or even one color of creation light, it should be able to be used to accelerate the cultivation of intermediate star masters and even high-level star masters. .

Even the Earthly Immortal Blessed Land used for the ‘Earthly Immortal Taoism’ accelerates growth and practice, opening up a path forward for the Earthly Immortal Taoism.

In this way, it naturally attracted the attention of a large number of high-level star owners.

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