The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1120: Going straight to Huanglong, resources and treasures in the central black hole


When Liang Ji finally twisted the huge star above the central black hole from eighteen colors into nine colors, the entire huge star seemed to be vibrating and buzzing violently.

The light of the nine-colored stars shining down from it is injected into the central black hole below, seeming to shake the entire central black hole and vibrate and buzz slightly.

Such vibrations and buzzes may seem small in amplitude, but they directly cause large areas of the surrounding void to shake and tear apart.

The Star Alliance's development team immediately mobilized the surrounding "imitation Zhoutian star formation" to suppress and restrain them with all their strength, and then suppressed the shaking and tearing of the void.

hiss! Roar……

Such a vibration also immediately stimulated the ninth-level demon in the central black hole, and a roar erupted from it again.

The roar and roar of this ninth-level sky demon caused impact and destruction to the black hole, as well as the surrounding void and chaos, even more than the vibration and buzz of the central black hole just now.

Even if the surrounding Star Alliance development teams were operating the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Formation' at full strength, it would be difficult to suppress all the impact and destruction caused by the roar of the ninth-order heavenly demon.

In the end, I had to channel the power of the real innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" delivered from the void, and merge it into the "Imitation Zhoutian Star Formation" to suppress and strengthen it, and then the ninth-order heavenly demon roared The impact, as well as the oscillations of the surrounding void and chaos, were torn apart, suppressed, and calmed down.

Liang Ji was also frightened when he saw this.

He estimated that the ninth-level celestial demon in the central black hole also knew that he was in despair, and would probably fight with all his strength next.

Such a ninth level battle is not something that a small body like his can participate in.

In the aftermath of the eighth-level battle, he could barely resist one or two by relying on his super-limited 'Guardian of the Gods' star technique. The aftermath of the battle at the ninth level was absolutely unbearable for him.

Therefore, now that he has completed his task of twisting and transforming this huge star from eighteen colors into nine colors, he does not need to continue to stay in the center of the battlefield, so he should quickly retreat to the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array' , it is better to retreat into the heavy protection of the Star Alliance pioneering team.

At that moment, Liang Ji said goodbye to Immortal Lord Tianhe, turned into starlight, and quickly retreated from the void above the central black hole, escaped into the surrounding "imitation sky star array", and hid behind the heavily developed troops.


Immortal Lord Tianhe didn't care about Liang Ji's resignation, he just waved his hand. He looked at the huge star that had been twisted and transformed into nine colors, and listened to the roar of the ninth-level celestial demon in the central black hole, but he laughed loudly. , gave a thumbs up.

Then, I saw that he was making seals on his hands, as if he was operating astrology. One hand was pointing at the 'imitation star formation' that suppressed the void all around, and the other hand was pointing at the innate spiritual treasure delivered from above the void above the seal. The power of the 'Zhoutian Star Array'.

But when he heard his deep shout, the two forces that enveloped the upper and lower parts and suppressed the surroundings were mobilized by him one after another, and were directly injected into the huge star above the central black hole, creating nine colors.

Under the infusion and blessing of the power of these two formations, the nine-color huge star, which was already extremely powerful, even shaking the central black hole, suddenly exploded with increasingly bright light and power, turning into a powerful and bright nine-color light pillar. , blasted directly into the central black hole below.

Go straight to Huanglong!

boom! Rumble…

The huge, brilliant nine-color star beam carries the power of the 'Imitation of the Zhoutian Star Array' and the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'The Zhoutian Star Array'. Its power has already reached its limit, reaching the ninth level. .

Blasting into the central black hole, a violent roaring explosion suddenly erupted. A large amount of starlight, even star fragments, and a large number of remains of the Void Monster Clan suddenly erupted from the central black hole in this roaring explosion, flying To the void and galaxies in all directions.

These starlights and star fragments are undoubtedly the central black hole. Over the years, the stars, as well as star debris and origins swallowed in the black hole, were directly blasted to pieces by the nine-color star beam and impacted out.

Similarly, the remains of the Void Demon Clan are also gathered in the central black hole, following the ninth-order Sky Demon, the last Void Demon Clan in the Sky Demon Star Domain.

They may also want to follow the ninth-level celestial demon and launch a final counterattack against the Covenant's pioneering team in the central black hole.

As a result, these void monsters have not yet launched their counterattack and charge, but they have already been killed and crushed by the nine-color star beams that blasted into them, and turned into large pieces of debris that erupted from the central black hole.

Immortal Lord Tian He naturally looked down upon the source of starlight, star fragments, and the remains of the void monsters that were impacted and exploded by the nine-color star beam, and allowed them to fly towards the surrounding void and galaxies.

However, for the pioneering teams and high-level star masters in the surrounding void and galaxies, there are many good things in these fragments erupted from the central black hole that they can catch their eyes.

Such as the star origin contained in the starlight, the star core contained in the star fragments, as well as some rare resource spiritual species, high-level spiritual materials, etc., as well as the demon pills, blood power, demon spirits, and even flesh and blood in the remains of the Void Demon Clan. Limbs, etc., are good things for many seventh-level star masters.

After all, the resources and treasures that can be swallowed by the central black hole, torn and crushed by the powerful devouring force of the central black hole, and have not been broken or preserved, even if they are fragments, are hard to find in the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe. Resources and treasures have been strengthened and refined by the devouring power of the central black hole.

Its quality, effects, etc. are far beyond the resources and treasures of the same level in the universe's star sea.

Therefore, when these fragments flew like meteors into the surrounding void and galaxies, high-level star masters suddenly manifested themselves as "Star Spirit Giants" and reached out to collect the fragments, resources, and treasures that rushed out.

When Liang Ji saw this, he naturally would not miss the opportunity. In addition to earning merit and looking for opportunities to integrate the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball', he came here for the resources and benefits in the central black hole.

At this moment, he also manifested the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', activated the star technique of the 'Star Picker', and condensed the starlight giant hand into the void to collect the flying fragments, resources, treasures, etc.

Although there were many pioneering teams and high-level star masters at the scene, Liang Ji took a quick look and saw that there were at least nearly a thousand "star spirit giants" standing in the surrounding void and in the galaxy. They also suppressed and operated the "imitation Zhoutian star array" around them. Figure's important power, stop.

Without the help of these high-level star masters to suppress and operate, the power and power that this 'Fake Zhoutian Star Array' can explode would be at least doubled.

For this reason, Immortal Lord Tian He did not intercept the fragments, treasures, and resources erupted from the central black hole, but allowed them to fly into the surrounding void and galaxies. This was the reward for the high-level star masters.

However, although there were many high-level star masters, more resources, treasures, and fragments erupted from the central black hole. Therefore, everyone harvested resources and treasures in an orderly manner, and no conflicts broke out.

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