The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1123: The three star arts are combined and respected by winning with combat prowess

In the Sky Demon Star Territory, outside the central black hole, in the "imitation star array" composed of eleven galaxies.

Liang Ji manifested the body of the "Star Spirit Giant", and the seventh-level "God List" turned into a divine crown on top. Countless illusory and real divine decrees hung down from it, and the figures of various gods and deities in the natal stars appeared around it. , forming the astrology of 'Guardian of the Gods'.

After this period of time, the source of the natal stars has been nourished, and the seventh-level ‘God List’ has been basically restored, and can be used in the ‘Guardian of the Gods’ star technique to strengthen Liang Ji’s defense.

At the same time, the seventh-level 'Bloodline Catalog' is directly integrated into the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', and combined with the star-operating technique 'Bloodline Origin Body', the various qualities and combat power of the 'Star Spirit Giant' body are increased several times .

Finally, the seventh-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' merged into the 'Elemental Hammer' he held high, and cooperated with the operation of the star technique 'Instant Element' to accelerate his attack power to its maximum.

This was the first time for Liang Ji to operate three high-level star arts at the same time based on the inheritance of the three star palaces.

The power inherited from the three star palaces gathered and fused in his 'Star Spirit Giant' body, and also directly drove the power of the three high-level star masters to gather and fuse.

Liang Ji immediately sensed the mobilization of the three high-level star arts like an arm and a finger. He could even bring the power of the three star arts together in an instant, pushing the power of one star spell to an over-limit level, and then lowering it again. With a single thought, this unlimited power is transferred to another star technique!

Feeling the majestic, terrifying, and mysterious power surging in the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', Liang Ji's eyes shone brightly.

He didn't even open the 'Star Gate' to summon the family members, gods, elemental spirits 'Dragon Beasts', etc. to join the battle. Instead, he directly carried the 'Elemental Hammer' and rushed into the attacking Void Monster Clan.

Even though those mid- to low-level void demon clans gathered into a demon tide, they couldn't even break through the astrological protection of his 'Guardian of the Gods'.

Instead, it triggered a spontaneous counterattack by the 'Guardian of the Gods'. Various brilliant divine lights swept out from the 'Guardian of the Gods', blasting and wiping out a large number of middle and low-level void monsters that attacked him.

Liang Ji didn't even need to pay much attention to these middle and low-level void demon clans. He stared directly at the seventh-level void demon clan among the void demon clan.

After locking on one, he directly raised the 'Elemental Hammer' and used the 'Instant Element' star technique to blast towards the opponent.


The seventh-order Void Demon Clan locked by Liang Ji is a seventh-order Void Golden Bear, as big as a star, with a body as made of gold, and has the strongest defense!

Facing the 'Elemental Hammer' blasted by Liang Ji, although it felt the threat, its confidence in its own defense and strength, as well as the order of the ninth-order sky demon, still made this seventh-order void golden bear not shy away and directly attack it. He raised a pair of bear paws and attacked.

The seventh-level Void Demon Clan is not much inferior to monks in intelligence and intelligence. They roam the void all year round and have keen combat intuition.

This seventh-level Void Golden Bear was convinced that he could withstand this blow.

However, the moment the 'Elemental Hammer' collided with the bear's paw, Liang Ji had already gathered all the power of the three star palace inheritance and the three star arts into this elemental hammer in a flash of thought. During the attack of 'moment element'.

In an instant, a majestic and bright light erupted from this 'Elemental Hammer', and its attack power broke through the limit in an instant, forming a qualitative change.

In an instant, in the seventh-level Void Golden Bear's induction, the giant hammer that was just a slight threat in front of him turned into a terrifying existence in an instant, directly threatening his life, and frantically impacting and calling the police in his spiritual sense and induction.


The seventh-level Void Golden Bear roared again. This roar was full of anger and despair. It wanted to retreat and avoid, but it was too late.

The elemental giant hammer and momentary element that exploded beyond limit started from the bear paw it shot and destroyed all the way down, directly blasting the seventh-level void golden bear into the void.

Liang Ji quickly packed up the Golden Bear Demon Pill and the wreckage left behind.

At the same time, in a blink of an eye, all the power that had flowed into the 'momentary element' star technique was transferred and gathered into the 'gods' protection' star technique.

Immediately, the surrounding low-level and mid-level void monsters, who had just sensed the disappearance of the 'Guardian of the Gods' star technique, rushed towards them, and the wave of void demons formed directly hit the super-limited explosion of the 'Guardian of the Gods' star technique. .

Like waves hitting an indestructible mountain cliff, these middle and low-level void monsters were smashed into pieces without even using the gods 'guarded by the gods' to launch a counterattack.


Liang Ji felt the pleasure of crushing the enemy, laughed loudly, and then pounced directly on another seventh-level void monster not far away.

Here in the central black hole, although a group of void monsters launched a last-ditch counterattack under the orders of the ninth-order sky monster.

However, in the face of the tight layout of the Star Alliance's pioneering team, there was suppression caused by the power of the "Zhoutian Star Formation" above, and blockade by the power of the "Imitation Zhoutian Star Formation" below.

In addition, most of the high-level Star Masters in the Star Alliance development team were either summoned by the command center or came spontaneously to gather here!

These Void Monster Tribes who launched the last fight were simply committing suicide. They were completely at a disadvantage and could not shake the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Formation'.

The Star Alliance's pioneering teams have a complete upper hand on this battlefield.

There are high-level star masters everywhere, completely suppressing the suppression and slaughter of their opponents.

And even in such a battlefield and scene, Liang Ji's figure and combat performance are undoubtedly extremely eye-catching.

His 'Star Spirit Giant' body crisscrossed the battlefield and pounced on one seventh-order void monster clan after another. Each time, it was struck with a hammer. No matter what seventh-order void monster clan it was, it was good at defense, good at defense, etc. Those who attack, those who are good at escaping, those who are good at saving lives, etc. are basically unable to resist under this hammer and are directly killed!

Such combat power and performance even surpassed most of the high-level Star Masters present. Naturally, it attracted everyone's attention.

Many high-level star masters began to look at Liang Ji differently, with a bit of awe.

If we say that before, Liang Ji only relied on the fusion of the power of the sky demon to create stars, and the integration of the three-gate star palace inheritance to advance to high-level star masters, etc., to make the high-level star masters in the Star Alliance recognize him and know that he has potential. Not a small presence.

So at this time, he used his own combat prowess to impress these star masters of the same level.

It also allowed these high-level star masters to intuitively see the powerful power and terrifying combat power that erupted after the fusion of different star palace inheritances.

Be truly famous among star masters of the same level for your combat prowess! And this undoubtedly makes people respect and awe more.

However, Liang Ji's outstanding performance naturally attracted not only the awe of the Star Masters, but also the hatred of the enemies!

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