The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1124: Keep a low profile. The ninth-order heavenly demon’s last ditch effort

My hero, his enemy!

Liang Ji's outstanding performance on the battlefield naturally aroused the hatred of the Void Monster Clan.

When he pounced on a seventh-level void demon clan again, four seventh-level void demon clans suddenly abandoned their opponents on the battlefield and turned to attack him.

After he killed the selected seventh-level void demon clan with one hammer, the four seventh-level void demon clan that came to attack also directly surrounded him from four directions.

Four against one, attack him at the same time!

Under such circumstances, if Liang Ji continues to gather and integrate the power of the three star palace inheritance and the three star arts into one star technique, he will certainly be able to kill a seventh-level void demon clan with one blow.

But the attacks from the other three seventh-level void monsters will definitely break through his defense and attack him.

After all, in one blow of his concentrated power, the two star arts of 'Guardian of the Gods' and 'Origin of Blood' will be ineffective, and his 'Star Spirit Giant' body will only be left with 'Guardian of the Stars' and ' The defensive power of the Star Spirit Giant's body.

In this way, it must be difficult to completely resist the joint attack of three seventh-order void demon clan.

Once attacked, Liang Ji would definitely suffer heavy losses even if he survived.

This is naturally what Liang Ji does not want to see.

Therefore, facing the siege of these four seventh-level void monsters, Liang Ji had to restrain himself and put all three high-level star arts into full operation to entangle and fight with them.

Even Liang Ji has realized that his previous performance was too flamboyant and attracted too much hatred.

If he performs too well in the battle with these four seventh-level void monsters, he will quickly kill them all. Then the one who attacks him next time must be the eighth-level Void Demon Clan!

Although, Liang Ji was quite ready to try to see if he could withstand the attack of the eighth-level Void Demon Clan with his full fusion and over-the-limit performance.

But his reason still allowed him to suppress these impulses and thoughts.

After all, he didn't have a specific idea of ​​how powerful the eighth-level void monsters really were. He only had the experience of barely resisting the aftermath of an eighth-level battle in the 'Chengyang' galaxy. Now if he tried it rashly, he would die without even trying. .

What's more, on the battlefield of this 'central black hole', the situation is unclear and there are too many crises hidden.

Even if he tried his best to resist the attack of the eighth-level star master, he would definitely suffer heavy losses. And on such a dangerous battlefield, suffering heavy losses means that you may face the crisis of death at any time.

Moreover, after suffering heavy losses, the opportunities and benefits in this final battle may not be available to him.

With so many disadvantages and no advantages in sight, Liang Ji naturally had no interest in taking risks just for his own impulse.

Therefore, he simply gathered some strength and relied only on the three star arts to fight with the four seventh-order void monsters that besieged him.

The 'Guardian of the Gods' star technique withstood the attacks of four seventh-order void demon clans. The attacks of the 'Instant Element' star technique repelled the four seventh-order void demon clans time and time again. The power of the 'Bloodline Origin Body' star technique made Liang Ji can continue this battle for a long time!

In the battlefield, the Star Lords and the Void Demon Clan saw Liang Ji being surrounded and entangled by four seventh-order Void Demon Clan, and saw that he did not easily kill the seventh-order Void Demon Clan and crush the siege.

The attention gradually shifted away from him.

Liang Ji couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. His performance just now was too eye-catching, so it would be better to restrain himself.

Relying on the power of the fusion of the three star palaces and the power of the three high-level star arts, although Liang Ji did not directly crush the strength of the four seventh-level void monsters, he could still break through them in a matter of seconds if he used all his strength. Besiege them and kill them one by one.

Just like when he defeated the seventh-level void demon clan, the seventh-level gods, and the seventh-level elemental spirits with one against three.

But now that he decided to be more restrained and low-key, Liang Ji naturally did not explode with all his strength, so that when he was fighting the four seventh-order void monsters, he still had enough energy to observe the battlefield situation around him.

At this time, in the battlefield of the 'Familiar Star Formation' surrounding the central black hole, the Void Monsters who launched the final attack were completely at a disadvantage, and were even strangled by the Star Alliance development team. Among them were eight-level Void Monsters. The fall of the clan.

These fallen Void Monsters even want to use their own fall or even self-destruction to impact and destroy the surrounding galaxies that form the 'imitation star array'.

However, they were all suppressed by various means by the Star Alliance development team and high-level Star Lords.

Even so, such a fierce battle, coupled with the impact of the explosion of the seventh-order void demon clan and the fall of the eighth-order void demon clan, still shook the surrounding "imitation Zhoutian star array".

Although the galaxies have not been destroyed, they are still turbulent and swaying. As a result, the suppression and control of the central black hole by the 'Familiar Zhoutian Star Array' are constantly being impacted, turbulent, and weakened.

Liang Ji didn't know what impact this would have on the battle between Tianhe Immortal Lord and the ninth-level demon in the central black hole. He couldn't even see the battle inside the central black hole.

But he could see that the central black hole in the middle of the battlefield was changing violently. It expanded violently and contracted violently, as if it had turned into a living thing, like the huge mouth of the ninth-level demon Xuan Qi.

Whenever the black hole expands violently, the roar of the ninth-level demon from it takes over, and even sounds of pleasure.

And when the black hole contracted violently, the roar of the ninth-level celestial demon coming from it was full of weakness, anger and pain.

From these changes, we can vaguely see who has the upper hand in the battle between Tianhe Immortal Lord and the ninth-level demon in the central black hole.

As for the Star Alliance pioneering team in the surrounding battlefields, whenever the central black hole expands violently, even in the middle of a battle, they will use their full strength to operate the 'imitation star array' and move towards the central black hole to suppress and restrain them. Suppress it from a state of expansion and expansion to a state of contraction.

This should be the greatest help to Immortal Lord Tianhe in the central black hole!

Time passed by such killings and confrontations. Liang Ji noticed that as more and more void monsters were killed, the central black hole expanded less and less, and it was shrinking most of the time.

Obviously, in the central black hole, the ninth-order heavenly demon has completely fallen into a disadvantage.

Seeing that most of the void monsters in the battlefield have been slaughtered, the central black hole has also been shrinking for a long time and has never expanded again.

hiss! Roar……

Suddenly, another roar from the ninth-order Heavenly Demon was heard in the central black hole. The sound was far louder than every time before. Furthermore, the roar of the Heavenly Demon Xuan Qi was faintly heard from the central black hole:

"Tianhe! You want to take away my path and create your own path to ascension! I won't let you succeed!"

"Blood sacrifice! The devil rises! The devil comes to the world!"

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