The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1125 The Heavenly Demon City is Broken and the Heavenly Demon’s Qi

When the roar of the ninth-level heavenly demon came from the central black hole, it seemed to be the beginning of something.

Liang Ji noticed that in the surrounding void and galaxies, the Star Alliance's pioneering team fought with the void monsters, and the killings and deaths caused by the fighting, as well as a large number of various flesh and blood, debris, etc. floating in the void, quickly converged towards the central black hole. It rose up and was swallowed by the central black hole.

Not only that, Liang Ji also sensed abnormal fluctuations in the void and galaxies in all directions to the west.

He turned around and looked around, and could see majestic and large amounts of blood-black mist floating from all directions, throughout the Sky Demon Star Territory.

In this black mist, Liang Ji could see all kinds of strange phenomena such as killing, death, blood, mutilated limbs, flesh and blood, residual souls, etc. It was also recognized that these anomalies were created in the Sky Demon Star Territory by the Star Alliance for more than a hundred years.

At this time, the central black hole burst out with fierce devouring force, no longer devouring the surrounding void, stars and galaxies, but began to devoure the killing, death, flesh and blood, and residual souls that filled the Sky Demon Star Territory!

These killings, deaths, residual souls, blood mist, etc. were swallowed into the central black hole, and a tragic bloody light quickly emerged in the black hole, soaking into the central black hole, and dipping the black hole into blood black.

The central black hole, which originally seemed to be a living thing, now seemed to have really turned into a living creature of flesh and blood under the influence of these blood lights. It seemed like a huge mouth of flesh and blood, and it seemed like a flesh and blood intestine, squirming in the void. , swallowing everything, and seeming to be brewing something.

"How brave!"

Seeing such a change, Immortal Tianhe's angry and angry shouts could be heard from the central black hole. The next moment, he could be heard shouting loudly:

"The Zhoutian Star Formation helps me subjugate demons!"

A ray of starlight shot out from the central black hole, directly shooting towards the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' emerging and rotating in the void above.

Like a projection, the thirty-three star field anomalies suddenly erupted into bright starlight under the guidance of the starlight, turning into a gorgeous starlight beam and blasting directly into the central black hole that looked like a flesh-and-blood intestine below.

Amidst the roaring and loud noises, the bright starlight and blood light continued to collide and clash in the central black hole, causing explosions one after another.

However, the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhou Tianxing Array' is undoubtedly worthy of trust. Even if it is only a part of the power drawn from an unknown distance away, after blasting into the central black hole, it still successfully erodes the black hole. The demonic power of blood and light continued to break and clean up, gradually occupying the mountain peak.

The central black hole, which had turned into a flesh-and-blood intestine, began to return to its original black hole appearance piece by piece. The blood and flesh appearance were being cleared and dispersed from the black hole bit by bit by starlight.

"Now, Tianyao Town is suppressed!"

At this time, the voice of Immortal Lord Tianhe came out from the central black hole.

The Sky Demon City, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately moved in like a huge star driven by the Star Alliance's pioneering team, suppressing it in the middle of the central black hole.

There were bright starlight and mysterious power erupting from this demon city and sinking into the central black hole below.

The central black hole, which was still violently shaking, squirming, and resisting, was immediately suppressed and imprisoned, greatly reducing its resistance. It could only passively withstand the suppression and cleansing of the power projected by the 'Celestial Star Array', and expel the blood, light, and demonic nature within it. force.

The Star Alliance controls thirty-three star fields. Each star field has a central black hole and a giant city that suppresses the central black hole.

For these giant cities that suppress the central black holes, the Star Alliance has already had extremely complete construction and layout regulations, which are most capable of restraining and suppressing the central black holes of these star fields.

This Sky Demon City was naturally built by the Star Alliance based on past experience. All materials and layouts are the best, and it is best at suppressing the central black hole in the star field.

At this time, the Sky Demon City was in place, and as expected, it immediately began to exert its power, suppressing and imprisoning the central black hole of the Sky Demon Star Domain that had been shaking and erupting, greatly accelerating the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' to deal with the bloody light in the central black hole. , magical cleansing.

Seeing it, nearly half of the central black hole, which looked like a flesh-and-blood intestine, had been cleared.


Suddenly, a shocking roar came from the depths of the central black hole. It was the roar of a ninth-level celestial demon.

boom! Rumble…

The next moment, an even more terrifying and violent roaring explosion came from the depths of the central black hole.

The central black hole first began to shrink violently, as if it was about to completely collapse and turn into a singularity, and then suddenly exploded in an instant.

The majestic, terrifying blood light and black light burst out from the central black hole that instantly expanded, directly bombarding the suppressed Tianyao City above.

Click! Click! Click...boom!

Suddenly, under the impact of this majestic and terrifying blood light and black light, the Sky Demon City, which was supposed to suppress the central black hole and could withstand the huge devouring and tearing power of the central black hole, collapsed directly and quickly began to Disintegrate, explode.

"No, stop it!"

From the central black hole, the urgent roar of Immortal Lord Tianhe came out again.

At this time, the Star Alliance pioneering teams in the eleven galaxies around the central black hole naturally discovered that something was wrong. After hearing the instructions of Immortal Lord Tianhe, they immediately mobilized the 'imitation Zhoutian stars' arranged around them with all their strength. Array diagram'.

Brilliant starlight burst out from the eleven galaxies and rushed directly into the void above, intersecting with the starlight and power of the 'Celestial Star Array' projected from the void.

The power of the two formations merged into one, and turned into an illusory and real innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Stars Formation, which suppressed directly from the void and suppressed the energy that erupted from the central black hole and shattered the Sky Demon City. black light.

This is the result of the Star Alliance's pioneering team using the 'Imitation of the Zhoutian Star Formation' as a carrier to fully guide and carry the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'The Zhoutian Star Formation'. The explosive power far exceeds the power projection alone, and can almost The power of these projections is condensed into an illusory and real "circle of stars", exerting a small part of the power of the real innate spiritual treasure.

And it was this small part of the power of the innate spiritual treasure that suppressed and bombarded the black light, and immediately suppressed, shattered, and dispersed the black light that shattered the Sky Demon City.

However, the black light was shattered and blasted away, but there was no sign of completely disappearing.

Instead, a small part of the black light collapsed and shattered. Under the suppression and obstruction of the illusory and real 'Sky Star Array', it rushed directly into the void, merged into the deep void, and dispersed into the void on all sides. .

All of this happened in a flash of lightning. Liang Ji didn't even have time to see clearly what the black light was that was crushed, mostly dissipated, and the other half escaped. It actually caused the senior leaders of the Star Alliance development team to be so panicked and anxious.

At this time, the somewhat embarrassed and broken figure of Immortal Lord Tianhe also rushed out of the central black hole. He was seen holding a huge star that had transformed into one color in one hand, and dragging the even more severely broken ninth-order sky with one hand. The demon's broken body.

"Where's the devil's energy?"

As soon as Tianhe Immortal Lord rushed out of the central black hole and saw the surrounding situation clearly, he asked directly in a deep voice.

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