The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1133 The Sky Demon Star Territory is integrated into the ‘Celestial Star Formation’

Sky Demon Star Territory, central black hole.

The rebuilt 'Sky Demon City' was completed and suppressed directly above the central black hole.

At this time, Immortal Lord Tianhe stood in the void above the 'Tian Yao City', stretched out his hand to tear open the void, took out the transformed and created huge star, and placed it directly in the void above the 'Tian Yao City', becoming The sun of 'Tianyao City'.

The pure white and almost transparent light of creation shot out from this huge star and shone on the 'Celestial Demon City'.

All the formations, restrictions, spiritual veins, fairy weapons, etc. arranged in the 'Tian Yao City' were all activated. Two bright starlights shot into the 'central black hole' below and the other into the Tian Yao star field. among.

At the same time, the pioneering teams occupying various galaxies in the Sky Demon Star Territory also received orders and started the "Star Map Array" deployed in various galaxies.

These 'star map formations' are connected to each other and merge into one, and finally merge with the starlight emitted from the 'Sky Demon City' to form a huge 'star formation' that covers the entire Sky Demon Star Territory!

This 'star array' was operating, and bright starlight burst out, breaking through the void and connecting to the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure, the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Thirty-three star fields were projected, manifested in the void above the 'Celestial Demon Star Field', and slowly fell, finally covering the entire 'Celestial Demon Star Field'.

The entire sky demon star field is vibrating and vibrating violently. The void, the galaxy, and the chaos are all vibrating and buzzing, blending and blending with the thirty-three star field projections that have descended!

Finally, the 'Sky Demon Star Field' was connected with the thirty-three star fields, and was smoothly integrated into the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array', becoming the thirty-fourth star field of the Star Alliance.

Central black hole, Tianyao City.

Liang Ji was running the star technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit', watching the changes in the void of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', and clearly watched the expansion of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array', and the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' integrated into the 'Celestial Star Array' During the formation meeting, the process of becoming the thirty-fourth star field of the Star Alliance.

I just feel I gained a lot.

In that process, he gained a lot from the changes in the origin of the void, the origin of the star field, and chaos, the details of the expansion and evolution of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", the changes in the stars and formations in the star field, etc. .

It will undoubtedly be of great benefit to his subsequent practice and practice.

In Tianyao City, Liang Ji carefully realized what he had just seen, the process of Tianyao Star Territory integrating into the "Celestial Star Array", and then suppressed these insights and gains for the time being.

He came to 'Tian Yao City' this time, on the one hand, he got the news that 'Tian Yao City' has been rebuilt, and 'Tian Yao Star Territory' will be integrated into the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Formation', becoming the third largest player in the Star Alliance. Fourteen star fields.

Therefore, when I came to watch this process, I wanted to gain more from it and learn more about the Star Alliance’s innate spiritual treasure, the ‘Celestial Star Array’.

Today, this goal has been successfully achieved.

At the same time, he had another purpose in coming to ‘Tian Yao City’.

With the completion of the "Tian Yao City", the Tian Yao Star Territory was integrated into the "Celestial Star Array" and became the thirty-fourth star territory of the Star Alliance. Various administrative agencies affiliated with the Star Alliance and managing the "Tian Yao Star Territory" also They were all initially established in the 'Celestial Demon City', replacing the 'Command Headquarters' of the Star Alliance's development team and becoming the organization that manages all matters in the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Although it is said that according to the provisions of the Star Alliance's development laws, the 'Green Wing Galaxy', 'Geyang Galaxy', 'Huangyang Galaxy' and other life galaxies, as well as the life stars that Liang Ji led the team to develop, all belong to the development team he led. Team.

Liang Ji has the right to dispose of the resources, life stars, etc. within it.

Naturally, he also has the right to decide on the life stars in them and hand them over to Wu Shan, Peng Xuanding and others to refine them into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

However, these galaxies are located in the "Sky Demon Star Territory", and are naturally under the jurisdiction of the Star Alliance's administrative agencies at all levels in the "Sky Demon Star Territory".

After Liang Ji assigned the two life stars to Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding, he also needed to come here to register with the administrative department of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. Based on the Star Alliance's legal principles, it was determined that the two life stars belonged to Wu Shan. , Peng Xuanding and two others.

They can refine the two life stars into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' and practice the 'Earth Immortal Taoism'.

Only in this way, after registering in the Star Alliance administrative system and recording their information, can Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding obtain the recognition and protection of the Star Alliance when they practice the "Earth Immortal Tradition" in the "Celestial Demon Star Territory".

Let their practice in the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' refined by two life stars go more smoothly and safely.

Now, the 'Tian Yao City' has been completed, and the 'Tian Yao Star Territory' has been successfully integrated into the Star Alliance and has become the thirty-fourth star territory of the Star Alliance, under the protection of the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Those life stars that are refined into earthly immortal blessed lands will be very safe.

Next, I am afraid it will be the peak period for many third-level immortals to refine the life stars into the "Earth Immortal Blessed Land" in the "Celestial Demon Star Territory".

In order to prevent accidents, Liang Ji naturally wanted to complete the registration as soon as possible and let Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding start the sacrifices at the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' as soon as possible.

In Tianyao City, the newly established administrative departments are already operating quickly and busily.

Just as Liang Ji inferred, with the successful integration of the Tianyao Star Territory into the "Zhoutian Star Formation", various development teams, major companies, teams, etc. have all rushed to handle various businesses as soon as possible.

Everyone wants to secure the resources and benefits such as the Life Stars, Earthly Immortals and Blessed Lands as soon as possible.

Fortunately, as a high-level star master, Liang Ji has made several great achievements in the war to open up the 'Tian Yao Star Territory'. Among the administrative agencies of the 'Tian Yao City', he has some priority and does not queue up. There was a dedicated person to serve him, and all the information and materials he needed were quickly registered.

Afterwards, Liang Ji left the ‘Tianyao City’ with the completed registration information and returned to his team.

Then, go to the 'Green Wing Galaxy', 'Rose Sun Galaxy', 'Yellow Sun Galaxy' and other galaxies in sequence, and mark the information registered in the Star Alliance to the 'Dragon Wing Star', 'Snow Wolf Star', etc. On top of several life stars controlled by him.

As these marks are confirmed, the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' appears in the void, and the starlight and power fall into those marked life stars.

Directly use the power of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array" to mark and ensure the safety and ownership of these stars to ensure that there will be no subsequent problems.

Seeing this, Liang Ji nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding, and said: "Wu Shan, Xuanding, without further ado, before taking action with the third-grade immortals from all parties in the Star Alliance, first select the life stars you have chosen. It is better to refine it into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' and confirm its ownership."

"In case there is any accident if the third-level immortals from all parties take action later."


"Thank you Captain!"

Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding immediately thanked and agreed.

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