The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1134 The refining of ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Land’

Sky Demon Star Territory, Green Wing Galaxy, Dragon Wing Star!

The 'Dragon Snake' starship turned into starlight and flew down near the 'Dragon Wing Star'.

Following Liang Ji's suggestion, Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding decided to refine the life stars they selected into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' as soon as possible, so that they could be safe in case of unexpected events.

Among them, the life star Wu Shan chose was the ‘Dragon Wing Star’ of the Green Wing Galaxy.

This life star is the first life galaxy and the first life star that Liang Ji led the "Dragon Snake" starship team to participate in the Star Alliance's pioneering war in the "Sky Demon Star Territory".

At that time, Liang Ji was only a fifth-level star master, and the team of 'Dragon Snake' was not strong enough, so he still invited the team of 'Tian Serpent Academy' to join forces. With the participation of the principal of 'Tian Serpent Academy', this galaxy, this Get the Life Star.

The star monsters created and derived from the 'Dragon Wing Star' were created with the participation of the seventh-order void pterosaur.

In the entire 'Dragon Wing Star', the pterodactyl monsters are known for their physical strength, which is quite consistent with Wu Shan, who practices human immortality, so he directly selected this 'Dragon Wing Star' as the refining 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' The place.

At this time, Wu Shan walked out of the "Dragon Snake" starship, stepped into the void, and came step by step to the top of the "Dragon Wing Star".

But when he saw the seals on his hands, bright fairy light burst out from his body. In the fairy light, there were origins gathering and great principles running. These origins and great principles were all gained from the cultivation and enlightenment of the human immortal Wu Shan over the years.

The 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage' has been developed in the Star Alliance for tens of thousands of years. Although it has not been able to open up the way forward for the 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage' before, it is a matter of how third-level immortals refine the stars of life into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'. Already have very mature experience.

If third-level immortals want to refine the stars of life into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', the most important thing is to refine the power of origin and law they have mastered through practice into the stars of life, so that they can be integrated with the origin of the stars of life and the laws of the great road. .

This is a process of mutual influence.

A third-level immortal refines the power of his own practice, mastery of origins, and laws into the life stars, which will affect and change the origins and laws of the life stars, making them more inclined to the attributes of the origins and laws mastered by third-level immortals.

For example, a third-level immortal who cultivates and masters a large amount of the origin of water and the power of laws refines a life star into an 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', and integrates the origin of water and the power of laws he has mastered into the origin of the life star and the law of the great road. , it will affect the origin and law of the life stars to begin to shift and change in the direction of water.

In the end, the power of the water element and law in the life star will be greatly increased, and the water element on the star will increase greatly, far exceeding other elements. Even if the third-level immortal who refines the star masters the power of water element and law is enough, It is so strong that it is possible to turn the entire star into a liquid star.

And after the third-level immortal refined his own practice, mastery of the origin, and the power of the law into the origin of the life stars and the avenue, it affected the origin of the life stars and the laws of the avenue.

The origins of the stars of life and the laws of the great road will in turn affect the third-level immortals themselves, as well as the origins and laws they practice and master.

With the power and majesty of the origin and law contained in a star, it will continue to grow and expand. The origin and power of law mastered by the third-level immortal who refines the star will also enable him to practice and master the origin and law of the great road. More and more regionally comprehensive.

As long as they continue to grow, sooner or later the immortals who refine the stars of life into the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals' will be able to master the origin of the entire stars of life and the power of the laws of the great road, just like the star masters, and use this as a basis to leverage and control the sea of ​​stars in the universe. The origin of void chaos and the power of the law of the great road.

At that point, the immortals who practice the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' will catch up with the real Star Lord monks!

If the problem of the way forward can be solved, the 'Earth Immortal Tradition' can be regarded as not much different from the 'Star Lord Tradition'.

Therefore, this time the ‘Celestial Demon Star Territory’ was opened up and captured, and the way forward for the ‘Earth Immortal Dao Lineage’ was discovered, it aroused a strong reaction among the Star Alliance immortals.

At this time, as Wu Shan refined his practice, mastery of the origin, and the power of laws into the 'Dragon Wing Star', Liang Ji and others could gradually see some changes beginning to take place in the 'Dragon Wing Star'.

Wu Shan practices the human-immortal Taoism, and has mastered many powerful physical supernatural powers such as the Law of Heaven and Earth, Three Heads and Six Arms, the Indestructible Golden Body, and the Immortal Body. He also majors in flesh and blood, the origin of power, and the avenue of law.

Under the influence of this flesh and blood, the origin of power, and the law of law, it can be clearly seen that the already physically powerful "Pterodactyl Monster" in the "Dragon Wing Star" has become more powerful.

Even some of the 'Pterodactyl Monsters' have begun to undergo changes similar to their magical powers. Their body shape can change in size, give birth to two heads and four arms, their body is as strong as gold and stone, their defense power is greatly increased, their physical body's recovery power is greatly increased, etc.

Obviously they are all influenced by Wu Shan's practice and mastery of the origin and power of laws.

At the same time, the majestic and mysterious origin of the stars and the power of the law of the avenue in the 'Dragon Wing Star' began to affect Wu Shan in turn.

In the fairy light that erupted around him, little stars gradually began to appear like spots, flowing and gathering in the fairy light. More and more gathered, gradually forming into pieces and turning into starlight, which merged with the fairy light.

These starlights continued to increase and intensify, manifesting around Wu Shan, faintly turning into the shape of a star, which was quite similar to the 'Dragon Wing Star'.

It looks like a 'star guardian' or a 'star projection', and it has begun to have some of the characteristics of a star master cultivator.

However, when he saw that the 'Star Guardian' and 'Star Projection' were about to take shape, the human immortal Wu Shan suddenly dispersed the seals on his hands and temporarily stopped refining the 'Dragon Wing Star'.

The fairy light around him gradually converged, but the starlight that emerged circulated around him for several hours before gradually dissipating.

Wu Shan just breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and his face showed a bit of joy.

Refining the life stars into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' by a third-grade Star Alliance Immortal is not something that can be accomplished overnight, but requires a long period of time, many times, and careful process before it can be completed slowly.

After all, the origin and the power of the laws contained in the stars of life are too majestic and sublime compared to the origins and laws mastered by third-level immortals.

If a third-level immortal does not exercise restraint when refining the life stars and wants to refine them all at once, he will only be directly swallowed up by the majestic and mysterious origin of the stars and the power of the law of the great road, that is, transformed into them.

Therefore, when Wu Shan saw more and more starlight filling the fairy light around him, and when he was about to "star projection", he interrupted this refining with great will.

He needs to wait until he adapts to his current state before continuing to refine.

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