The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1135 The ‘Dragon Snake’ team went their separate ways

After watching the human immortal Wu Shan refining the 'Dragon Wing Star' into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', Liang Ji asked Wu Shanshan to lead a group of family members to stay here in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' to become Wu Shan's 'Earth Immortal Taoism'. Cultivation as a protector.

Then, the 'Dragon Snake' starship went to the 'Snow Wolf Star' in the 'Guiyang Galaxy', which was the place chosen by Peng Xuanding to refine the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

Peng Xuanding practices the ghost-immortal Taoism, and what he practices and masters is the origin of coldness and the power of law that can freeze the soul, which is also the most suitable for the 'Snow Wolf Star'.

Liang Ji and others also protected him and witnessed his preliminary refining of the 'Snow Wolf Star' into the Earth Immortal Blessed Land. Later, Peng Yue's grandmother decided to stay and led some of the Peng family's monks and forces to move to this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' While developing, he also continued to protect Peng Xuanding's "Earth Immortal Taoism" practice, and continued to find his own path to a high-level star master.

So far, only Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Chu Yue are left in the 'Dragon Snake' starship team that Liang Ji originally formed.

Moreover, it is difficult for three people to stay together for long.

After Peng Yue ended the pioneering war and dealt with the affairs here in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', he was ready to return to the Star Alliance to practice in seclusion and accelerate his advancement to the seventh-level Star Master.

The Star Alliance has seized the path of the sky demon this time, and the light of creation formed by integrating the power of the sky demon to create stars has long been proven and can be used by star master monks to accelerate the growth and advancement of their natal stars.

Peng Yue is a sixth-level star master. He can accelerate the growth of his natal star by simply using the nine-color 'Light of Creation'.

Just like when Liang Ji practiced in seclusion, he spent decades accelerating the growth of his natal star, and advanced to the seventh-level star master as soon as possible, so that he could truly occupy a high position in the Star Alliance.

As for Chu Yue, Liang Ji has already applied to the Star Alliance to exchange the 'Yuyang Star' back.

Many eyes in the Star Alliance are now focused on the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. In addition, the 'Sun Altar Array' on the 'Yuyang Star' has been clearly understood by the Star Alliance after many years of research. It works on the Yuyang star, but is completely useless on other stars.

In addition, the location of 'Yuyang Star' is in the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance, and is not under the protection of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array'.

Therefore, after so many years, the value and importance of "Yuyang Star" have been greatly reduced, and many of the Star Alliance's research teams and personnel have been completely removed from "Yuyang Star".

Therefore, after Liang Ji initiated the application, the Star Alliance was already going through the process, and it was basically no problem to exchange the 'Yuyang Star' back.

By then, Chu Yue will probably move to Yuyang Star and prepare to build her own "Earth Immortal Blessed Land" on "Yuyang Star".

Finally, there is Liang Ji himself. He has advanced to the seventh-level star master. Next, he needs to explore the outer star sea to find resources and treasures suitable for high-level star masters, which can be used for refining the void and the cultivation of high-level star masters.

The seventh-level star master's cultivation level is enough to operate alone in the outer star sea without the help of the 'Dragon Snake' team.

In fact, the scope and places explored by the seventh-level star master are too dangerous for the "Dragon Snake" team and are not suitable for them to continue to follow and get involved.

Therefore, this pioneering war is over, and the 'Dragon Snake' team is also facing the situation of going their separate ways and disbanding.

I don’t know when the next reunion will be.

Therefore, Liang Ji was the protector of Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding. He watched them each refine the selected life stars into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', and only then felt relieved after making sure that they all had guardians to help them continue their practice of the 'Earth Immortal Taoism'.

He also actively exchanged the "Yuyang Star" for Chu Yue. The purpose was to arrange the members of the team as well as possible to solve their problems and worries before everyone in the team went their separate ways.

After all, with Liang Ji's current seventh-level star master's cultivation and status, he still has some rights and status in the Star Alliance, and can better help his teammates solve problems.

After Wu Shan, Peng Xuanding, and Grandma Peng Yue were settled, several galaxies, life stars, etc. that he had mastered in the "Sky Demon Star Territory" were handed over to the "Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce" for development and management.

Liang Ji did not stay in the "Tian Yao Star Territory" for a long time. He, Peng Yue and Chu Yue drove the "Dragon Snake" starship and flew directly to the "Tian Yao City" in the center of the star field.

With the victory of the war to open up the "Celestial Demon Star Territory" and the capture and control of the power of the creation of the Celestial Demon, the Star Alliance solved two key problems in one fell swoop: the star master's acceleration of the growth of his natal stars, and the way forward for the "Earth Immortal Taoism".

It is conceivable that for a long time to come, the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’ will be the key place where many Star Lords and third-grade immortals in the entire Star Alliance gather and pay attention.

Next, there will definitely be a large number of star masters and third-level immortals pouring into the ‘Celestial Demon Star Territory’, but Liang Ji is not willing to join in the fun here.

In particular, he has mastered the fusion method of 'Light of Creation', and he also holds several life stars that have not yet been separated.

It is almost conceivable that if he stayed in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', he would probably be visited by a large number of star masters, third-level immortals, big companies, big forces, etc. every day.

Either you want to ask him for advice on how to integrate the 'Light of Creation', or you want the life stars that he has yet to distribute.

When the time comes, you will definitely be disturbed and delay your own affairs.

Moreover, Liang Ji was not prepared to trade the few life stars he still had in his hands. The road ahead for the 'Earth Immortal Tradition' has now been opened. After cultivating to the third-level immortal realm, heretic monks will no longer have no way forward. They can refine the stars of life into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' and follow the path of the 'Earth Immortal Tract Tradition'. .

When the time comes, his parents, family members, etc. will naturally need suitable life stars to be refined into a blessed place for cultivation.

And these life stars in the 'Celestial Demon Star Domain' are the most suitable choices. They naturally contain the 'power of creation' and are the stars most suitable for refining into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

He would naturally leave such a good resource and treasure to his parents and family.

At least, Liang Ji was confident that with his current level of cultivation and status as a seventh-level star master, he would have no problem helping his parents grow up to the level of third-level immortals.

When the time comes, these life stars located in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' will naturally be given priority to his parents.

Therefore, I saw that many matters were almost handled, and even those that had not been handled were handed over to the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce and Wu Shanshan and other imperial gods for handling.

Liang Ji chose to leave first.

Tianyao City now looks a bit like the cities in the center of the old star field such as Penglai City and Yinghai City.

It even looks more prosperous than many central cities in the old star field, with more monks of all kinds gathered together.

In Tianyao City, the 'Starlight Gate' for teleportation is almost always open. There are monks, Star Lords, etc. constantly walking out of the 'Starlight Gate', entering Tianyao City, and starting from Tianyao City to Tianyao City. Everywhere in the Demon Star Territory.

Obviously, this is a large number of Star Lords, Immortals, etc. in the Star Alliance, who have begun to gather towards the Sky Demon Star Territory.

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