The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1136 Returning to the family to help parents break through and become immortals

In Tianyao City, Liang Ji and others' "Dragon Snake" starship passed inspection and sailed into the huge "Starlight Gate".

As the 'Sky Demon Star Field' was integrated into the 'Celestial Star Array', it became the thirty-fourth star field of the Star Alliance. The 'Starlight Gate' located in the 'Sky Demon City' can already be directly connected to the other thirty-three star fields of the Star Alliance through the 'Celestial Star Array' for transmission.

You can even teleport directly on a starship, but it will cost more spiritual stones and meritorious deeds.

As for Liang Ji and others, they had gained a lot from the war to open up the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. They were not short of spiritual stones and meritorious deeds, so they directly chose to pilot the 'Dragon Snake' starship and pass through the 'Starlight Gate'. Teleport and return to the original thirty-three star fields within the Star Alliance.

Instead of piloting the "Dragon Snake" starship to slowly fly and move forward between the star fields, it would be a waste of time, and it was not even as good as Liang Ji himself escaping into the void with his "star spirit body" progress.

Starlight circulates in the 'Starlight Gate'. Liang Ji has already traveled through the 'Starlight Gate' many times, and also piloted a starship to teleport several times.

But now, with the cultivation level of a seventh-level star master, when he looked at the transmission process of the 'Starlight Gate', he suddenly had a different discovery and feeling.

He discovered that the transmission process of the 'Starlight Gate' was carried out in the deep space of the void. Escape in these deep voids was more difficult, but faster.

Under the protection of the power of the 'Celestial Star Array', there is almost no difficulty in escaping in the deep void, except for the original advantage of speed.

When the 'Starlight Gate' appeared again ahead, Liang Ji and others flew out of the 'Starlight Gate' in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, but they had already returned to the 'Penglai City' in the Penglai Star Territory.

This is the hometown of Liang Ji and Peng Yue. The pioneering war of the 'Tianyao Star Territory' has ended this time, and they have all graduated from the Star Palace and left. Now when they return, they naturally choose to return to their hometown of 'Penglai Star Territory' first.

Looking at 'Penglai City', one can clearly see that the flow of people and excitement here are far less than that of 'Tianyao City'.

There are even many teams here greeting and queuing up, waiting to be teleported to the ‘Tianyao City’.

They are all preparing to make a fortune in the newly developed ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’.

Liang Ji couldn't help but shook his head slightly as he looked at the people who were rushing to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

These people, after the Pioneering War was over and the Star Alliance announced the "Light of Creation" that would accelerate the cultivation of Star Masters and open up the way forward for the "Earth Immortal Taoism", they hurried to the "Celestial Demon Star Territory", but it was basically impossible to rush there like this. I can't even drink the soup.

Afterwards, they did not stay in Penglai City for long, and drove the starship "Dragon Snake" to the Serpentine Star.

Arriving at the airport outside the 'Snake Star', the 'Dragon Snake' starship stayed at the airport, Chu Yue stayed inside, while Liang Ji and Peng Yue entered the 'Snake Star' and returned to their families.

Nowadays, the Liang and Peng families, and even their closer relatives and friends, have joined the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce', and most of them are still in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', running their businesses in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' The foundation and industry laid.

Therefore, there are not many people in the family.

However, that was not why the two of them chose to return to the Serpent Star. Peng Yue came back to practice in seclusion, accelerate the cultivation of his natal stars, and advance to the seventh-level star master realm as soon as possible.

Liang Ji chose to come back, on the one hand, to accompany Peng Yue; on the other hand, he had indeed not been back for more than a hundred years. Next, he will leave the Star Alliance area and enter the outer star sea to explore further and more dangerous areas to find resources, treasures, etc. suitable for the cultivation of high-level star masters. It is not known how long he will be delayed in the outer star sea.

Therefore, Liang Ji chose to return to his family before leaving the Star Alliance and going to the outside world, not only to accompany his parents and family, but also to cultivate and repair himself.

After all, they had just experienced a fierce "pioneering war" and were about to go to the more dangerous outer star sea.

Even though Liang Ji is already a seventh-level star master, he still has some persistence and still needs some repairs.

In the Sky Snake Star, Xiu Snake City!

Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned after more than a hundred years, but it seemed that there were not many changes in Snake Xiu City.

Compared with the changes in the battles and fighting in the Sky Demon Star Territory over the past hundred years or so, the Sky Snake Star and Xiu Snake City in front of us seemed to have remained unchanged for more than a hundred years, and were still so quiet and peaceful.

The return of Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not alarm everyone. They made an appointment to meet again and then returned to their families.

The center of Xiu She City is the place with the best spiritual veins in the entire Xiu She City. Liang Ji's parents and family have already moved here.

When Liang Ji returned home, his parents were already waiting for him at home. Although he had no intention of alarming anyone, he had contacted his parents before returning.

Therefore, they had already been waiting at home and did not go out.

As far as Liang Ji knew, his parents often left Serpentis and traveled around the star fields of the Star Alliance during these years. They have basically traveled and seen all of the thirty-three star regions in the Star Alliance, which is more than Liang Ji has traveled and seen in the Star Alliance.

After all, after Liang Ji advanced to the fourth level Star Master, he focused his main energy on the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance.

Either organizing a small team to explore and develop the outer star sea, or participating in the Star Alliance's war to develop the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', the time to truly stay within the Star Alliance is only a handful.

He has traveled to less than half of the original thirty-three star regions of the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji had not seen his parents for more than a hundred years, and it was inevitable that they were a little unfamiliar for a while, but after some exchanges, the unfamiliarity gradually faded away.

He looked at his parents and said with a smile: "Dad, Mom, you have to work hard and advance to the third-level immortal realm!"

"I left a few life stars for you in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', waiting for you to receive them and refine them into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'."

"When the time comes, you guys will convert to the 'Earth Immortal Taoism', and it will not be much worse than the Star Lord Taoism."

Liang Ji's parents practiced the Human Immortal Taoism and the Qi Refiner Taoism respectively. They benefited from Liang Ji's support over the years. Although their cultivation progress was not fast, it did not stagnate. Now they are both at the fourth level. They are far away from each other. It's not far to break through the realm of third-level immortal.

But just like the middle-level star master breaks through the high-level star master, there is a big threshold that blocks many middle-level star masters from the door.

Even if it is not as difficult as a high-level Star Master to advance to a third-level Immortal from hereditary inheritance, there are still some thresholds.

Liang Ji's parents are just outside this threshold and have never made a breakthrough.

In this case, you basically either rely on your own hard work, understanding, and time spent pondering, or you rely on precious resources and treasures.

Fortunately, Liang Ji harvested a lot of precious resources and treasures in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' this time, especially in the 'Central Black Hole' where he harvested and exchanged more resources and treasures, which were not used to help his parents break through to the third-level immortal realm. question.

He has decided that before leaving the Star Alliance and exploring the outer star sea this time, he will first help his parents advance to the third-level immortal realm.

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