The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1140 The power of the devil’s energy and the purpose of inheritance in Guixu Star Palace

Under the 'Dongxu' star technique, Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Body' passed through layers of void and continued towards the deep void.

After passing through several layers of void in succession, Liang Ji saw something strange in the deep void ahead.

There is a large amount of demonic energy permeating the deep void and spreading towards the 'Tianniu Galaxy'.

Among the demonic energy, several demonic shadows can be seen, pulling and controlling the demonic energy, swallowing it towards the 'Tianniu Galaxy', and eroding away into the deeper depths of the void.

At the same time, Liang Ji could also see the projection of several stars in the diffuse demonic energy, as if the base of the formation were distributed in the demonic energy.

Liang Ji compared the position and appearance of the star projections, and found that these star projections were exactly the positions and projections of the stars in the 'Tianniu Galaxy' that had been eroded by the devil's energy and where the 'Demon Devouring Array' was deployed.

Obviously, this vast demonic energy distributed deep in the void of the galaxy is also part of the 'Demon Devouring Array' arranged by the demonic cultivators, and may even be an extremely important foundation part.

At this time, the demonic energy that filled the deep void sensed Liang Ji's escape and was alarmed.

The demonic aura that permeated the surroundings suddenly set off a large wave, and those demon cultivators who were in the demonic aura immediately discovered Liang Ji.

The next moment, those demon cultivators screamed and screamed in horror, stirring up the demonic energy surrounding them, and attacked Liang Ji.

Liang Ji could see that the strongest demon cultivators were only at the level of third-grade heretic immortals. Normally, they would not dare to attack the seventh-order star master, and they were no match for the seventh-order star master.

Now, these demonic cultivators, whether they were at the level of third-level immortals or even those who had not reached the level of third-level immortals, actually launched a direct attack on Liang Ji, the seventh-level star master.

They don't know whether it is the inheritance of the 'Devil's Qi' that gave them great confidence, or whether the 'Devil's Qi' has destroyed their intelligence and wisdom, making them not afraid of death or sacrifice, even if they die. Dare to attack Liang Ji.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji did not hesitate and directly sacrificed the three star palace inheritances of the 'Bang of Gods', 'Bloodline Catalog', and 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and activated the 'Guardian of the Gods' and 'Bloodline Origin Body'. ', and the three high-level astrological arts of 'Instant Element'.

With his strongest combat power now, he faced those demon cultivators and the surging demonic energy.

Liang Ji had no fear of third-grade immortals or even demon cultivators who were not as good as third-grade immortals.

What he really valued and feared was the 'devil's energy'.

After all, after this 'Celestial Demon's Qi' was released by the ninth-order Heavenly Demon Xuan Qi in the central black hole of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', the Lord of the Nine Sections Star, Tianhe Immortal Lord, together with the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Formation' outside, As well as the power of the 'Zhoutian Star Formation' that was introduced, they were not able to completely prevent or eliminate it.

It still caused part of the 'devil's energy' to break through the obstacles and escape into the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe.

Liang Ji had limited understanding of the 'devil's energy' that came from the dark side of the universe's star sea, and had never had a real fight with it.

Liang Ji is also difficult to determine what kind of inheritance and power there is in this 'Devil's Qi', what kind of inheritance and power it will cause these pervasive demonic Qi, as well as what kind of changes will occur in the demonic cultivation in the demonic Qi, and what kind of strength and destructive power it has.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Liang Ji used all his strength when he took action.

Facing the surging demonic energy and the attacking demonic cultivators in the demonic aura, Liang Ji directly brought together the inheritance power of the three star palaces and the power of the three high-level star arts, and integrated them into the 'Elemental Giant Hammer' Momentary Elements' Astrology.

Its power was directly raised to an over-limit level, almost reaching the eighth level of power.

Where the giant hammer struck, the elements were born and destroyed thousands of times in an instant, immediately destroying the surging demonic energy and killing more than half of the demonic cultivators.

"Invincible! Activate the grand formation!"

Seeing the power of Liang Ji's strike, among the remaining demon cultivators, the third-level immortal demon cultivator with the highest cultivation level immediately raised his voice and gave instructions.

The next moment, the star projections in the demonic energy were seen, one after another shining with bright starlight. These starlights were connected with each other to form a large formation, emerging in the surging demonic energy.

Liang Ji looked at the battle formed by the stars connected together, and found that it was almost 90% similar to the way Senior Qi Changge had connected the stars into an array in the light curtain before.

Obviously, the Star Alliance's 'Security Department' has conducted extremely detailed research on the 'Demon Devouring Array' of the Demonic Way, and has even deduced most of the 'Demon Devouring Array'.

The Star Alliance's methods and strength are still worthy of trust.

Qi Changge said that the 'Demon Devouring Array' had only been half-deployed and had not yet been completed, so the power it could exert was obviously limited.

Therefore, when Liang Ji saw the formation activated, although he was cautious, he was not immediately frightened away.

Then, he saw an illusory and real 'black hole' faintly emerging in the half-large array formed by the projections of the stars, swallowing the surging demonic energy all around. The illusory and real 'black hole' suddenly gradually grew. , becomes faintly real.

Suddenly, an increasingly terrifying devouring power erupted from the illusory and real 'black hole', devouring all directions.

Liang Ji's heart moved slightly when he saw this. The method of the 'Demon Devouring Array' is to use the large array to create a 'black hole', thereby swallowing stars, swallowing galaxies, and penetrating the dark side of the universe's sea of ​​stars.

This method is similar to the method of 'Guixu Star Palace'.

Guixu Star Palace also has the method of 'artificial black hole'. Liang Ji had seen this 'artificial black hole' when he was working with Xue Zhaoyue and others in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

Previously, Liang Ji had always thought that the "Guixu Black Hole" inheritance practiced in the "Guixu Star Palace" was the inheritance of studying black holes.

But now it seems that the "Guixu Black Hole" inheritance of the "Guixu Star Palace" may not only involve black holes, but may also involve the dark side of the universe's star sea.

The so-called 'return to ruins' probably points to the dark side of the universe's sea of ​​stars.

The major star palaces of the Star Alliance are good at absorbing the essence of super-level civilizations or powerful beings, thereby improving themselves and in turn restraining the other party.

For example, the Kunlun Star Palace's "Apotheosis of the Gods", the Taiyi Star Palace's "Bloodline Catalog", the Vientiane Star Palace's "Ten Thousand Methods Melting Furnace", etc.

And since the Star Alliance has long known about the existence of the dark side of the cosmic star sea, how could they not take advantage of the dark side power of the cosmic star sea?

Absorb the essence of power from the dark side of the universe's star sea, and then develop a method to restrain the power of the dark side of the universe.

This should be the true origin and purpose of the Guixu Star Palace’s ‘Guixu Black Hole’ inheritance.

Thoughts were flying in Liang Ji's mind, and at this time, in the demonic energy in front, those demonic cultivators had controlled the illusory and real 'black hole' to attack him.

The 'Demon Devouring Array' has not yet been deployed, and the 'black hole' it has formed seems real and illusory. It is difficult to swallow stars and galaxies. However, it only attacks Liang Ji, and all the devouring power is directed at him. It is undoubtedly still a great threat to him. of.

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