The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1141: Speed ​​Pass Mission, Senior, Senior’s Envy

The Beetle Galaxy, in the deep void.

The semi-finished black hole formed by the demonic cultivator in a large formation shrouded and swallowed Liang Ji.

From this half-finished black hole, Liang Ji, as a seventh-level star master, felt a sense of threat. It can be seen that these demon cultivators in the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' have indeed improved their cultivation and strength after obtaining the 'Qi of Heavenly Demons'. Huge improvement.

In order to prevent accidents, Liang Ji activated the origin of his natal stars, swept up the void and the origin of the universe, and activated the power of the three star palace inheritance and the three high-level star arts to the extreme, and still struck down with the 'Elemental Giant Hammer' .

The giant hammer collided with the black hole, and the elements were born and destroyed thousands of times in an instant, immediately exploding the half-finished black hole.

The surrounding void was shattered, and a large amount of broken and chaotic void turbulence swept in, swallowing up and tearing apart some of the demon cultivators of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace'.

The turbulence and fragmentation in this deep void are often difficult for the star spirit bodies of high-level star masters to withstand and resist, let alone those demon cultivators who rely on a little bit of 'demonic inheritance' to barely reach this deep void.

Liang Ji saw that all the demon cultivators had been devoured and torn into pieces. He quickly used the star technique of the 'Star Picking Hand' and stretched out a giant hand of starlight, directly grabbing the leading third-grade demon cultivator and the two nearby demon cultivators. Grab it.

Then he quickly activated the 'Dongxu' star technique and fled out of the void.

The ultra-limited 'momentary element' star attack blasted through the half-finished black hole, causing destructive power that shattered the surrounding deep void. The resulting deep void turbulence and void fragments were Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Body' Don't dare to stay long.

Therefore, Liang Ji immediately captured three demon cultivators in order to explain to Qi Changge and Yang Yun, and Liang Ji fled in a hurry.

In the void outside the Tianniu galaxy, Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Body' ripped open the void directly and came out in front of Qi Changge and Yang Yun. He opened his 'Starlight Giant Hand' and said: "These demons were found in the deep void. Xiu, they are preparing to set up a large array to create a black hole, preparing to devour the 'Tianniu Galaxy'."

"I destroyed the half-finished 'black hole' created by their formation, which triggered storms and turbulence in the deep void. Those demon cultivators were either killed by me or swallowed by the turbulence of the broken void."

"I just caught these three... two demon cultivators!"

Liang Ji said, and saw the three demon cultivators originally captured on the 'Giant Starlight Hand', but one of them had only half of his body left, and his upper body had disappeared. It was obviously the void that was broken when he was in the deep void. The turbulence swallowed it up.

As a result, three demon cultivators became two.

"Fortunately, this third-grade demon cultivator is the strongest among them and should be the leader."

Liang Ji said, handing the two demon cultivators who were subdued by the starlight and unable to move to Qi Changge and Yang Yun, and said:

"After you take him back, you should be able to find some useful information from him."

Qi Changge and Yang Yun looked at the two demon cultivators that Liang Ji brought in front of them, their faces full of surprise, and they were speechless for a long time.

Their trip was originally to accept a mission to track down a group of demon cultivators from the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' and came to the Penglai Star Territory.

It happened to coincide with the wedding of Liang Ji and Peng Yue, and the two of them also discovered that the demon cultivators they were pursuing had obtained the 'devil's energy', which was no longer something they could easily deal with, so they tried to ask Liang Ji for help.

However, what they didn't expect was that after Liang Ji agreed, he would use his 'celestial spirit body' to take them through the void directly to the mission location, the 'Tianniu Galaxy'.

Then, without their intervention during the whole process, Liang Ji alone explored the entire Tianniu galaxy inside and outside, and accurately found out the arrangement and location of the demonic cultivators.

Finally, the other party entered the deep void and came out in just a moment to tell them that he had dealt with those demon cultivators and captured the leading demon cultivator as a prisoner.

The arrangements and conspiracies of those demonic cultivators in the 'Tianniu Galaxy' have also been directly destroyed and cleared by him.

The whole process was not only quick and direct, but Qi Changge and Yang Yun also watched the whole process, without any input from them, or in other words, they could not help at all.

This task has been solved!

This couldn't help but remind the two of them that during this period of time, with the birth of the 'Devil's Qi', the demon cultivators of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' caused more attacks and destruction inside and outside the Star Alliance. In the past, they led the team to deal with these demon cultivators and tasks, and they all Even though they were careful, they carefully investigated and planned their actions, but they often still had to go through hard battles, and even team members were injured and had to enlist the help of the "Sky Star Formation" to complete the mission with great difficulty.

Compared with the task that Liang Ji had completed at this time, it was undoubtedly more difficult to calm down the emotion and shock in the two people's hearts.

"Although we have known for a long time that the strength of high-level star masters is far from being comparable to that of mid-level star masters!"

"But you handled it too quickly and easily..."

As Senior Sister Yang Yun said, she couldn't help but asked with some suspicion:

"Junior Liang Ji, are all the other seventh-level star masters as powerful as you?"

Liang Ji smiled when he heard this and said: "Maybe, I am more powerful than the average seventh-level star master."

After listening to Liang Ji's words, the expressions of astonishment on Qi Changge and Yang Yun's faces softened slightly, revealing expressions of astonishment.

Qi Changge said: "Is it because of the inheritance of the Three Gates Star Palace?"

Liang Ji nodded and said, "Most of them are like that."

When Senior Sister Yang Yun heard this, she said with some envy: "I even want to study one or two Star Palace inheritances at the same time."

"Junior Liang Ji, do you think if I learn one or two more star palace inheritances, can I integrate these star palace inheritances like you and advance to a high-level star master?"

Liang Ji looked at the other party and muttered: "My plan and process of integrating the three star palace inheritances and advancing to high-level star master have been submitted to the Star Alliance."

"Nowadays, there are also studies in all the major star palaces, and there should even be some star masters trying it."

"However, it may take some time to fully mature this plan so that more Star Lords can successfully integrate different Star Palace inheritances and advance to high-level Star Lords."

"In fact, during this process, there should be many Star Masters who are practicing concurrently and integrating different Star Palace inheritances and will continue to fail, or even suffer backlash and fall. Only a small number of them will succeed."

"Senior Yang Yun, if you already have your own path to become a high-level star master, I do not recommend that you change your path rashly and try to combine training and integrate different star palace inheritances."

"After all, no matter which path you take, being able to successfully advance to the seventh level Star Lord is the most important thing."

"I may be more powerful than the average seventh-level star master, but this does not mean that among the seventh-level star masters who are promoted normally in the Star Alliance, there are no more powerful ones than me."

"What's more, the eighth-level star master is not something I can resist."

"So, advancing and improving your cultivation is the first priority."

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