The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1148 The indispensable third tide of all things

Compared with the exchange of two life stars in the 'Green Wing Galaxy', the 'Golden Sun' galaxy is much easier to handle.

After all, Liang Ji led Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others to conquer this 'Golden Sun' galaxy. In this 'Golden Sun' galaxy, Liang Ji still controls a life star, and he only needs to replace it with another 'life star'.

Moreover, the other two life stars in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy are both in the hands of Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao. With Liang Ji's friendship and relationship with them, it is easier to exchange for a 'life star' from them.

Liang Ji just communicated with each other, and Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao agreed to the exchange.

Finally, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and her parents decided to exchange the 'star of life' held by senior Chen Zhao after an on-site inspection in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy.

This life star is closer to the life star controlled by Liang Ji, and they even have some connection and influence with each other.

It is undoubtedly the most suitable for Peng Yue's parents to refine it into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

Chen Zhao had no objection and directly replaced it with a life star in the 'Chengyang' galaxy controlled by Liang Ji.

After the exchange, Peng Yue also sent her family members into the two stars to help her parents clean up and manage the stars.

Finally, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also left a 'Star Gate' sign here as an insurance against any eventuality.

While Liang Ji and Peng Yue were busy preparing the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' for their parents, they suddenly received a message that day from the Vice Principal Huntian of Kunlun Star Palace.

The other party seemed to have received the news that he had returned to the 'Tian Yao Star Territory', and summoned him to go to the 'Tian Yao City' to gather together.

Liang Ji saw that both the 'Green Wing Galaxy' and the 'Golden Sun' Galaxy had been processed and arranged, and he left Peng Yue to continue to practice and break through the Dharma for her parents in the 'Golden Sun' Galaxy.

And he used his "star spirit body" to escape into the void and rushed to the "Celestial Demon City".

Arriving at the 'Tian Yao City', Liang Ji followed the summons and came to the edge of the 'Tian Yao City'.

Here, Liang Ji not only met Vice Principal Huntian, but also several eighth-level Star Masters he had met in the Star Alliance Pioneer Legion's "Frontline Command" were still here.

Liang Ji felt a little strange: "The frontline headquarters of the pioneering army has not been disbanded? Could it be that the pioneering war is not over yet?"

"I've met the vice principal and several seniors!"

Although Liang Ji muttered in his heart, he quickly greeted several eighth-level star masters in the field.

Several eighth-level star masters also greeted Liang Ji with smiles. Although he was only a seventh-level star master who had just advanced, whether he successfully advanced by integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces, or he was still opening up the world. The achievements made in the process of "Demon Star Domain", the "Light of Creation" formed by integrating the power of thirty-six kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, etc. are all worthy of a high look from these eighth-level star masters.

These eighth-level Star Lords are basically the vice principals of major palaces or leaders of high-level Star Alliance organizations. They have basically invited Liang Ji to join various star palaces or government departments before.

Therefore, Liang Ji is quite familiar with him.

"I asked you to come this time. Firstly, it's a gathering. Secondly, it's an opportunity not to be missed."

After saying hello, Vice Principal Huntian smiled and told him the reason for calling him here. He pointed at the central black hole under the 'Tianyao City' and said, "Look, can you see anything?" ?”

Hearing this, Liang Ji immediately activated the 'Eye of the Star Spirit' and looked into the central black hole. He immediately discovered something, and his expression changed slightly: "The tide of the power of the sky demon... No! That's not right..."

"The sky demon has been killed. Although this surging tidal power is very similar to the 'power of the sky demon' and also contains the power of creation, it is more like star power, more like... the light of creation!"

Liang Ji's thoughts were whirling, and he instantly made an inference in his mind, saying: "This is the power of Immortal Lord Tianhe!"

"That's right!" Vice Principal Huntian nodded and said, "But do you still remember that the third wave of 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' was suppressed and blocked by us in this 'central black hole'?"

Liang Ji nodded. He naturally remembered this. He personally participated in the battle to suppress and block the third outbreak of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon's Power', and completed the thirty-six colors of 'Light of Creation' in it. To the fusion and transformation of the eighteen colors.

"The sage has a saying: Two begets two, two begets three, three begets all things!" Vice Principal Huntian nodded slightly and said: "The same is true for the life star field created by Tianyao Xuanqi. Three 'tides of the power of the sky demon' Erupting and sweeping the entire star field is indispensable for the creation of the entire star field.”

"However, the third outbreak of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon's Power' was suppressed and blocked by us. Therefore, in fact, the creation of this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' has never been truly completed and is still far from being completed. The last 'tide of demonic power' erupts and sweeps across."

"And now, Immortal Lord Tian He is going to replace Tian Yao Xuan Qi and complete the explosion and sweep of this third 'tide of creation'."

"This is a rare opportunity. If you can learn something from it, it will be of great benefit to your future practice."

Hearing this, Liang Ji instantly understood that this third outbreak of the 'Tide of the Power of Creation' was probably also a key step in the path of Immortal Lord Tian He to seize the Heavenly Demon Xuan Qi.

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, but Liang Ji quickly asked: "With such an opportunity, can I invite some people to watch it together?"

Vice Principal Huntian smiled and nodded when he heard this, then shook his head and said: "If you want to gain some insights from the eruption of the 'Light of Creation' tide, you need at least the cultivation of a high-level star master, otherwise you will be ' The influence of the origin and the power of the avenue contained in the "Light of Creation" is not conducive to the cultivation and breakthrough of middle-level and low-level star masters, and may even cause some middle-level star masters who have found their own path to lose their way again. There is no hope of breaking through to the high-level Star Master."

"So, the Star Alliance will basically notify the Star Lords who can come to watch the tidal eruption of the 'Light of Creation'."

"Those who are not notified are not suitable to come here to watch and comprehend the tidal explosion of the 'Light of Creation'."

"That's it..." Liang Ji felt a little regretful when he heard this.

"Of course." At this time, Vice Principal Huntian said again: "The third eruption of the 'Light of Creation' tide will sweep across the entire Sky Demon Star Territory."

"The central black hole only contains the most and strongest power of creation, origin, and avenue, so it is only suitable for high-level star masters to watch and understand."

"But in other places in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', you can also watch and feel the sweeping tide of 'Light of Creation'."

"If you have enough understanding and opportunity, you can also gain something from it. It is also more suitable for those middle and low-level star masters, and even third-level immortals."

Vice Principal Huntian said, looked around, and sent a message to Liang Ji: "Tell you a way to refine the origin of the stars of life in the 'Sky Demon Star Domain', so that you can better understand and understand more in the tide of the 'Light of Creation' Something can be gained.”

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