The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1149 Three Years Tide Erupts

Liang Ji listened to the voice transmission from Vice Principal Huntian, and his heart suddenly moved. He also asked through the voice transmission: "Is this tidal burst of 'Light of Creation' also useful for the immortals who refine the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'?"

Vice Principal Huntian did not reply via voice transmission, but just nodded.

Liang Ji immediately understood what he meant, and immediately thanked him: "Thank you, Vice Principal, for reminding me."

Vice Principal Huntian waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is not a secret."

However, Liang Ji was grateful to the other party and was already thinking about sending a message back quickly to remind his parents to refine the two sources of 'Life Stars' in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' as soon as possible. It is impossible to obtain them in the tidal burst of 'Light of Creation' Some benefits.

In addition, Peng Yue also wanted to inform that although she has not yet advanced to the seventh level Star Master and cannot come to the 'Sky Demon City' to experience the eruption of the 'Light of Creation' tide, she can choose a place in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' The 'star of life' projects and imprints the origin, so as to understand and understand the mystery and the great way. It should also be of great benefit to his practice and advancement to the seventh-level star master.

Even Peng Yue's grandmother, during the battle to open up the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', the other party tried to find her own way to advance to a high-level star master several times but missed the opportunity. Until the end of the open war, the other party failed to find her own path. The path of a high-level star master.

I can only stay in the 'Celestial Demon Star Domain' and study the power of the Sky Demon to create stars, trying to see if I can gain insights from it and find my own path.

And this time, the eruption of the "Light of Creation" tide is also an opportunity for him, and he can gain insights from it and find his own path.

Therefore, it is also necessary to send a message to inform them so that they can prepare in advance.

In addition, senior Bian Yujiao, senior Chen Zhao and others, regardless of whether they have received news from other places, it is best to inform them.

And Wang Ziwen... and Peng Yue's parents..." Liang Ji's heart moved slightly when he thought of this, and then glanced at the tide of 'Light of Creation' surging in the black hole below, but it was difficult to judge whether this 'tide 'When will the outbreak happen, and will Peng Yue's parents be able to catch up?

He couldn't help but look at Vice-Principal Huntian beside him, and asked through a message: "Vice-Principal, has the specific time of the third tide been determined?"

Vice Principal Huntian nodded and said, "Just three years from now."

"Three years..." Liang Duanyu's heart moved slightly, thinking of Peng Yue's parents' cultivation status, as well as the resources and treasures he provided, and deduced a little: "It should be enough."

"Thank you, Vice Principal."

After Liang Ji thanked the other party again, he began to contact Peng Yue and others, telling them the news of the 'Tidal Eruption' and letting them prepare for it.

Then, Liang Ji's parents, Peng Yue's parents, Peng Yue's grandma, Peng Yue, Wang Ziwen and others all had Peng Yue's help in making arrangements.

Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and other seniors only needed to inform him, and Liang Ji didn't need to pay much attention. However, they even thanked Liang Ji for the notice.

Liang Ji, on the other hand, stayed here in ‘Tianyao City’.

Although the third 'tide' erupted three years later, the process of the 'light of creation' tide accumulating and surging in the central black hole at this time is not incomprehensible.

However, it is difficult for ordinary seventh-level star masters to gain insights from it. Only eighth-level star masters, or seventh-level star masters with high enough talent and strength, can gain insights from it.

Ordinary seventh-level star masters still have to wait until the tide of 'Light of Creation' completely erupts in three years before they can gain some understanding and gain from it.

It is also for this reason that most of the eighth-level star masters such as Vice Principal Huntian still remain in the "Tianyao City", not only to protect the actions of Tianhe Immortal, but also to understand the "light of creation" surging in the central black hole. 'tidal.

As for Liang Ji, he considered himself to be the most talented and powerful among the seventh-level star masters, so he did not leave the 'Tian Yao City' and also tried to understand the tide of 'Light of Creation' surging in the central black hole.

What's more, the 'tidal' power and the light of creation surging in the central black hole are very similar to the 'Dragon Pearl' light of creation that he created by merging the power of thirty-six kinds of heavenly demons and created stars. They even come from the same source. , but it is more mysterious and advanced than the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball'.

It is naturally easier for Liang Ji to gain more insights from it.

In this way, time flows quickly, and three years pass in the blink of an eye.

During these three years, Liang Ji basically stayed in the 'Tianyao City' to comprehend the tide of 'Light of Creation' surging in the central black hole.

And the news about this third 'tide' outbreak gradually spread, and more and more people knew about it.

In the past three years, high-level star masters have been coming from all directions and gathered in the ‘Tianyao City’.

At the same time, the various forces, monks, star masters, etc. are increasingly competing for the "Life Stars" in the "Sky Demon Star Territory".

Refining the origin of the 'Life Stars' in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' is helpful for understanding the information about the tidal explosion of the 'Light of Creation'. Not much is known, but it is not top secret either.

At least, many people among the senior members of the Star Alliance know about it, and naturally there are many people who are eyeing these 'stars of life'.

In Liang Ji's daily contact with Peng Yue, she had heard her say that in the past three years, countless people and forces had made plans to get the 'star of life' left in Liang Ji's hands. Go buy it.

That is to say, Liang Ji's status in the Star Alliance is not low now, and he has good relations with many eighth-level star masters, top forces, government organizations, etc., so no big forces or companies dare to use strong methods.

Therefore, the last life star has been preserved, and is now being controlled by Peng Yue, Wang Ziwen, and Peng Yue's grandmother. They each use their own means to refine part of the original power in the star, preparing to use it in the 'Category of Creation'. Take a good look at the tide of light.

In addition, in the past three years, Liang Ji's parents have also initially completed the refining of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' and are ready; Peng Yue's parents, as expected, spent more than two years to successfully advance to the third level of immortals. In this realm, before the tide of "Light of Creation" erupts, the origin of the two selected "Life Stars" has been initially refined.

In this way, the time came to July of the third year. On this day, Liang Ji was comprehending the tide of 'Light of Creation' surging in the central black hole, when suddenly a long roar came from the central black hole.

The long roar was filled with a sense of fun, wantonness and freedom, and the tide of 'Light of Creation' that had been accumulating and surging in the central black hole no longer fell, but was like a volcanic eruption. It erupted directly from the 'central black hole' and hit the suppressing 'Tian Yao City' and the huge stars on the 'Tian Yao City'.

These tidal forces refine the 'Sky Demon City' and the 'Giant Star', and then rush in all directions, rushing to the entire Sky Demon Star Territory.

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