The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1150 My Way Has Been Completed

In the Sky Demon Star Territory, the central black hole, the third tide has erupted!

However, this third tide is no longer controlled by the ninth-level Heavenly Demon Xuanqi, but by the Lord Tianhe Immortal.

Liang Ji looked at the tides of the 'Light of Creation' washing over the 'Sky Demon City' and the huge stars on the city, and he suddenly understood. Knowing why, the Star Alliance placed the 'Sky Demon City' in the central black hole before triggering the third 'tide'.

The flushing of this third 'tide' not only creates and refines the entire 'Sky Demon Star Territory', but also takes this opportunity to create, refine, and integrate this 'Sky Demon City' and the huge stars on the city. In the Sky Demon Star Territory'.

This should be the last step for the Star Alliance to complete control of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

"I just don't know if enemies such as the Void Demon Clan, gods, elemental spirits, demon cultivators, etc., will take this opportunity to attack?"

Liang Ji raised his head and looked around the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. Unfortunately, he only saw some Void Demon Clan in the void between some galaxies. They were only middle and low-level ones, not even a high-level Void Demon Clan.

Not to mention gods, elemental spirits, demon cultivators, etc.

Sensing the tide of 'Light of Creation' surging around him, Liang Ji clearly felt the benefits and blessings of its power to himself.

He suddenly understood: "The first two 'tides' were both sent by the ninth-level sky demon Xuan Qi, so the power in them is beneficial to the Void Demon Clan, and can greatly bless and enhance the Void Demon Clan's strength and combat ability. Instead, it has a suppressive effect on Star Alliance monks, Star Lords, etc."

"So, during the pioneering war at that time, the outbreak of two tides caused heavy losses to the Covenant's pioneering team."

"But now, this third tide is caused by the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord. The 'power of creation' contained in it is naturally of great benefit to the monks and star masters of the Star Alliance. Not only can they Through enlightenment, you can gain the power to bless yourself and enhance your strength and combat power."

"On the contrary, enemies such as the void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc., if they still stay in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' at this time, they will inevitably be weakened and suppressed by the power of this third 'tide'!"

"So, when the 'tide' breaks out this time, there should be no enemies taking the opportunity to attack, otherwise we will just end up in a desperate situation."

The electric thought in Liang Ji's heart turned around, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the erupting tide of 'Light of Creation' in front of him. He immediately sacrificed the 'Dragon Ball' and threw his mind and consciousness into the erupting tide of 'Light of Creation'.

Since the Star Alliance dares to launch the third 'tide' outbreak at this time, it will naturally be prepared to deal with various enemies and accidents.

After all, Immortal Lord Tianhe is not the only ninth-level star master in the Star Alliance. Not all eighth-level star masters have come to Tianyao City, not to mention that the Tianyao Star Territory has already been integrated with the innate spiritual treasure. In the Zhoutian Star Array.

Therefore, there is no need for him to worry about it. He only needs to seize this opportunity and participate in the origin of creation, the laws of the great road, etc. contained in this third 'tide'.

As soon as the 'Dragon Pearl' enters the tide, the source of the light of creation that explodes in it will naturally merge into the 'Dragon Pearl' and merge with the light of creation contained in the 'Dragon Pearl'.

Liang Ji did not see that the 'Light of Creation' that erupted in the central black hole came from the same source as the 'Light of Creation' that was fused into his 'Dragon Ball'.

Therefore, he used the 'Dragon Ball' to accommodate and comprehend these tides of 'Light of Creation', but it had the best effect, even better than directly comprehending and comprehending the tides of 'Light of Creation'.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness were invested in the "Dragon Ball", observing and comprehending the changes and transformation process of the light of creation in the "Dragon Ball", and gradually changing in the direction of the tidal source and the law of the great road of the "light of creation" erupting in the central black hole. growing up.

This 'Light of Creation' not only contains the path of the ninth-order Heavenly Demon Xuan Qi, but also contains the path of the ninth-order star lord Tianhe Immortal Lord. Although it comes from the same source, it is more fused with the 'Dragon Pearl' than Liang Ji. The light of creation made from the power of the stars created by the thirty-six-color celestial demon is much more powerful and sublime.

Liang Ji understood its origin and power, and understood the changes in the light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl'. He had a clearer and more mysterious understanding and understanding of the creation of life stars, creation of life galaxies, creation of life star fields, etc., and he became more and more knowledgeable. Grasp the stars and galaxies of creation and life.

"But it's not enough!"

"The most important thing is to understand its origin, so that the 'Dragon Pearl' contains the light of creation, rather than relying on the power of the celestial demon to create stars to give birth to the light of creation..."

"Otherwise, it will not be considered as truly mastering the light of creation. At most, it can only be regarded as mastering a method of synthesizing the light of creation."

"Even if you want to use the 'Dragon Pearl' light of creation in the future, you will be restricted by the power of the thirty-six-color creation stars contained in the Sky Demon Star Field!"

"The Pioneering War has ended, and Master Yuanmu's experimental team has been disbanded. It will be difficult to obtain the power of the thirty-six stars for free in large quantities in the future..."

“So, it’s best to understand the source of this ‘Light of Creation’ tide and make sure that the ‘Dragon Pearl’ contains the Light of Creation itself!”

Liang Ji was comprehending the changes of the 'Dragon Pearl' and the tide of the 'Light of Creation', and some thoughts flashed through his mind from time to time.

Not only him, but the entire Sky Demon City and the entire Sky Demon Star Territory seemed to have quieted down at this time. Many star magicians, immortals, monks, etc. were all involved in understanding and comprehending the tide of the 'Light of Creation'. Something gained.

Outside the Sky Demon Star Territory, you can see some figures as big as stars, or hidden figures quietly appearing. These are some high-level void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits who are still spying on the "Tian Demon Star Territory" wait.

But at this moment, looking at the tide of light of creation surging in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', these high-level void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. were agitated, but none of them dared to rush towards the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. 'middle.

They all know that the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' at this time is a dead place for them.

Until I saw the tide of the 'Light of Creation' covering the entire star field, it gradually reached its peak. The entire star field was changing, becoming more stable and powerful, with richer vitality and spirituality, and the 'Zhou Tian' contained in it The power of the Star Formation has also been continuously improved and reached its peak.

These high-level demon clans, gods, elemental spirits, etc. who were snooping outside began to leave one after another. They already knew that there was no chance of counterattacking the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

This eruption of the ‘Light of Creation’ tide lasted for a full year.

When Liang Ji felt that the surging tide gradually subsided, he opened his eyes with some regret. He could clearly see the transformation and improvement of the 'Dragon Pearl', and he could also see the transformation of the entire 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. promote.

However, he has not completely understood the origin and foundation of the light of creation, which means that he still cannot achieve the "Dragon Ball" to contain the light of creation. This means that if he uses the "Dragon Ball" light of creation in the future, he will still be subject to unfavorable conditions. Less restrictive.

"It's just a little bit close..." Liang Ji felt a little regretful, "It's just this little bit, but it's still unclear. Is it because my cultivation is not enough?"

"Haha... I have succeeded!"

At this time, a long roar came from inside the central black hole, and bright, gorgeous, and mysterious starlight of creation bloomed from the black hole.

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