The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1153 Dragon Snake Star’s respective gains and growth

The Sky Demon Star Territory, the Red Sun Galaxy, and the Dragon Snake Star.

This is the only life star left in Liang Ji's hand now, and it is also the place where he originally 'created the way of creation' to deduce and preview the inheritance and fusion of the three star palaces.

Therefore, it was also named 'Dragon Snake Star' by Liang Ji, which was of special significance to him.

After all, after his 'creation and creation', this 'dragon and snake star' is very similar to his natal star to a certain extent. Its origin, the laws of the great road, the creation of living beings, etc. are all very similar to his natal star.

Even if he does not continue to develop the path on this 'Dragon and Snake Star' later, the subsequent development of the stars will be further and further away from his natal star. However, based on the similarity between the origin and avenue of this 'Dragon and Snake Star' and his natal star, It was enough for Liang Ji to do some cultivation, experiments, and research on it.

Especially, after Liang Ji received the inheritance of the 'Dao of Creation' from the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' and knew that this would help break through the success rate of the eighth-level star master.

Liang Ji paid more and more attention to this 'Dragon Snake Star'.

Even if this 'Dragon Snake Star' is not a birthing star of life and cannot directly carry out a complete 'creation derivation', due to its special nature, it is enough for Liang Ji to make some attempts.

Therefore, Liang Ji held seven life stars in his hands, either giving them to his teammates or family members to refine, or trading them, but he kept the 'Dragon Snake Star' and did not hand it over.

Nowadays, this 'Dragon Snake Star' has become the headquarters of the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' in the Tianyao Star Territory. It is also the place where Liang Ji's teammates, relatives and friends gather.

This time, Immortal Lord Tian He took charge of the third tidal eruption of the 'Tian Yao Star Territory', as well as the ascension, etc. Peng Yue, Wang Ziqiu, Peng Yue's grandma and others stayed at this 'Dragon Snake Star', each branding, Refining part of the origin of the 'Dragon and Snake Star', and then comprehending the 'tide' creation and undergoing the baptism of the 'Rain of Holy Light'.

After Liang Ji left the 'Sky Demon City', he returned directly to the 'Dragon Snake Star' in the 'Red Sun' galaxy.

Peng Yue, Wang Ziwen, Grandma Peng Yue, and the main leadership of the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce are all here now, still digesting the benefits brought by two consecutive opportunities.

"Husband." Among the people, Peng Yue had the highest cultivation level and the best understanding. He was the first to complete the digestion and said to Liang Ji with a smile: "I have decided. I will retreat here to speed up my practice."

"I can sense that this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' is still undergoing drastic changes and creation. If I practice in seclusion here, there will be many benefits."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this and agreed with the other party's decision.

Based on his research and mastery of the 'Light of Creation', he naturally knows that although the third 'tide' has ended, the creation effect on the entire 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' is still continuing.

This process may last for decades or even hundreds of years, especially when Immortal Lord Tianhe ascends later and sprinkles a piece of 'Rain of Holy Light', which makes the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' that is being created and born gain More benefits, new transformations and improvements have taken place on the original basis.

On the one hand, it makes the effects and time of creation and transformation last longer, on the other hand, it also makes the level and spirituality of the ‘Celestial Demon Star Domain’ and the stars in the star domain benefit more and improve a lot.

For this reason, all the life stars in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' that have not been refined into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' are now becoming more and more popular, and their prices have been pushed to new peaks.

Naturally, more and more people are inquiring, asking, and wanting to buy the last 'Dragon Snake Star' left in Liang Ji's hand.

However, Liang Ji even had the ‘Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce’ reject it.

Because of these changes and benefits, it would naturally be of great benefit for Peng Yue to stay here in seclusion to speed up his cultivation. Liang Ji naturally had no objection.

He also nodded at the moment and said: "The Sky Demon Star Territory is indeed a good place, and there are still many opportunities to be explored. Madam chose to practice in seclusion here, and there is no doubt that she will get more opportunities."

"And I can also spend time with my parents."

"I will leave a 'Star Gate Beacon' here. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for help."

Peng Yue also nodded and said: "This time, under the impact of the tide and the rain of holy light, I have gained a lot of benefits. The accelerated cultivation that was originally estimated to take sixty or seventy years to complete should now be shortened by nearly half."

"After I advance to the seventh-level Star Master, I will accompany you to explore the outer star sea!"

"I believe that we will be able to be like the 'Sage Tianhe' and practice all the way until we ascend to sainthood!"

Now that Immortal Lord Tianhe has successfully ascended, he can already be called a saint, not an Immortal Lord.

Liang Ji listened to Peng Yue's words and smiled and said: "Okay, I'll wait for you! When the time comes, we will join hands to ascend to sainthood."

Really witnessing the ascension process of a ninth-level star master and a first-level heavenly immortal will undoubtedly have a huge encouraging effect on many star masters in the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji estimated that in the next period of time, many high-level star masters in the Star Alliance who originally did not dare to attack the eighth-level and ninth-level star masters would be inspired and motivated to try to attack a higher realm.

Even Liang Ji and Peng Yue, after witnessing the ascension of the Immortal Lord, had a lot of desire for ascension and sainthood.

"Haha... I understand! I understand! I finally understand..."

At this moment, a burst of laughter came from the other side of the 'Dragon Snake Star'.

"Grandma..." Peng Yue was slightly startled and quickly turned into a starlight and rushed over, followed closely by Liang Ji.

When the two arrived, they saw Peng Yue's grandma sitting upright in the void, with bright starlight surging around her, faintly pulling and stimulating the origins in the surrounding void and chaos, and the power of ice and cold spread, freezing. Void and chaotic, but the ice is full of vitality and creation.

When Liang Ji and Liang Ji saw this, they understood instantly.

"Grandma has found her own way to a higher level!"

Peng Yue's face suddenly showed joy.

Peng Yue's grandmother, along with Liang Ji and others, participated in the war to open up the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. The main purpose was to find her own high-level path in the open war. Unfortunately, after hundreds of years, several opportunities came to pass. Begging, the other party has not been able to find his own way.

Until the end of the pioneering war, Peng Yue's grandmother was almost in despair.

But she didn't expect that now, with the opportunity of the third tide and the 'Rain of Holy Light', Peng Yue's grandma would seize the last chance and find her own path.

In this way, Peng Yue's grandma is expected to advance to a high-level star master, and together with Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and even Wang Ziwen, who is also expected to advance to a high-level star master in the future.

Liang Ji and his relatives and friends will be able to truly gain a foothold and develop in the Star Alliance in the future.

"Congratulations grandma!"


"Congratulations, old lady..."

At this time, everyone got the news and came to congratulate.

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