The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1154: Forefathers plant trees for future generations to enjoy the shade Wang Ziwen’s team

On the Dragon Snake Star, the ‘Dragon Snake’ starship.

The 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' mobilized supplies from all parties and held a banquet to celebrate Grandma Peng Yue's breakthrough and everyone's gains.

Liang Ji also attended the banquet and communicated and explained with the relatives, friends, and members of the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce.

After this time, he estimated that he would go to the 'Tianhe Galaxy' again, and after understanding the natal stars and galaxies left by the 'Tianhe Saint', he would immediately go to the Star Alliance territory to explore and hunt for treasures in the outer star sea, in order to save his own destiny. Xingchen Galaxy is practicing cultivation.

Therefore, this time can be regarded as a banquet for Liang Ji to say goodbye to everyone.

It will probably be decades before Liang Ji comes back. Although there are still some ways to contact the Star Alliance in the outer star sea, it is not convenient after all.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, Liang Ji was also ready to explain and arrange some things clearly.

"Cousin, cousin!" At the banquet, Wang Ziwen came over with a glass of spiritual wine to toast Liang Ji and Peng Yue, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to your lovers for finally getting married!"

Liang Ji and Peng Yue smiled and accepted her blessing and drank the spiritual wine.

"Come to think of it, cousin and aunt, your wedding was held too hastily." After the toast, Wang Ziwen complained with a smile: "I didn't even have time to rush back when I got the news, so the blessing was delayed for several years."

Liang Ji and Peng Yue looked at each other with a smile, and then said: "The wedding between Yue'er and I is just to give each other an explanation, so there is no need to make it a big deal."

"It's you, congratulations on your further improvement in cultivation."

After saying that, Liang Ji and the two also toasted to Wang Ziwen. It can be seen that Wang Ziwen is now a fifth-level star master.

The reason why the other party did not catch up with Liang Ji and Peng Yue's wedding was because he was in seclusion to break through to the fifth level Star Master.

Wang Ziwen shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "I have just broken through to the fifth level, and I am still far behind compared to you, my cousin."

"However, I have now formed an 'exploration team' with others, and I am going to follow my uncle and aunt's example and explore the outer star sea."

"Cousin, cousin, do you have any experience to impart?"

Liang Ji heard this and smiled and said: "As for experience, just look at the information prepared by the Star Alliance. It contains the experience of many expedition teams of the Star Alliance, which is much better than ours."

"What I can provide you is a guarantee of safety." As he said this, Liang Ji stretched out his hand in front of him. There was a bright star in his hand, with all kinds of phantoms of divine decrees flickering in it, and the phantom shadows of all living beings could be faintly seen. Array guard.

Liang Ji said: "This is the high-level star technique 'Guardian of the Gods'. It contains my power. You can withstand the attacks of seventh-level star masters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. by carrying it with you."

High-level astrology, protected by the gods!

Back when Liang Ji was still a sixth-level star master, Vice Principal Huntian gave him a 'Guardian of the Gods' to protect him.

To this day, the astrological protection of the 'Guardian of the Gods' is still on him, protecting Liang Ji together with the guardian of the 'Taiyi Star Palace' and the 'Wanxiang Star Palace'.

However, now that Liang Ji has advanced to the seventh-level star master, and his strength is almost dominant among the seventh-level stars, the chance of the power of these three guardians to play a role is getting smaller and smaller.

But Liang Ji still kept it. After all, these three guards could withstand attacks from eighth-level beings, which was of great benefit even to him.

But now, Liang Ji can also learn from Vice Principal Huntian, condensing the "Guardian of the Gods" astrology method and handing it over to others for self-defense.

However, the 'Guardian of the Gods' star technique sent by Liang Ji was limited, that is, Peng Yue, his parents on both sides, and now Wang Ziwen.

Only after he was able to truly condense star magic to protect others did Liang Ji realize that doing so would consume a large amount of his natal star source and the power of the 'Tao Fruit'.

Moreover, this kind of consumption is a consumption that directly consumes the upper limit, just like cutting some of the origin directly from his natal star and sending it out.

After consumption, it is impossible to recover through means such as 'Three Lights of Heaven'.

You can only rely on your own practice or more precious treasures to restore the upper limit of consumption.

Therefore, such astrology methods cannot be used too much.

It also made Liang Ji understand more and more how valuable the 'Guardian of the Gods' star technique given to him by Vice Principal Huntian was.

Wang Ziwen was naturally not clear about these things. When he saw the 'Guardian of the Gods' sent by Liang Ji and heard its effectiveness, he was overjoyed. He immediately accepted it and saluted Liang Ji with a smile on his face: "Thank you very much." Uncle takes care of you!"

Liang Ji smiled and waved his hand, saying: "It doesn't have to be like this. We are all close family members. You just need to take more care of the descendants of the two families in the future."

Wang Ziwen nodded repeatedly and said, "Don't worry, cousin, I will definitely learn from you, niece."

Peng Yue on the side said with a smile: "I am only a sixth-level star master now, but I cannot be as luxurious as your cousin, so I directly send you a high-level star to protect you."

"However, since you call me cousin, I can't let you down."

"Does the expedition team you formed have its own starship?"

Wang Ziwen immediately nodded and said: "We have rented a seventh-tier starship."

Peng Yue nodded and said: "The starships provided for lease by the Star Alliance are basically blank slates. Their formations, restrictions and other powers are only basic among seventh-level people. Although they can already sail and explore in the outer star sea, Used, but the effect is limited.”

"Back then, your cousin and I made our first expedition to the outside world, but we suffered a lot because of it. If we weren't lucky, we might have returned empty-handed from our first expedition!"

"In fact, with so many expeditions in the Star Alliance every year, most of them return empty-handed. One of the important reasons is that the leased starships are not configured well."

Peng Yue couldn't help shaking his head as he spoke, and said: "In this case, I will help you purchase the leased seventh-level starship with the money, and recruit people to help you with the first upgrade and transformation."

"After all, it will make your first adventure in the outside world safer and easier to explore."

When Wang Ziwen heard this, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and he immediately saluted Peng Yue and said, "Thank you, cousin!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but shook his head slightly and sighed: "Forefathers planted trees and others enjoyed the shade. You are much more relaxed now than we were back then."

"Hehe, my cousin and aunt are taking care of me."

Wang Ziwen said with a smile.

Liang Ji shook his head. After chatting with Wang Ziwen, he met several senior officials of the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce'.

Most of these people are capable people among relatives and friends of the Liang family, Peng family, Wang family, etc. Some of them came to see Liang Ji advance to a high-level star master and know his reputation, so they defected to him.

The 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' has a high-level star master like Liang Ji behind it, and with the management and efforts of these people, it is now a large company and a powerful force spanning several star regions.

It mainly operates and operates in several star regions such as Tianyao Star Region, Penglai Star Region, and Manggu Star Region.

After communicating with them and affirming and encouraging their business achievements over the years, Liang Ji pointed out the next business direction for them.

It is the stars and galaxies left by Saint Tianhe.

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