The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1160 Collusion with Demonic Cultivators and Rebellious Aborigines

"Fellow Taoist Dragon Emperor."

After Liang Ji checked the situation of the 'Three Holy Stars', he was about to leave. However, before he left, the 'Red Feather Saint' quietly approached him and complained:

"The Black King has colluded with the demon cultivators of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' and is preparing to transform the 'Three Holy Stars' demons into the demon realm and transform them into the path of demon cultivation!"

Because the "Dragon Emperor Sect" arranged by Liang Ji in the "Three Holy Stars" controls the "Three Holy Stars". Therefore, although the "three indigenous saints" such as Blue Scale Saint and Red Feather Saint already knew Liang Ji's name after joining the Star Alliance, they still used to call him "Dragon Emperor".

But at this time, Liang Ji was shocked when he heard Chiyu Sheng's complaint.

Long before this, he had known through seniors Qi Changge and Yang Yun that after the ninth-level demon Xuan Qi penetrated the dark side of the universe and released the 'devil's energy', demons in the universe's sea of ​​stars tended to rise and cause chaos.

Within the Star Alliance, due to the suppression of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" and the continuous pursuit and cleanup by the Star Alliance's "Security Department", the chaos of demon cultivators is still under control.

But outside the Star Alliance, in the Outer Star Sea, there is not enough power to suppress and clear up, so more and more demonic chaos occurs. There are often life stars, galaxies, etc. in the Outer Star Sea, being poisoned by demon cultivators, and the demons are dyed into the demon realm, and become Black hole, swallowing everything.

Although Liang Ji had already known the news, and had already prepared in his heart, this time he might encounter trouble caused by demonic cultivators while traveling and exploring the outer star sea alone.

But even so, he did not expect that he had just arrived at the 'Three Holy Stars' and had not left the void and star sea areas that he had explored and was familiar with before, and he would hear the news of the demon chaos!

Moreover, it is still on the 'Three Holy Stars' that he controls, involving the seventh-level natives in the stars.

But think about it, this seventh-level native of the 'Three Holy Stars' joined the Star Alliance but did not find his own way in the Star Alliance. Instead, he was seriously injured in the Star Alliance's pioneering war, and one of his comrades died.

In this case, the other party comes into contact with the inheritance of the demonic path, especially after the supplement of the 'devil's energy', there is already hope of opening up the path of the demonic path.

So, the disappointed and desperate seventh-level natives hooked up with the demon cultivators and embarked on the path of demons!

It doesn't seem to be anything strange.

Although he had speculation in his mind, Liang Ji did not believe it rashly. Instead, he stared at the 'Red Feather Saint' who came to Gaomi and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Saint Akabane said with an affirmative look on his face: "In fact, if it weren't for you, 'Dragon Emperor Fellow Daoist', who suddenly arrived this time, I'm afraid the Black King Holy Capital would have linked up with the demon cultivators to launch the demon dye."

"If you don't believe it, 'Fellow Dragon Emperor', you can check the star origins and star spiritual veins of the 'Three Holy Stars'. There must be arrangements by the Black King Saint and the Demonic Cultivators."

Hearing this, Liang Ji's expression turned solemn, and he nodded: "If it is as you said, it will be beneficial to you after we take down the Black King Saint and the Demon Cultivator."

"But if you are making false accusations or talking nonsense, you will not be able to escape the guilt even if it is found out."

"I'm willing to use my head as a guarantee!" Akabane Sheng said without hesitation.

Seeing this, Liang Ji no longer hesitated and directly opened the 'Star Gate', summoning all the seventh-order 'Dragon Beast Starships' in the natal stars, and surrounded the entire 'Three Holy Stars' from the void.

As for Liang Ji himself, he used the astrology of the 'Pupilla of the Star Spirit' to check the origin of the stars of the 'Three Holy Stars' and the status of the star spiritual veins.

Although, he has left the projection imprint of the 'Bang of Gods' in the 'Three Holy Stars'.

But now that the situation is unclear, it is naturally safer and more convenient for him to use the astrological exploration of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit'.

"Do it!"

At this time, the Black King Saint among the 'Three Holy Stars' also seemed to realize something was wrong and shouted loudly.

The next moment, I saw majestic demonic energy and the power of the demonic path that infected the source suddenly erupted from all over the 'Three Holy Stars', eroding and swallowing towards the source of the stars and the avenue. He also launched an attack on the 'dragon starship' where Liang Ji was in the void.

There is even the power of the devil's energy and the origin of the devil's path, centered on the 'Three Holy Stars', spreading and eroding throughout the entire galaxy, destroying the 'Star Map Array' arranged in the galaxy.

At the same time, within the stars, many indigenous people also broke out in unrest and launched attacks on the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' everywhere.

It was obvious that they had already planned and prepared.

"Huh! You are indeed colluding with the devil! You are simply asking for death!" Liang Ji snorted coldly when he saw this and ordered: "Attack!"

The next moment, dragon roars sounded, and the ten 'Dragon Beast Starships' surrounding the void all burst out to attack.

Thunder element dragon balls, fire element dragon balls, water element dragon balls, wood element dragon balls, gold element dragon balls, etc., various attribute 'element dragon balls' were spat out from the mouths of the dragon beasts transformed from the 'Dragon Beast Starship', and attacked the 'Three Elements' Holy Star'.

The 'Dragon Beast Starship' forged by the Liang Ji Family naturally includes various formations and restraint methods that they have experimented and mastered on the 'Dragon Snake' starship over the years.

Including 'Dragon Snake Breath', 'Elemental Dragon Ball', 'Directed Demon Lure Formation', 'God's Blessing' and other methods.

Although there is no 'Elemental Nest' on these 'Dragon Beast Starships' to provide the original power of the 'Elemental Sea', there are three star palaces that integrate the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', the 'Bloodline Catalog' and the 'Metal Furnace'. The power of inheritance.

Therefore, these 'Dragon Beast Starships' can also perform attacks with similar effects such as 'Dragon Snake Breath' and 'Elemental Dragon Ball'.

However, because the attributes such as 'Divine Edict', 'Power of Blood', and 'Power of Elements' blessed by various 'Dragon Beast Starships' are single and different, the 'Elemental Dragon Ball' spit out by 'Dragon Snake Breath', It's no longer like the all-element 'Elemental Dragon Balls' blasted out by the 'Dragon Snake' starship, but individual elemental 'Elemental Dragon Balls'.

The power and damage caused by these single-element 'Elemental Dragon Balls' are not as good as the all-element 'Elemental Dragon Balls' of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, but they have a variety of choices, and different 'Dragon Beast Starships' , different single elements 'Elemental Dragon Balls' are combined, and the explosive combat power and lethality are also not small.

Under the bombardment of single-element 'Elemental Dragon Balls', the demonic energy and demonic attacks that erupted in the 'Three Holy Stars' were quickly suppressed and dispersed.

They also suppressed and severely damaged the 'Black King Saint' who emerged from the 'Three Saint Stars', as well as a kind of demon cultivator, third-grade demon immortal, etc.

Demonic cultivators are constantly being bombarded and dying.

Liang Ji didn't even need to take action. The seventh-order "Dragon Beast Starship" newly cast from Liang Ji's natal star had already crushed these demonic enemies in the first battle.

"Sheng Akabane, why don't you take action yet!"

"You're going to betray us!"

At this time, the Black King Saint suddenly shouted towards the 'dragon-shaped starship' where Liang Ji was located.

Liang Ji's eyes instantly stared at Chiyu Sheng beside him.

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