The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1161: Suppressing the Rebellion and the Refuge of Saint Akabane


Hearing the shouts of the 'Black King Saint', Liang Ji immediately stared at the 'Red Feather Saint' beside him.

Although he is not afraid of the sneak attacks of these seventh-level natives, it is even difficult for them to break through the defense of his 'natal star projection'.

But if the 'Red Feather Saint', the 'Black King Saint' and those demon cultivators were together, he would have to take them down together without any hesitation.

Seemingly seeing Liang Ji's murderous intention, the 'Red Feather Saint' immediately knelt down on the ground and said: "Fellow Taoist Dragon Emperor, you are so generous. I just made a fool of myself with them, so that I can come and pay homage to fellow Taoist!"

"Otherwise, I would be horrified that I would be captured and killed by them before I even get close to my fellow Taoists."

Saying that, 'Aka Feather Saint' raised his voice towards the 'Black King Saint', demon cultivators and others who emerged from the 'Three Saint Stars' and shouted: "I, 'Aka Feather Son', wholeheartedly serve the Star Alliance and I am at odds with you evil cultivators of evil ways. , don’t even think about talking nonsense and sowing discord!”

Although Liang Ji heard what the other party said, he didn't completely believe it.

In fact, he believed that the 'Red Feather Saint' had already made plans to be a loser. Now he has completely suppressed the evil cultivators, so the other party is coy with the evil cultivators and is devoted to the Star Alliance.

But if Liang Ji is at a disadvantage in the confrontation or battle with the evil cultivator of the evil way, then this 'Red Feather Saint' may really turn into an ally of the evil way and launch a sneak attack and assassination directly from the side.

Although he knew it in his heart, Liang Ji had no intention of revealing it. Regardless of his deeds or his heart, these were just his speculations after all, but it was not appropriate to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

After all, these seventh-level natives have also joined the Star Alliance. With their seventh-level cultivation, they still have some status and rights in the Star Alliance, but they are not easy to kill indiscriminately.

However, Liang Ji had no intention of letting go of the other party easily, so he said directly: "Of course I believe in 'fellow Taoist Akabane', but there are too many of these demon cultivators, and they are quite powerful. I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture them all, Akabane." Fellow……"

'Sage Red Feather' instantly understood what he meant, stood up and said with a salute: "This is the civil strife of the 'Three Holy Stars' we are waiting for. I am grateful to have the help of fellow Taoist Dragon Emperor. How can I completely let fellow Taoist It means taking action."

As he said that, he turned his eyes and looked in the direction of the 'Three Holy Stars'. His eyes first passed over the demon cultivators, and finally fell on the 'Black King Saint'. He raised his voice and said: "The Black King Saint will be handed over to me." Yes, please ask fellow Taoist Dragon Emperor to be by your side to help me seize the formation."

Before he finished speaking, the 'Red Feather Saint' had already rushed out from the 'Dragon Starship', with red flames burning on his body. Behind him, he transformed into a huge flaming bird and pounced directly into the 'Three Holy Stars' The 'Black King' came out.


The 'Black King Saint' was obviously extremely resentful towards the 'Red Feather Saint'. After roaring angrily, black light erupted from his body, and a black giant beast appeared behind him, which directly collided with the 'Red Feather Saint' who jumped down. Fight together.

Liang Ji glanced at the fight between the two and quickly shook his head.

The ‘Red Feather Saint’ and the ‘Black King Saint’ can practice and grow to the seventh level among the native stars. Their strength, wisdom, talents, opportunities, etc. are naturally not lacking.

However, due to environment, origin, inheritance and other reasons, the cultivation and combat power of the seventh-level natives are far inferior to those of the third-level immortals from the Star Alliance.

After all, even if the Star Alliance is a heretic inheritance, it has gone through hundreds of thousands of years and absorbed the essence of civilizations from all sides, thereby improving and improving step by step.

Although they can only practice to the seventh and third levels, the cultivation and inheritance developed by these indigenous stars are undoubtedly much more powerful.

As for Saint Akabane and Saint Black King, although they had studied in the Star Alliance after joining the Star Alliance, they had come into contact with many heretical inheritances of the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji even saw traces of the human-immortal Taoist lineage from the 'Black King Saint', and also saw signs of the Qi Refiner Taoist lineage from the 'Red Feather Saint'.

However, their own paths have long been finalized. At most, they each learn some superficial knowledge of the heretical heritage of the Star Alliance and try to integrate it into their own practice. The strength they can improve is also limited.

Not to mention, compared with a seventh-level star master like Liang Ji.

At this time, the fighting and fighting between the two seventh-level natives, Red Feather Saint and Black King Saint, was comparable to "novice chickens pecking each other" in Liang Ji's eyes. Liang Ji was even confident that he could dispatch the seventh-level dependents to deal with them.

However, although he looked down upon him, Liang Ji had no intention of intervening or helping in the fight.

Instead, they let the Red Feather Saint and the Black King Saint fight desperately. If the Red Feather Saint wins and beheads the Black King Saint, it will naturally be wiped out; and if the Black King Saint welcomes him, he will kill him casually.

Therefore, Liang Jiwu stood on the 'Dragon Starship', moored in the void, watching the battle and killing surrounding the 'Three Holy Stars' below.

Under the joint siege of the 'Dragon Beast Starship' and the family members he sent, the demon cultivators and even the third-grade demon immortals who emerged from the 'Three Saint Stars' were quickly killed, eroding the demons in the surrounding galaxy array. The energy has also been cleared away.

Liang Ji used the 'Pupilla of the Star Spirit' to carefully examine the origin of the 'Three Holy Stars' and the spiritual veins of the stars, and determined that there were no other demonic energies, demonic cultivation and other powers hidden.

Even the riots and rebellions in the 'Three Holy Stars' were quickly suppressed by the family members sent by Liang Ji in cooperation with the 'Dragon Emperor Sect'.

Soon, in the entire Three Saint Stars and the surrounding void, only the Red Feather Saint and the Black King Saint were left fighting and fighting, and all the other enemies had been cleared away.

In the battlefield, the Black King Saint knew that the situation was over when he saw this, and simply gave up the resistance, allowing the Red Feather Saint's attack to bombard him, burning with red flames.

"Saint Akabane!" The Black King Saint finally looked at Saint Akabane and laughed loudly: "You betrayed the alliance and the 'Ten Thousand Demons'. You thought you could get the recognition of the Star Alliance and escape from the 'Ten Thousand Demons'." punishment?"

"Haha...I'll be waiting for you on the road ahead!"

Finally, the Black King Saint looked in the direction of Liang Ji again and shouted loudly: "I hate it so much!"

"Hate me for not being born in the Covenant! Hate me for not being a human being!"

"I hate this God, why do you let me see the prosperous road ahead, but leave me with nowhere to go!"

Amidst the hateful words, the Black King Saint was burned to ashes in the red flames. The out-of-control origin and power of the law spread, disturbing the void and forming Taoism.

Liang Ji used the 'Suppressing Void' star technique to suppress all void disturbances and Taoist phenomena, ensuring that the Three Holy Stars would not be affected.

Seeing this, Saint Akabane couldn't help but shrink his eyes.

He knew that Liang Ji could suppress and erase the out-of-control origin and power of law, and naturally he could also directly erase his little seventh-level native.

Thinking of the threatening words of Black King Saint just now, Saint Chiyu looked at him several times and quickly came to Liang Ji and bowed down: "Fellow Dragon Emperor, I am above you. Chiyuzi is willing to join the service of Fellow Daoist Dragon Emperor and serve you around. I also ask fellow Taoist Dragon Emperor not to give up."

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