The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 115 College Entrance Examination: The Stage for the Strong (Please subscribe)

The college entrance examination can be said to be an annual event in the Star Alliance.

Every time at this time, if there are students in the family who are going to take the college entrance examination, they are certainly preparing for it early and may have made various preparations several months ago.

Even within the entire Star Alliance, from the government to the civilians, they are all paying more attention.

Tian Serpentis, after the three-model examination, all cities jointly held a special operation to sweep everywhere in order to eliminate all hidden dangers that might affect the college entrance examination in half a month.

This has become a habit every year, not only on the Serpentis Star, but also on most of the main stars in the Star Alliance.

After all, the college entrance examination is a grand event for the entire Star Alliance and will attract many people's eyes and attention. This is also the time when trouble and accidents are most likely to occur.

The main stars of the Star Alliance naturally want to take precautions before they happen.

Liang Ji rested peacefully at home for the night. On this night, his parents did not prepare any special celebrations or feasts, so they kept it as normal as possible.

On the second day, the college entrance examination is in progress!

Liang Ji did not go to school, but to the Municipal Education Bureau.

The city's more than 300 star students will take the college entrance examination at the Municipal Education Bureau.

This is also an annual tradition and is more suitable for ensuring safety and progress in the college entrance examination.

In the assessment hall, all the students were seated, some were confident, some were nervous, some were indifferent, and they were all in different moods.

At the same time, the Star Alliance is also operating the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array" to open up a special college entrance examination space in the Star Network.

Here, it is like an illusory and real ‘star sea space’, in which the thirty three domains and main stars in the Star Alliance are manifested.

"The Serpentine Star is ready!"

"Penglai Star Territory is ready!"

"The Yunxiao Starfield is ready!"

"Ling'ao Star Territory is ready!"


"Buzhou Star Territory is ready..."

On each main star and each star field, there are figures manifested by starlight. At this time, they raised their voices and reported that they were officials of the Education Bureau in charge of the college entrance examination in each main star and star field.

When the thirty-three star regions in the Star Alliance have all reported and prepared.

Above this 'star sea space', in a golden nebula, a starlight giant sat cross-legged and gave an order: "The college entrance examination begins!"

So, in the Xiu She City Education Bureau, Liang Ji received a message in the 'Star Book': The college entrance examination is about to start, and the 'Starlight Portal' will be opened on your natal star. Do you accept it?

Liang Ji clicked accept.

Among the natal stars, a ‘star gate’ opens.

The half-dragons of the Affiliated Tribe have long been prepared. The worshiper ‘Xi Twenty-fourth’ led the tribe to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony, blessing the warriors who went on the expedition, and praying for the victorious return.

At this time, after half a month of sprinting to maximize resources and time, the number of half-dragons born in Liang Ji's natal stars has successfully exceeded half a million.

The number of half-dragons who have awakened and advanced to the first level has reached 220,000. The awakening rate is almost one-half, which is undoubtedly a very high rate.

This was achieved by spending a huge amount of spiritual stones, collecting thirty-six lines of life inheritance, family education, and a large number of energy-rich food resources. It took tens of thousands of years and several generations of family half-dragon reincarnations and inheritances to achieve this. Effect.

Finally, this result did not live up to the huge amount of spiritual stones and efforts he put in, as well as the meritorious investment spent by the city.

There are 220,000 first-level half-dragons. Liang Ji directly sent out 200,000 for this college entrance examination.

The rest are basically the old, weak, sick and disabled, those who maintain inheritance and are not suitable for fighting.

It can be said that Liang Ji basically gave everything he had in this college entrance examination.

Amidst the rumbling war drums, the warrior leader Chi 24th led 200,000 half-dragon clan members, carrying various supplies and equipment, across the Star Gate and entered the college entrance examination venue.

The pattern of the college entrance examination is similar to that of the three-model examination. First, you have to pass ten levels.

However, the difficulty of these ten levels is much higher than that of the third model assessment.

The first five basic questions are the internal assessment of Serpentis.

In the first level, Liang Ji's half-dragon warriors encountered fifty fifty-foot-sized piebald demonic snakes. This level of difficulty was directly equivalent to the fifth level of the three-mode assessment, which was the basic question. The final test is here.

It can be seen that the difficulty of the college entrance examination is different from that of the three models.

After all, the college entrance examination is an assessment for the entire Star Alliance, involving thousands of Star Lords and tens of thousands of Star Lord students, to select the strong and stronger among them.

As for the weak, their level has been seen as early as the third model assessment held by each main star. Their admission, follow-up training arrangements, etc. have basically been decided at the time of the third model. Most of them enter the local star. Study and practice in the school.

As for the college entrance examination, they couldn't even pass a few basic questions, and they couldn't pass the main star where they were, so naturally there was no room for them to show up.

The Star Alliance's education has always emphasized that 'the strong are respected'!

The college entrance examination itself is a stage where the strongest among the Star Alliance's thousands of Stars and Star Lord students appear and compete. It has never meant to take care of the weak.


Fifty 50-foot-sized spotted demonic snakes roared and roared towards Liang Ji's half-dragon team.

"Scout team, whirlwind flying spears, shoot!"

A team of scouts, a thousand and a half dragon warriors came out. Each warrior was about one foot tall, strong and full of energy and blood. The 'whirlwind flying spears' fired out were so fast that they even tore apart the wind. Spin and make a sonic boom sound.

Thousands of 'flying spears' were shot at the fifty 50-foot-sized piebald demonic snakes that rushed towards them.

The materials for making these 'flying spears' are all special 'alloy materials', which contain the power of ice, fire, and poison. The runes engraved on them are also pushed to the extreme, hard, heavy, sharp, and Tear, etc., various effects are superimposed.

In fact, under the deliberate tactical arrangement of a team of one and a half thousand dragon warriors who scouted, the 'flying spears' shot at each spotted demon snake were in pairs.

A 'Flying Spear' contains the power of ice and poison, and there must be a corresponding and adjacent 'Flying Spear' containing the power of fire and poison.

The power in the two 'flying spears' met and collided in the body of the spotted demon snake, and ice and fire exploded, causing greater impact, tearing, and damage!

With just one round of 'Flying Spear' fire, a team of a thousand and a half dragon warriors were dispatched, and they had already killed the fifty fifty-foot-sized piebald demonic snakes on the way. One that can rush in front of the half-dragon family team.

You know, in the third model assessment just half a month ago, in order to deal with these fifty fifty-foot-sized piebald demon snakes, Liang Ji's half-dragon family team at that time needed to send out ten thousand people. It was difficult to kill all the half-dragon warriors after several rounds of 'Flying Spears'. In the end, they had to use the 'Mountain Shield' and 'Earth Splitting Axe' and fight in close combat to kill them all!

Comparing the two, it can be seen that the combat power of Liang Ji's family half-dragons has grown after half a month of full sprint!

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