The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 116 Breaking out of the Serpentine Star (please subscribe)

After easily passing the first level, the 'Star Gate' opened, and Liang Ji's family half-dragons entered the second level.

In the second level, the terrain changed into islands and the sea, and the monsters tested also turned into a hundred fifty-foot-sized piebald monster snakes, and a hundred fifty-foot-sized sea pythons.

This level of difficulty is already equivalent to the difficulty of the last five advanced questions in the Model 3 exam.

However, for the current half-dragon warriors of Liang Ji's family, this is still a test question that is not difficult and can be swept through.

In order to speed up the process, the warrior leader 'Chi 24th' directly sent 20,000 clan warriors, 10,000 to deal with the one hundred fifty-foot spotted demon snakes on the island; 10,000 went directly into the sea to deal with the 100 in the sea. A fifty-foot-sized sea python.

It's still the 'whirlwind flying spear' long range attack.

Half-dragon warriors are now generally one foot in size in physical fitness and possess unparalleled strength. The 'whirlwind flying spear' they shoot can tear through whirlwinds and trigger sonic booms in the air; it can also directly tear through the surrounding seawater in the sea. The vortex has almost no seawater resistance.

The speed is so fast that it is almost unaffected by the environment in the air and sea water.

There are tens of thousands of 'flying spears' on the island and in the sea, carrying the power of poison, ice, and fire. They shoot at the spotted demon snakes and sea pythons with extreme speed, extreme weight, and extreme sharpness. .

Killings, roars, explosions of ice and fire erupted simultaneously on the island and in the sea.

Flesh and blood were torn, muscles were broken, and bones were broken. Under the impact of the explosion, broken scales, flesh and blood, broken bones, and corpses were scattered everywhere, and they sank into the sea. Large areas of the sea water were dyed red with blood.

Each one was shot by tens of thousands of 'flying spears'. The death and injury of the pied demon snakes and sea pythons in the second level were even more tragic than the fifty pied demon snakes in the first level.

The 'Star Gate' opened again, and Liang Ji's half-dragon family members did not stop at all. They passed through the second level of assessment and entered the third level of assessment like a procession.

Here, it is still the environment of an island and the sea. The fifty-foot-foot-long spotted demon snake has grown to one hundred and fifty, and the sea python in the sea has also grown to one hundred and fifty. At the same time, there are another one hundred and fifty in the air. of feathered serpent.

Attack by sea, land and air from three sides at the same time!

However, for the truly strong, for Liang Ji, these make no difference.

It's just that the warrior leader Chi 24th sent an additional 10,000 half-dragon warriors to specifically deal with the feathered snakes flying in the air.

The flying spears were still being fired over and over again, but no demonic snake was released to attack. If they were not all killed after one round of overshooting, then another round would be needed.

Two rounds of flying spears were enough to kill all the demonic snakes on land, in the sea, and in the air.

Blood rained from the sky, flesh and blood on the ground turned into tidal flats, and blood filled the sea.

Liang Ji's half-dragon family team still did not stop. They passed through the 'Star Gate' again and entered the fourth level of assessment like a procession.

After sea, land and air, the fourth level of assessment added the eruption of volcanoes and the red-trained demonic snake that breathed fire.

At the same time, the number of each type of demonic snakes also increased to two hundred.

This time, the warrior leader Chi 24th sent 80,000 and a half dragon warriors. There were 20,000 and a half dragon warriors each in the sea, in the air, on land, and in the fire. They withstood the invasion of sea water, strong winds, and flames. Shoots a 'whirlwind spear'.

Speed, strength, sharpness, poison, ice, fire, all kinds of attacks and injuries all exploded.

This time, because the number of warriors sent doubled, the speed of killing the demonic snakes was even faster than that of the third level. With just one round of fire, all the demonic snakes in the sea, in the air, on land, and in the fire were already killed. Kill them together.

Eighty and a half thousand and a half dragon warriors, this number has far exceeded his three-mode test half a month ago. Therefore, although the difficulty of each level in the college entrance examination is several times that of the third-mode assessment, Liang Ji's speed and efficiency in passing through the levels are still very high. , it is still far beyond the time of the third model.

Many times, quantity is often the biggest gap in combat power.

Then, the half-dragon team continued to march through the fourth level, passed the 'Star Gate', and entered the fifth level assessment.

This is also the last level of the basic questions, and the final level of the assessment of the Serpentis Star. As long as you pass this level, you can break out of the Serpentis Star and enter the assessment of the Penglai Star Territory.

Similarly, in this fifth level, the difficulty is also increased ten times.

Mountain shakes, earthquakes, storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions!

All kinds of natural and earthly disasters are coming together. Three hundred spotted demon snakes, three hundred sea pythons, three hundred red demon snakes, three hundred feathered snakes, and three hundred heavenly snakes all attack!

The pied demon snake came riding a large poisonous mist, the sea python came riding the tsunami, the red demon snake drove the earth fire to kill, the feathered serpent came sweeping the storm, and where the celestial snake passed, the earth shook, the mountains shook, and the stars swayed. .

Liang Ji did not dare to neglect this final step to break out of the Serpentine Star.

There are 200,000 half-dragon dependents, and 150,000 are sent directly.

Thirty thousand attacked into the poisonous mist, thirty thousand attacked into the tsunami, thirty thousand attacked into the earth fire, thirty thousand attacked into the storm, thirty thousand attacked into the shaking of the earth and the mountains.

The flying spears swept through poison, ice, and flames and shot out, and the big shield suppressed them like a mountain.

In an instant, the poisonous mist dissipated, the tsunami collapsed, the ground fire extinguished, the storm collapsed, and the shaking earth was blasted and suppressed.

Three hundred spotted demon snakes were killed by one round of flying spears. Three hundred sea pythons and three hundred red-trained demon snakes were all killed by two rounds of flying spears. The three hundred feathered snakes could only be killed by two rounds of flying spears. After a round of flying spears, no one was able to get in front of the half-dragon family members.

The strongest three hundred heavenly snakes can fly into the sky, enter the earth, walk through fire, and ride on waves. When flying in the sky, there will be storms, when they enter the earth, there will be earthquakes, when they walk on fire, there will be earthly fire explosions, and when they ride on the waves, they will be followed by tsunamis.

It was difficult to kill all the 30,000 and a half dragon warriors sent by Liang Ji with three rounds of flying spear fire. However, after using the 'Mountain Shield' and 'Earth Splitting Axe' and engaging in close combat, the Heavenly Snake who rushed forward was also able to kill them. It was difficult to stir up any trouble at all, so he was quickly killed.

The ‘Star Gate’ opened and the fifth level assessment was successfully passed.

In the star network, there is a specially opened space for the college entrance examination. In the illusory and real 'star sea space', under the Star Alliance, the Penglai star field, and the Serpentine star, starlight surges, manifesting a 'starlight portal'. A figure made of starlight walked out of it, it was Liang Ji.

He looked around and found himself above a star. The appearance was very similar to the 'Snake Star' he had seen before. It was surrounded by a nebula, and beyond the nebula there was a vast sea of ​​stars.

"Classmate Liang Ji, congratulations. You are the fourth candidate to pass five levels and break out of the Serpentine Star."

At this time, a figure made of starlight appeared in front of him, congratulating him with a smile, and then asked: "Do you want to continue to participate in the next assessment, the Penglai Star Territory assessment?"

Liang Ji looked at this person, but he had seen him before. He was the director of the Tian Serpentis Education Bureau who was in charge of the third model assessment at that time.


Liang Ji nodded in response without hesitation, and at the same time asked curiously: "Can I know who the first three classmates who broke out of the Serpentine Star are?"

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