The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 117 Stepping on the Hongqiao and climbing into the nebula (please subscribe)

"The first place is She Yuanjie from Tian She Middle School, the second place is Huang Mengyue from Tian She No. 1 Middle School, the third place is Peng Yue from your Xiu Snake No. 2 Middle School, and the fourth place is you."

The director of the Education Bureau of Tian Shexing, who was manifested by starlight, smiled and said: "This time for the college entrance examination, your Xiu She City and Xiu She No. 2 Middle School can be said to have truly become famous and out of the circle."

Liang Ji smiled and said, "It's all thanks to the support of the city and the school. I hope I can live up to their expectations."

Among the top three, it goes without saying that She Yuanjie, the representative of Tianjiao, ranked first in the three-model assessment.

As for the second-placed Huang Mengyue, she is actually a very popular ‘prodigy’ among the Serpentis, and she also won the second place in the three-model assessment.

The reason why Liang Ji had never seen the other party in the additional questions of the three-model assessment was because the other party was a student of Tian She No. 1 Middle School.

Tian Snake No. 1 Middle School and Tian Snake Affiliated Middle School are both located in Tian Snake City, so they are somewhat of a rivalry between rivals and Yu Liang.

The rankings of the two high schools are basically the first or second in Serpentis, and the competition between the students from the two schools is also very fierce.

During the assessment of the additional questions of the third model, She Yuanjie had already released the symbol of the Heavenly Snake High School at the native city and summoned manpower.

Huang Mengyue, who came in second place, was from Tian She No. 1 Middle School. Naturally, she would not lead anyone there. Instead, she also gathered a group of Star Lord students and captured another indigenous city, with an extraordinary performance.

Therefore, Liang Ji had not even met the Star Master student from Tian She No. 1 Middle School in the third-model examination, nor had he met the second-place student Huang Mengyue.

Peng Yue, on the other hand, was actually ahead of him this time. He was the third one to pass the test on Serpentis Star. This was a bit beyond his expectation, but it seemed to be reasonable.

All along, Peng Yue's strength has undoubtedly surpassed his. That is to say, in the three-model assessment, Liang Ji surpassed his opponent once.

But it's hard to say how much strength Peng Yue's family members actually exerted in the three-model assessment?

After all, as far as Liang Ji knew, Peng Yue's family members also had a desperate move called 'Splitting the Tail', which seemed to have never been used by the opponent in the additional questions of the three-mode assessment.

Coupled with the college entrance examination sprint in the past half month, the other party also received funding from the city to fill up the time flow rate on the natal star. It itself has no shortage of resources and inheritance, and has also received the inheritance of the 'Nine-tailed Snake'. Special training from the principal.

Liang Ji compared the development and growth of his own half-dragon family in the past half month, and could also think of the growth height of the opponent's family and strength. From this point of view, it seemed that Peng Yue was the third one to break out of the Serpentine Star in front of him. It's not a strange thing anymore.

At this time, the Director of the Education Bureau of Serpentis Star, who was manifested by starlight, stretched his hand in front of him, and a rainbow bridge formed by condensed starlight appeared in front of Liang Ji, extending from his feet to the center of the nebula in the distance.

"Classmate Liang Ji, let's go! Step on the Hongqiao and climb the nebula!"

"From now on, your life will reach a new height and a new level!"

"I also wish you to continue to move forward and climb higher in the next assessment!"

The director of Tian Serpentis Education Bureau smiled and said to Liang Ji.

"Thank you, Director!" Liang Ji thanked the other party with a salute, and then stepped onto the Hongqiao made of stars. His body moved with the starlight, walking through the nebula, looking to the left and right at the endless splendor and beauty.

For countless people in the Star Alliance, awakening the Star Lord during the third year of high school, whether they can refine their natal stars and become Star Lord monks is a dividing line in life; and this college entrance examination is undoubtedly a dividing line in life.

Each time the classification line divides most people into different classes.

When Star Lord is awakened, people are divided into Star Lord Taoist monks and other Taoist monks, and they will enter different classes.

But in today's college entrance examination, those who can pass the first five levels, break out from the main star where they are, can 'step on the Hongqiao, climb the nebula', and enter the star field assessment, are the few strong ones after all.

Most of the weak will only fall in the first five levels of assessment, and have no chance to break out of their main star, nor have they the chance to 'step on the Rainbow Bridge, climb the nebula', enter the star field, and enter the wider world.

These people basically enter third-level schools to study and practice, and slowly suffer at the bottom of the Star Lord Tradition, relying on the slow accumulation of time and resources to grow slowly.

Maybe their whole life, not to mention reaching the heavenly realm and ascending to sainthood, they may not even be able to reach the middle level, and they may spend their whole life wandering in the lower levels of the Star Lord Tradition.

However, relying on the advantages of the Star Lord's orthodoxy, they can often earn a large amount of wealth and enjoy a worry-free life.

When their lifespan is exhausted and their body and soul disappear, their natal stars and dependents will also decline and die with them.

Of course, this is only the majority of cases, and it cannot be denied that among the 'weak ones' who fell in the first five levels, there are also strong ones who are determined, step by step, slowly catching up and reaching the end!

I can only say that it is roughly the same.

At this time, Liang Ji stepped on the Starlight Rainbow Bridge and saw a higher, wider and more beautiful star field and nebula scenery. Looking back, the figure of the Serpent Star had gradually moved away and disappeared into the bright starlight. .

At this moment, he undoubtedly had a more intense and shocking feeling about this classification, strength and weakness, future, etc.

I also understand more and more about the class divisions in the Star Alliance and how the strong are respected!

Without looking back at the Serpentine Star for too long, Liang Ji quickly turned back to look at the center of the nebula in front of him, looking at the assessment site of the 'Penglai Star Territory' that he was about to arrive at.

He quickly adjusted his mood, knowing deeply that this test was not over yet, and a new challenge had arrived.

‘Penglai Star Territory’ is not a place he wants to stay.

The more he understood the differences between levels, strengths and weaknesses, and prospects, as well as the class divisions of the Star Alliance and the respect for the strong, the more Liang Ji became determined to reach the top in the college entrance examination.

Break out of the nebula and into the sea of ​​stars!

Ahead, at the end of the Starlight Rainbow Bridge, a starlight portal appeared, and Liang Ji's figure formed by starlight flowed around the Hongqiao and entered it.

In the sixth level of the college entrance examination, the assessment of advanced questions begins.

This is the assessment of the 'Penglai Star Territory'. Among the dozens of main stars under the jurisdiction of the 'Penglai Star Territory', star master students who have broken out of the main stars can enter and participate in the assessment.

If you win, you can break out of the 'Penglai Star Territory' and continue to participate in the assessment, and see more, higher, wider, and more beautiful scenery.

If you fail, you can only stay in the "Penglai Star Territory" to study and practice.

The class, strength, and future will be very different in the future.

The half-dragon warriors of Liang Ji's clan crossed the star gate and entered the sixth level of assessment. What they saw was a desolate land with no air and no water. When they looked up at the sky, they saw darkness, and they could faintly see far away. There are stars twinkling.

He had been to and experienced this kind of place before, and he quickly realized: "This is the star in the black hole field!"

Just like the second model assessment he participated in, this time the assessment of the 'Penglai Star Field' was also conducted on the stars in the black hole field!

He looked at the half-dragons of his Familia. Here, the combat power of the Familia would be suppressed and weakened. As expected, he could see many half-dragon warriors carrying giant hammers on their backs. They looked faintly tired, as if because of their strength. Weakened, unable to bear the weight of the giant hammer.

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