The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 118 Assessment of Penglai Star Territory (please subscribe)

The void star sea and the black hole field are the territory of the void monster clan.

Here, ordinary monks cannot survive, and even the Star Lord Familia with the bloodline of the Void Demon Clan will be greatly suppressed and weakened.

Liang Ji had a profound experience when he took the second model assessment.

At this time, during the sixth level of the college entrance examination, Penglai Star Territory assessment, we encountered such an environment again.

The leader of the warriors, Chi 24th, immediately ordered: "Dragon Soul Team 1, Dragon Talisman Team 1, Long Mu Team 1, Long Zhi Team 1, Long Jiang Team 1, use your bloodline magical powers, change equipment and fight!"

This time, the 200,000 clan warriors sent by Liang Ji were still divided into villages according to the natal stars. The five villages were organized into four teams, with each team consisting of 10,000 people, totaling 200,000!

At this time, the five teams heard the order of 'Chi 24th' and without hesitation, the 50,000 clan warriors immediately activated their bloodline magical powers, and their bodies grew and expanded rapidly.

With the basic physical quality and hegemonic conditions of today's half-dragon warriors, they can generally reach more than three feet if they use the "big and small Ruyi" bloodline magical power.

A small number of the powerful ones can directly reach the size of four feet, which is equivalent to the change size of the warrior leader 'Chi XVII' during the third model assessment.

However, today's half-dragon warriors of the Familia clan vary in size by four feet, but their combat power far exceeds that of the warrior leader Chi XVII at that time.

boom! Rumble...

At this time, the earth shook and there was a roar.

This movement was just like the beast wave he had experienced during the second model assessment.

The half-dragon warriors of the Familia clan had also seen at this time, in the darkness in the distance, a large number of fifty-foot-sized rhinoceros with pointed horns on their heads and covered in scales, which looked like giant mountains and hills, charging towards them in succession. !

"Thousands of Void Monster Clan Scaled Horned Rhinoceros!"

"Sure enough, it is more difficult to deal with than the common types of Void Demonic Snakes, especially in such a 'black hole field' environment."

Liang Ji looked at the Void Monster Clan that appeared in the sixth level of assessment and couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Tornado Flying Spear!"


In the assessment venue, 'Chi 24th' gave an order, and a large piece of 'Tornado Flying Spear' shot out. In this black hole field, the speed and power of 'Tornado Flying Spear' were weakened and restricted. Even most of the 'scaly horned rhinos' were unable to break through the defense of the horned rhino's scales.

A small number of the 'flying spears' that broke through the scale armor defense could not penetrate deeply into the body of the horned rhinoceros, causing serious damage.

The power of poison, ice, and fire contained in it can only attack the flesh and blood on the surface of the horned rhinoceros. It is difficult for ice and fire to collide together, and the damage caused is also limited.

It’s unknown how long it will take to kill these ‘scaly horned rhinoceros’ with the ‘whirlwind flying spear’.

At this time, the soldiers from the first team of the Five Villages had all used their bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' to transform and put on giant armor and giant hammer equipment.


The warrior leader 'Chi 24th' gave an order, and 50,000 half-dragon warriors using their bloodline magical powers rushed out like giant armored vehicles.

They held their giant hammers high in front, clashing like giant shields one after another, exerting the defensive power of the 'mountain shield' and the concussive power of the 'earth-breaking hammer'. They were like a continuous metal mountain standing in front of them, fighting against the impact. Thousands of 'scaly horned rhinoceros' collided together.

There was a loud roar and the earth shook.

Under the huge force of the ten and a half thousand Dragonkin Familia who used their bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi', under the impact of the giant hammer's mountain-like defense and the concussive power of shattering the ground.

Thousands of 'scaly horned rhinoceros' rushing towards them like giant hills toppling over, landslides and ground cracking were immediately blocked and the impact was restrained.

Even the first batch of 'scaly horned rhinoceros' that impacted at the front had their hard and sharp horns hit a giant hammer like a mountain. Under the violent impact of the shock force, they were shattered and broken one after another, and suffered heavy injuries.



At this time, behind the 10,000 and a half dragon warriors who were responsible for interception and defense, there were 40,000 half dragon warriors who used the bloodline magical power "Big and Small Ruyi". Under the leadership of their respective leaders, they charged out with giant hammers raised high.

Huge hammers came down like hills one after another, hitting those 'scaly horned rhinoceros'.

It contains the power of violent shock, as well as the power of runes such as hardness, weight, and tearing, as well as the poison, ice, and fire damage inherent in the 'alloy material' used to refine the giant hammer.

This time, the hard-to-break scale defense of the 'Flying Spear' was shattered one after another by these hard, powerful, and concussive hammers.

Scales were broken, flesh and blood flew everywhere, tendons were broken and bones were broken!

The poison, ice, and fire damage carried on the giant hammer invaded the bodies of the 'horned rhinoceros' this time, eroding, colliding, and erupting within their bodies!

Amidst the roars and wailings, each of the 'scaled horned rhinoceros' fell like collapsing mountains and shattered earth, under the giant hammer and in front of the half-dragon warriors who had used the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi'.

There was a loud roar, and the impact, collision, fighting and killing continued.

A thousand 'scaly horned rhinoceros', even fifty thousand half-dragon warriors holding giant hammers high in the air, would take a lot of time to kill them in rows.

It was already a quarter of an hour later when the last ‘scaly-horned rhinoceros’ screamed and fell under the giant hammer like a mountain falling apart.

Compared with the first five levels, the basic questions of the Serpentis Star assessment, Liang Ji's half-dragons did not even need to use the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' to get through it like a parade.

This sixth level, the advanced questions of the Penglai Star Territory assessment, has undoubtedly become more difficult. He can no longer sweep through them like a parade, and it will take an extra quarter of an hour.

At this time, the 'Star Gate' that successfully broke through the barrier opened, and the 50,000 half-dragon warriors who used the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' had no intention of canceling the change at this time, but took out the 'Little Bigu Pill' and 'Little Blood Aperture' one after another. Swallowing the pill, he continued to maintain the changes in 'Big and Small Ruyi', holding the giant hammer and taking the lead in entering the 'Star Gate', like a pioneer!

Now, with the 'Little Sacred Heart Pill' accumulating blood and blood energy in the body, the time for Liang Ji's family half-dragon warriors to display the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' changes can be greatly improved and extended.

These half-dragon warriors still retain abundant blood energy and can continue to maintain the changes of "big and small" to pass the level and fight.

After the ‘Star Gate’, the seventh level assessment is still in the environment of the void star sea and the black hole field.

As for the enemies they faced, in addition to the number of "scaly horned rhinoceros" that increased to 1,500, there were also 1,500 iron-feathered giant eagles appearing in the sky.

A total of three thousand horned rhinoceros and iron eagles launched a siege from both land and sky directions at the same time towards the team of Star Master students participating in the assessment.

The assessment of the seventh level is undoubtedly several times more difficult than that of the sixth level!

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