The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 119 Ascending the Ladder to Heaven and Entering the Sea of ​​Stars (Additional update for th


The number of enemies increased several times, and the difficulty increased tenfold, but for the half-dragon warrior, there was not much difference.

The 50,000 half-dragon warriors who were charging forward and using the bloodline magical power "Big and Small Ruyi" charged forward with their giant hammers raised high.

They were divided into two teams, with 20,000 warriors facing off against the 1,500 'scaly horned rhinoceros' that rushed towards them, while the 30,000 warriors faced off against the 'Iron Feathered Giant Eagle' which was stronger and more difficult to deal with in the air.

Although the number of ‘Scaled Horned Rhinoceros’ increased by five hundred, there was no qualitative breakthrough in combat power.

Ten thousand half-dragon warriors running the magical power of the 'Big and Small Ruyi' bloodline can withstand their impact with giant hammers as shields, while another ten thousand warriors can hold the giant hammer high and blast it down, breaking mountains and shattering the ground!

Killing them one by one will just take more time and strength.

The real challenge in this level is the fifteen hundred ‘iron-feathered giant eagles’ soaring in the sky.

They have the same defense and attack power as the 'Scaled Horned Rhinoceros', but also have speed that the 'Scaled Horned Rhinoceros' does not have, as well as the flexibility to launch attacks from any direction in the air.

Thirty thousand half-dragon warriors with the magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi" running their blood vessels would be unable to withstand these giant eagles that can flexibly attack if they just defend from below.

What's more, behind them, there are still a main force of 150,000 and a half dragon warriors, recharging their energy and conserving their strength to prepare for the more difficult battles ahead.

If they cannot stop these fifteen hundred giant eagle monsters, they may even directly attack the main force of half-dragon warriors from the air.

That would directly disrupt Liang Ji's rhythm of taking exams, passing levels, and advancing.

Therefore, without hesitation, each of the thirty thousand and a half dragon warriors smashed their giant hammers directly at the giant eagle in the sky, just like throwing huge rocks to attack the city.

Only a few of these giant hammers can hit the giant eagles, but they can anger them and attract them to fight with these 30,000 half-dragon warriors.

Compared to the almost one-sided battle with the 'Scaleed Horned Rhinoceros', the battle between the 30,000 and a half dragon warriors and the 'Iron Feathered Giant Eagle' was undoubtedly more entangled and more brutal.

These giant eagles fly in the air, can advance, attack, retreat or defend, and can launch attacks from any direction.

When fighting and killing them, half-dragon warriors must in most cases defend their attacks with all their strength. Only by seizing the opportunity to severely injure them and pull them from the air to the ground can they swarm up and quickly surround and kill them. .

Under the entanglement and fierce battle, the hegemony defense was blessed with the half-dragon giant hammer, armor, and the magical power of the 'Big and Small Ruyi' bloodline. Half-dragon warriors began to be attacked by the giant eagle continuously. Injured below.

Fortunately, no deaths have occurred yet!

However, if this continues, it will undoubtedly be a matter of time before the half-dragon warriors die in battle.

Just when Liang Ji was considering whether to send more soldiers, the twenty and a half thousand dragon warriors on the other side finally killed all the 'scaly horned rhinoceros' numbering fifteen hundred.

So without stopping, they immediately came to support the Giant Eagle Battlefield.

Fifty thousand half-dragon warriors using the magical power of the 'Big and Small Ruyi' bloodline took nearly an hour to kill all these giant eagle monsters.

Although there were no half-dragon warriors killed in the battle, there were already many who suffered injuries of varying sizes.

Obviously, it is impossible to pass the remaining three levels with only these 50,000 and a half dragon warriors.

Although, they all still maintain abundant blood energy and can continue to fight and fight with the 'big and small Ruyi' blood magical powers for a long time.

But the enemies will become more and more numerous, stronger, and more difficult to deal with. It will be difficult for these 50,000 warriors to resist and kill them all.

Therefore, without any hesitation, the warrior leader ‘Chi Twenty-Four’ once again ordered that each of the five villages send out a team of warriors to activate the bloodline magical power of ‘Big and Small Ruyi’, transform and dress up, and join the warriors who broke through the barrier.

Hundreds of thousands of half-dragon warriors with varying shapes, generally more than three feet tall, charged forward with giant hammers in hand. They were the first to cross the 'Star Gate' and enter the eighth level assessment area.

It is still the void star sea and black hole field, and the combat power of the half-dragon warriors is still suppressed and weakened.

The number of enemies faced this time, including rhinos and giant eagles, has grown to two thousand. At the same time, there are also two thousand giant insects that burrow into the ground. They can continuously drill out from under the earth, with their huge mouths opened like The traps suddenly fell one after another, capable of swallowing up the half-dragon warriors above.

One hundred thousand half-dragon warriors were divided into three teams at this time. Thirty thousand were like shields and slammed into the two thousand 'scaly horned rhinoceros' that were charging; The giant insects emerged; forty thousand were constantly throwing giant hammers like boulders, attracting and attacking the giant eagles in the sky.

Of the three monsters, the giant eagle is still more difficult to deal with. Although the giant insects are hidden underground, they can still determine the direction of their attack by feeling and observing the vibrations of the earth.

Moreover, the half-dragon warrior who changed his body shape used the combat skill 'Earth-Shattering Hammer'. The concussive force can directly rush into the depths of the earth and shatter the earth. It is also very effective against giant insects hiding underground.

Therefore, the fight in the eighth level ended with the horned rhinoceros and the giant insect, and then two half-dragon warriors supported the giant eagle battlefield. It took nearly two hours before the battle ended.

And this time, in this eighth level of assessment, the half-dragon warriors who had been unscathed began to die.

Nearly a hundred half-dragon warriors died in the battle. Most of them were swallowed up by giant insects that suddenly appeared from the ground and opened their huge mouths to fight. A few were killed by giant eagles in the sky.

Although giant insects are easier to deal with than giant eagles, the lethality and lethal effects caused by giant insects' devouring are far greater than those of giant eagles.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the half-dragon warrior continued to cross the 'Star Gate' and entered the ninth level of assessment.

It is still the familiar environment, the stars in the void star sea and the black hole field.

The number of horned rhinoceros, giant eagle, and giant insect increased by 500 each, reaching a total of 2,500 each.

In addition, the star is still shaking and cracking, and poisonous gas, earth fire, and magma are constantly spurting out from the cracked earth, covering all directions.

Amidst the gushing poisonous gas, ground fire, and magma, another two thousand five hundred flame giant lizards came to kill!

Liang Ji did not hesitate and sent out all the remaining 100,000 half-dragon warriors to kill them!

At this time, it was already the last two levels, and there was no need to recharge and accumulate blood energy to cope with any unexpected changes.

What is needed is to use all the combat power to rush through the barrier in one go, and strive to minimize casualties.

Two hundred thousand half-dragon warriors, running the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", can change their body shape to three to four feet in size, and the warrior leader "Chi Twenty-Four" can even change to five feet in size.

They held their giant hammers high like shields, like mountains, like huge stones for siege, and like giant fists that shattered the earth. They fought fiercely and killed these void monsters in the harsh environment.

It only took them an hour to pass the ninth level, and the number of warriors who died in the battle was still less than a hundred.

Then without hesitation, he rushed into the tenth level in one go.

The final tenth level of the Penglai Star Domain advanced questions assessment is still about the stars in the black hole field.

But this time, the stars were shaken and destroyed more severely than in the ninth level.

The stars in the ninth level were just earthquakes, cracks in the ground, and volcanic eruptions, but the stars in this tenth level were already constantly shattering. The earth was constantly breaking apart, breaking away from the stars, and falling into the dark black hole below. middle.

Just like a star, it has reached its end and is constantly disintegrating and shattering, and is completely swallowed by the black hole below.

At the same time, Liang Ji also received a reminder: He must complete the tenth level of the assessment before the star is completely shattered and swallowed by the black hole. Otherwise, not only will the assessment end in failure, but his family soldiers will also suffer heavy casualties.

There are still horned rhinos, giant eagles, giant insects, and flame giant lizards. In addition, among the constantly broken and falling stars, there will also be a large amount of ice and sea water pouring out from the broken stars, impacting the battlefield, among which The giant shark with the sweeping cold air swept over the big waves and the iceberg hit.

Moreover, the number of these Void Monster Clan has increased to three thousand, and the total number of five kinds of Void Monster Clan has reached 15,000!

The quantity, combat power, environment, and difficulty are more than ten times higher than the ninth level.


The warrior leader 'Chi 24th' gave the order and led two hundred thousand half-dragon warriors to charge forward.

This is a Jedi battle. The stars are constantly fragmenting, disintegrating, and falling. The battlefield area is getting smaller and smaller. Horned rhinos, giant insects, giant eagles, flame giant lizards, and ice giant sharks are fighting and killing. Already confused together.

The team of half-dragon warriors are often still fighting and fighting with the flame giant lizard at this moment. Maybe the next moment, there will be multiple ice giant sharks sweeping over the iceberg and charging towards them.

Half-dragon warriors, on such a chaotic battlefield, have found it difficult to organize a large team to encircle and kill them. Instead, they rely more on small teams to cooperate with each other and fight according to circumstances.

This battle was chaotic, fierce, but very fast, and therefore very tragic.

Even later, the 50,000 soldiers from the five villages who were the first to use the bloodline magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi' to fight through the barrier had to use the desperate method of 'Blood Burning Technique' to perish together with the enemy. fighting.

In such a brutal battle that involved all-out efforts and the loss of both stones, 'Chi 24th' led 200,000 warriors and ended the battle in just one hour, at the cost of more than 5,000 half-dragon warriors. As for the number of soldiers suffering from various injuries, it was more than 20,000.

Most of them were a group of warriors from each village who were the first to use their bloodline magical powers to break through the levels. They passed through five levels in a row, and the fighting and fighting became increasingly fierce. Even with the support of the 'Little Sacred Heart Pill', they were already approaching. reached the limit.

In the end, they had to use the desperate method of "burning blood", and it can be said that more than half of them were killed or injured.

The 'Star Gate' opened, and Liang Ji's figure made of starlight walked out of the nebula representing the 'Penglai Star Sea'. There was a starlight giant in front of him, congratulating him: "Congratulations, you are the 18th person to successfully pass the level." , classmates who have stepped out of the Penglai Star Territory!"

"Please, go up the ladder to heaven and enter the sea of ​​stars!"

A big chapter of three thousand words! Break out of the Penglai Star Territory in one go, and there will be no need for segmentation!

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