The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 120 Additional question: Something is wrong with the stars (please subscribe)

Starlight casts a ladder to heaven. Climb up step by step and lead directly to a golden star gate. Behind the gate is the vast sea of ​​​​stars!

The starlight giant stationed here should be someone from the Penglai Star Territory Education Department, but Liang Ji didn't know him.

At this moment, he was looking at the starlight ladder leading to the vast sea of ​​​​stars, and he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

The 18th person in ‘Penglai Star Territory’ successfully passed the level!

He didn't know who the seventeen people in front of him were, and he didn't need to know. He had already broken out of the Penglai Star Territory and could enter the star sea, surpassing 90% of the people.

And next, the next additional test is the key, which determines whether he can be admitted to the Star Palace and stay in the Star Sea.


Liang Ji thanked the starlight giant, then stepped onto the starlight ladder and walked step by step towards the golden star gate standing in the center of the star sea.

This time, he did not look back at the 'Penglai Star Territory', and always looked ahead firmly.

After countless steps, Liang Ji finally crossed the golden star gate and entered the final additional questions of the college entrance examination, the sprint to the star palace.

Behind the star gate is a star.

Just like the third model, the additional questions in the college entrance examination are also: the invasion of civilization!

The half-dragons of Liang Ji's family had completed their rectification and recovery, crossed the star gate, and entered the star.

What you can see is still a continuous mountain range, and everything seems to be very similar to the additional questions in the third model.

boom! Rumble...

At this moment, there was a loud roar and the earth shook.

On the distant mountain peaks, even more ground fire and magma erupted, spreading charcoal in all directions.

"This..." Liang Ji looked a little surprised, because he remembered it very clearly. What he saw just now was clearly that the mountain peaks in the distance were lush, covered with vegetation, and even had birds and animals.

Everything looked very normal, like an ordinary mountain top, not like a volcano crater at all.

But at this time, the mountain peak cracked, and earth fire magma spewed out from it without warning, turning an originally vibrant mountain peak into a crater of death.

"This star..."

Liang Ji instinctively felt that something was wrong.

At this time, a team of half-dragon scouts sent out sent back news that they had discovered the indigenous tribe of this star.

Liang Ji immediately followed the team to check, and soon saw the natives of this star.

However, what surprised him was that there seemed to be more than one native species of this star.

The scene he saw was a battlefield, where two groups of indigenous people were fighting and fighting. One group of indigenous people looked like lizard people, and the other group of indigenous people looked like snake people.

At first, Liang Ji thought they were other Star Lord student family members who entered the additional questions, but he quickly rejected it.

The equipment and weapons on both sides of the battle, whether they were lizardmen or snakemen, were somewhat rudimentary, and there was a huge gap between them and the rune equipment of the Star Lord's student family members.

He did not rashly intervene in the fighting and fighting of these indigenous groups, but observed from the periphery, preparing to collect more information.

Soon, the fighting and fighting came to an end. The snake-man natives could not match the lizard-man natives in terms of number or combat power, and they were all slaughtered in the end.

The victorious lizardman natives, under the orders of the strongest one, who should be the leader, collected the corpses of both snakemen and lizardmen on the battlefield.

Then, they took these corpses and headed towards the volcano that had just suddenly erupted in the distance.

The eruption of the volcano came and stopped quickly. At this time, the eruption had stopped.

These lizardmen, carrying a large number of corpses, struggled to open a path and advance through the fire and magma, and finally climbed to the crater.

Under the command of the leader, they threw the corpses of snake people and lizard people into the crater.

Then, like a sacrifice, the strong lizard man leader led his tribe to kneel down in the crater of the volcano, kowtowing and chanting something loudly.

"Is this a sacrifice to the sudden eruption of a volcanic natural disaster?"

Liang Ji had some understanding in his heart. No matter when any civilization is in its initial stage of ignorance, it will always regard various natural and earthly disasters as the anger of heaven, earth and gods, so it will perform sacrifices, even blood sacrifices, to pray for the gods to appease their anger.

This is normal.

Even if some natural disasters or earthly disasters happen to occur in his natal star, his half-dragons, under the leadership of the priests, will carry out various sacrificial activities, pray to the Emperor of Heaven, and pray for the Emperor to appease his anger.

Liang Ji is no stranger to this.


However, at this moment, he was surprised and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He suddenly saw that the surging earth fire and magma in the crater were gradually sinking, as if they were falling back to the ground.

In just a moment, the volcano that was still surging and seemed likely to erupt again at any time disappeared from the ground fire and magma, and turned into a dark cave, leading deep into the ground.


Below, at the crater, the lizardmen who were worshiping and offering sacrifices obviously saw this scene, and there was a huge cheer.

They didn't seem to be surprised by this, as if they had known it would happen. Some of them just cheered, and even more fervently kowtowed and prayed.

After a while, these fanatical lizardmen ended their sacrifice, left the crater, and headed towards the foot of the mountain in the distance, where their group was.

Liang Ji's half-dragon clan simply sent a team of scouts to follow the lizardmen to investigate the situation.

And he followed the large army to this strange crater to check the situation in the volcano.

The sudden eruption of a volcano, the strange sacrifices, and the sudden disappearance of the volcano!

Everything looks so weird.

"Could it be that there are really gods on this star?"

"But, shouldn't the stars that are an additional question in the college entrance examination be first-order stars?"

"How is it possible for first-order stars to breed gods?"

"Then at least, it should be a third-level star, with a third-level spiritual vein as a support, in order to breed the lowest level ghosts and gods!"

These are the knowledge taught by the Star Lord in the Star Alliance, so they should be correct.

"Or, there is some kind of monster underneath this volcano that can control earth fire and magma."

"So, there are volcanoes that suddenly erupt, and ground fire and magma that suddenly disappear?"

Liang Ji was making various speculations in his mind, and the half-dragon family members had already begun to explore the volcano. They first shot the 'whirlwind flying spear' into the dark volcanic cave after the earth fire and magma had receded.

As a result, except for some muffled sounds hitting the earth walls and rocks, nothing else was found, let alone the screams and roars of any monsters.

Later, the half-dragons of the Familia even sent a team of ten people down to the crater to explore the depths of the cave, but found nothing as well.

Everything seemed normal, just like an ordinary cave or cave. If it weren't for the traces of fire and magma left by the volcanic eruption on the surrounding hillsides, he would almost have thought that the volcanic eruption he just saw was a volcanic eruption. The field is hallucinating.

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