The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 121 The End of the Stars (Please subscribe)

The half-snake warrior who entered the volcanic cave did not find anything unusual below. There were several complex tunnels at the bottom of the cave, which seemed to have been formed by forcibly tearing apart and breaking through the earth and rocks. They should have been formed by the earth's fire and magma during the volcanic eruption just now. caused by the impact.

But at this time, these tunnels have collapsed and been closed, and there is no trace of the fire and magma.

Instead, some fragments of mineral deposits were found, which seemed to have been left in these caves and tunnels after being washed out of the ground by fire and magma.

Seeing this, Liang Ji understood that there should be mineral deposits under the mountains. If there was enough time for the college entrance examination, he might be able to let the half-dragon warriors of the family members mine the mineral veins here to search for the 'mineral mother' spiritual seed, which would be considered a small gain.

However, now is not the time for him to explore the sea of ​​​​stars, discover stars, and develop stars by himself, but for the additional questions in the college entrance examination, time is limited.

He must strive for more resources, harvests, and high scores in this limited time. Staying here to mine ore veins and search for the 'Ore Mother' spiritual seed can only be said to be the most inefficient method. It is estimated that he will rarely get high scores.

At this time, the half-dragon scout team sent to investigate returned. Not only did they follow the lizardmen to find the lizardman tribe, but they also discovered the defeated snakeman tribe on the other side of the mountain.

It was getting dark, and for the time being it was impossible to find out why the volcano was so weird, and Liang Ji did not intend to continue to entangle here.

He thought for a moment, then led the team of half-dragons from his family towards the defeated snake tribe.

If you want to understand the situation of this star, the best way is to start with the indigenous groups on the star.

If you capture an indigenous tribe, you can still collect some information even if you don't understand the language or writing.

The reason why he chose the snake people tribe is also very simple. At least his family half-dragons look more similar to the snake people. Taking down the Snake Tribe should make it easier to communicate and obtain information.

When dusk fell, the half-dragon team arrived outside the snake tribe. It looked like a slightly larger village. The number of snake tribes living in it was only tens of thousands at most, and most of them were old, weak, women, and children. There are not many soldiers left.

It can be seen that these snake people should often experience battles and killings, and most of them should be defeated. It is probably not uncommon for them to be killed and destroyed by the lizard people before, and then sent to the volcano for sacrifice.

So much so that there are not many young and strong warriors left in this snake-man village.

Moreover, when Liang Ji's team of half-dragons surrounded the snake-people village, they did not see much fear or fear on the faces of these snake-people, but instead saw numbness.

When the half-dragons invaded the village, they received unexpectedly little resistance and counterattack. There were only less than a hundred young and strong snakemen. Under the command of a very old man, they resisted and attacked like a mantis carrying a chariot.

Then, this team was easily captured and captured by a half-dragon scout team. They didn't even do much killing, but captured the team and the old man.

Later, Liang Ji's family half-dragons easily occupied the entire snake village.

The snake-men in the village were huddled numbly in various houses and corners, numbly looking at the half-dragons stationed in the village, numbly at the captured young and strong snake-men, and the old man.

The entire village and tens of thousands of snake people were so numb that they had no energy and looked lifeless!

Liang Ji felt more and more that something was wrong with this star.

He sent half-dragon warriors to search the village, looking for all kinds of information and materials, and at the same time sent people to interrogate the prisoners.

Especially the leading old man should have some status in this snake village and should have a lot of knowledge.

Although the half-dragon people and these snake people do not have the same language and words, they can always slowly exchange some information through some actions and objects.

However, before he could gain much, the storm suddenly changed in the dark night sky. Strong winds suddenly rose, thunder tore through the night sky, and heavy rain poured down without warning.

The numb snake-men in the village, including the captured young man and the old man, all seemed to be activated at this time. They all fell to the ground with frightened expressions and looked towards the dark night sky, the drifting heavy rain, and the distance. The peaks of the mountain kept kowtowing and calling out something loudly, seeming to beg for forgiveness from the heaven, earth and gods.

Liang Ji looked at this scene and felt more and more weird about this star.

Soon, news came from the half-dragon scout team that a large number of lizardmen were coming towards the village.

Liang Ji looked at the numb but fanatical snake people in the village and knew that it was impossible for them to resist the killing lizard people.

Immediately, a team of half-dragons was dispatched to prepare in front of the village to directly confront the incoming lizardmen.

The combat power of those lizardmen was superior to that of the snakemen. Facing the snakemen was a massacre. However, after facing the half-dragon team, they hit an iron plate. The battle lasted for less than a quarter of an hour. All the incoming lizardmen were not To be beheaded is to be captured by a half-dragon.

boom! Rumble...

At this time, another roar came from the distant mountain peaks. Liang Ji saw that this time it was not a volcanic eruption, but a flash flood erupting under the heavy rain.

The snake people in the village and the incoming lizard people also saw the flash floods, and they suddenly became frightened. They fell to the ground one after another, and they kowtowed and chanted more and more enthusiastically.

The captured old snake man shouted a few words at this time, seeming to be giving some orders.

The next moment, among the village snakemen, hundreds of old and weak snakemen were seen climbing up and rushing into the battlefield where the half-dragons had just blocked and defeated the lizardmen.

They struggled to lift the bodies of the lizard men killed by the half-dragons on the battlefield, and carried them toward the rushing torrent with difficulty.

They threw the lizard man corpses into the flash floods, just like the lizard men before throwing the corpses into the volcano. They seemed to be sacrificial offerings.

Seeing that the mountain torrent continued, these old and weak snake-men also jumped into the mountain torrent and sacrificed themselves to the mountain torrent as sacrifices.

Then, a miraculous scene happened.

The flash flood, which was so powerful just now and seemed capable of washing away everything, quickly began to become smaller, and the flood turned into a stream, which had almost no lethality.


Liang Ji no longer knew how many times he had been surprised in less than a day after entering this star.

But at this time, some ideas gradually emerged in his mind.

"Volcanoes, heavy rains, flash floods, killings, sacrifices..."

This scene seemed familiar to him.

In the previous tenth level assessment, when the stars in the black hole field that were used as the assessment site were destroyed, it seemed that there was the same scene of volcanoes erupting and floods raging.

"Could it be that this star is also on the verge of doom and heading towards destruction?"

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