The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 122 Information (please subscribe)

What happens when a star is on the verge of doom and destruction?

The five elements, matter, and ecology in the stars are no longer balanced and cyclical, but are heading towards chaos and collapse.

As a result, landslides, volcanoes erupted, floods... all kinds of natural and earthly disasters came one after another.

And the lives living on this star are powerless under all kinds of natural and earthly disasters. In the end, apart from waiting for death, they seem to have no choice but to place their hopes on unknown creatures, perform various sacrifices, pray, and pray for the forgiveness of gods. save.

In this additional question for the college entrance examination, the half-dragons of Liang Ji's family entered this star. In less than a day, they saw shaking mountains, volcanic eruptions, torrential rains, raging flash floods, and the fanatical sacrifices of the indigenous people, even at the cost of their own lives. Life as a sacrifice and so on.

They all seemed to be very consistent with what he knew about the end of the stars and their destruction.

The only thing that made Liang Ji a little unsure was that the natives in these stars seemed to really get a response after performing sacrifices.

The lizard people threw the corpse into the volcano as a sacrifice, so the fire and magma in the volcano receded, and the volcano ceased; the snake people threw the corpse into the erupting flash flood, and the mighty flash flood soon turned into a stream, and the crisis was over !

This situation made Liang Ji couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart: "Could this not be the scene of the end of the stars, but there really is such a god behind it, controlling natural disasters, threatening the indigenous people, and letting the indigenous people control them. Sacrifice?”

"Although, according to the knowledge system in the Star Alliance, it is impossible for gods to be born from first-order stars, and the additional questions in the college entrance examination should only be conducted on first-order stars."

“But always have to be skeptical.”

"Perhaps this Star Alliance assessment is to test the skepticism of the Star Lord students?"

Liang Ji had random thoughts in his mind and did not make a hasty decision.

After the snake man's sacrifice, the mountain torrent turned into a stream, and the heavy rain did not last long, just as it came and dispersed suddenly.

Liang Ji continued to let the half-dragon family members search the snake-people village and interrogate the captured snake-people and lizard-people.

Due to language and writing barriers, the interrogation has not yielded any results, but the snake-man village has been plundered.

Not much was gained in the end.

Unlike the star in the third-model examination, where there are totem statues in the indigenous villages, in the star in the college entrance examination, the indigenous people do not seem to have developed totem culture or signs of totem belief. There is no sign of totem belief in the entire village. What traces of totem.

The battle between the snake people and the lizard people seems to rely more on their own blood and physical strength to fight and kill.

The blood of the snake people has the power of poison, while the lizard people have stronger defense and greater power.

This situation looks very similar to the first-order dependents in most star owners' natal stars.

Of course, the Star Alliance has accumulated countless experiences in exploring the sea of ​​stars and developing life stars for countless years.

I have encountered all kinds of star civilizations, and naturally I have enough experience to know how to collect resources from various star civilizations.

Stars that have developed totem civilizations can harvest 'rune seeds'; civilizations like this where indigenous people develop the power of blood can also develop 'blood seeds'.

The function of 'bloodline seeds' is similar to that of 'rune seeds'. It can be used not only for the development and advancement of Star Lord's family members, but also for the practice of other Taoist traditions.

As for the extraction of 'bloodline seeds', it is similar to 'rune seeds', 'roots of spiritual veins', etc. There are sophisticated extraction methods using formations, magic weapons, and professional techniques, and there are also rough methods of directly using blood sacrifices to induce birth. .

However, these contents are basically contents that will be exposed and studied later in college. Liang Ji also experienced the "civilization invasion" assessment in the previous three models and came into contact with some information.

I took the initiative to search for some information later and gained some superficial understanding.

However, the specific content and methods are not known.

On the Star Network, there seems to be an invisible blockade on these specific methods and technologies.

Liang Ji did not dwell on these issues and continued to check the search results in the snake village.

There are no traces of the existence of totems, which seems to indicate that there is no environment for cultivating gods on this star.

If there really is a 'god' behind the natural disasters, it can only mean that this 'god' should also be a latecomer, or even an intruder!

Liang Ji was thinking in his mind, and picked out a few "animal skin books" from the things he searched. They were completely sewn from animal skins. There were some twisted lines carved on them that looked like words, and some... Abstract paintings always seem to record things.

These 'animal skin books' were found from the residence of the old snake man who was the only one to direct the resistance and attack, making it even more difficult to verify his identity.

After flipping through the "Animal Skin Book" and removing the distorted and unrecognizable words at the front, Liang Ji gradually recognized some things among the abstract pictures at the back of the "Animal Skin Book".

Those abstract pictures seemed to record scenes of volcanic eruptions, heavy rains, floods and many other natural and earthly disasters. Behind the abstract pictures, various sacrificial scenes began to appear.

It seems that these natives discovered that when natural disasters occur, they can eliminate and stop all kinds of natural disasters by offering sacrifices to people from other races or from the same race.

Liang Ji looked at these abstract paintings thoughtfully. He turned forward and saw some content at the front of the abstract paintings.

According to the records in the abstract painting, probably one day, a black shadow appeared, first swallowing the moon in the sky, then swallowing the sun in the sky, and finally the black shadow came towards the earth, which should be the star.

After that, various natural and local disasters gradually began to occur; finally, these indigenous people discovered that through sacrifice, they could eliminate and stop natural disasters.

Liang Ji couldn't help but look up at the sky. It was getting dark now, but when he thought about it for a moment, he didn't seem to see the moon in the night sky, whether before or after the rainstorm.

This seems to verify the records of abstract paintings in the ‘Animal Skin Book’?

However, he also remembered that he could see clearly during the day. The sun was moving in the sky normally and did not disappear.

This seems to indicate that the records of abstract paintings in the ‘Animal Skin Book’ are not accurate?

Or maybe he had a wrong understanding of the abstract paintings in the ‘Skin Book’?

"Literal and language barriers are troublesome, and information depends on half-guessing." Liang Ji was a little helpless, "It is said that after practicing to the seventh level of soul refining, you will have the means to obtain information and materials directly through the spirit and consciousness."

"That's really convenient!"

Liang Ji shook his head. Whether the records in the 'Animal Skin Book' were wrong or his interpretation was wrong, at least one thing could be seen from it.

There is indeed something wrong with this star, and it has been invaded by the 'black shadow'.

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