The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1180 Harvesting the ‘Nest of Elements’ and escaping in advance

In the outer star sea, in addition to the void demon clan, as well as the exploring and traveling Star Lords and monks of the Covenant Alliance, there are naturally no shortage of other existences.

Rarely are some high-level natives on high-level stars, and more common are exploration teams from other super-level civilizations, such as gods from the divine world, elemental spirits from the spiritual world, etc.

They also organize teams or individuals to travel and explore in the outer star sea, looking for various resources and treasures.

Just like the Star Lord monks and teams of the Star Alliance.

Back when Liang Ji was still an intermediate star master, he formed the 'Dragon Snake' starship team with Peng Yue, Chu Yue and others to explore the outside world. He encountered the 'Elemental Spirit' in the spiritual world and even captured a The 'Elemental Nest' played a big role in enhancing their combat power, helping them to develop this war, and assisting Peng Yue in his cultivation, etc.

But now, Liang Ji has once again come to the outer star sea to travel and explore. Even because of the advanced star master and the convenience of moving alone, the distance he is traveling and exploring in the outer star sea can be said to be deeper and deeper than the Star Alliance. Far.

Going deep into the outer star sea, the scope of travel and exploration is much wider than when I was an intermediate star master.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally not strange to encounter gods from the divine world or a team of elemental spirits from the spiritual world again.

A ray of his consciousness immediately followed the connection with the Familia and the starship, and was projected to the Familia starship where the news came from. It turned into a 'starlight projection' on the starship and looked at the element discovered by the Familia starship. 's nest' place.

Sure enough, in the distant void, there was an 'Elemental Nest' that turned into elemental light and fled.

Apparently it was the elemental spirit among them who discovered the movement of the destruction of the galaxy and was attracted here. As a result, when they got closer, they discovered that there was a high-level Star Lord of the Covenant Alliance here, which they could not deal with at all, so they activated the 'Elemental Nest' again. 'Turn into elemental light and escape quickly.

Liang Ji shook his head. It seemed that there were no high-level elemental spirits in the 'Elemental Nest' that he was attracted to this time. It should just be an exploration team composed of mid-level elemental spirits in the spiritual world.

Just like the exploration team organized by the mid-level star masters in the Star Alliance.

Such an exploration team has no problem at all with the help of seventh-order starships or the 'Elemental Nest', the ordinary seventh-order void monsters in the outer star sea, and the natives on various stars.

However, after encountering high-level enemies who are hostile to super-level civilization, you can only ask for blessings.

At this moment, after discovering Liang Ji's existence, the elemental spirits in the 'Elemental Nest' did not dare to stay at all and fled in a hurry.

Unfortunately, Liang Ji was not prepared to let them go.

Although they are just some mid-level elemental spirits, the 'Elemental Nest' is quite useful. Liang Ji had studied and mastered this a lot on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, even if he didn't have any use for it. 'The Nest of Elements' can also be given to Peng Yue later.

Moreover, even if he lets these mid-level elemental spirits go, the other party will not be grateful. Instead, they will contact the high-level elemental spirits in the spiritual world as soon as possible to betray the information he has here, and then attract the high-level elemental spirits. Spirit attacks, or even sieges.

Liang Ji even had reason to suspect that the elemental power in the 'Elemental Nest' had already passed the news back immediately after discovering the existence of a high-level star master here.

Therefore, he is not prepared to stay here for a long time and must make a quick decision.

At that moment, he did not let the Familia take action. The 'Star Spirit Body' came directly through the void and caught up with the escaping 'Elemental Nest'. The 'Star Reaching Hand' star technique was instantly cast, forming a giant hand made of starlight. Grab directly to the 'Elemental Nest'.

boom! boom……

Suddenly, a large amount of elemental power blasted out from the 'Nest of Elements', trying to break through Liang Ji's 'Star Picker' and escape.

During the bombardments of the 'Elemental Nest', Liang Ji clearly sensed the original power of the 'Elemental Sea'.

In the past, when he was an intermediate star master, he had used the "Elemental Sea" origin of the "Elemental Nest" on the "Dragon Snake" starship many times to fight. When dealing with some seventh-level void monsters, the effect was quite good. .

But at this time, the original power of the "Elemental Sea" in the "Elemental Nest", which also belonged to the seventh level, blasted towards him, but Liang Ji clearly felt the weakness and inadequacy in it.

Although the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' is majestic, it is vast but not precise. What's more, compared with the entire star origin and the power of laws controlled by high-level star masters, the majesty and thickness of the 'Elemental Sea' origin are not enough.

It can be easily suppressed by the power of origin and laws controlled by high-level star masters.

At this time, Liang Ji began to understand more and more why when he was an intermediate star master, in the battlefield of 'Little Void Sea' and 'Little Sea of ​​Chaos', the starship 'Dragon Snake' even had the help of 'The Nest of Elements' , Ren was so vulnerable when facing those high-level gods and high-level elemental spirits.

Just like this, the escaped 'Elemental Nest', even though it had tried its best, was still vulnerable to Liang Ji's 'Star Picker' star technique.

The original attack of the 'Elemental Sea' that erupted was easily suppressed and crushed by the starlight in the giant hand, and then the starlight giant hand directly captured the 'Elemental Nest' under control.

The ‘Star Picker’ of a high-level star master can truly pick up stars.

Although this seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' is large, it is only equivalent to some small stars, and the starlight giant hand can completely take it down.

Then, the bright starlight burst out from the giant hand, rushed into the "Elemental Nest", and attacked the elemental spirits inside.

As Liang Ji expected, the strongest among them was only a sixth-level fire elemental spirit, and there were no high-level elemental spirits. Faced with Liang Ji's starlight attack, these intermediate-level elemental spirits were quickly suppressed and captured. .

After that, Liang Ji was not in a hurry to check the harvest in the 'Nest of Elements'. With an order, the family members, starships, etc. scattered in the surrounding void quickly rushed back.

He opened the 'Star Gate' and sent all the scattered families, starships, etc. back to their natal stars. He also sealed the 'Elemental Nest' and sent it to his natal stars for storage.

Then, Liang Ji directly escaped into the depths of the void with his 'star spirit body', quickly escaped and left this void area.

Regardless of whether the elemental spirits in the 'Elemental Nest' reported the news here, Liang Ji was not prepared to take this risk.

He came here to explore the outside world, search for resources, and study void refining and galaxy formation, not to fight with the enemies of super-level civilizations.

Even if he boasts that he can dominate the seventh level, how should he deal with enemies of the eighth or even ninth level?

Therefore, he would rather be careful and cautious and escape early than cause too much trouble.

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